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Took your Advice

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Hi All

I have entered a few posts regarding the delay in my further coiling and have now taken the advice of a few of you. I have written a letter to the Manager Directorate of the Radiography Department. My wife spoke to the secretary last week who confirmed I am down for an embolization which contradicts one of the medical professionals I spoke to. He stated I need to be re-examined and found it hard to believe I was told it was dangerous by one of his colleagues. I would have thought somebody thinks it dangerous or why did they put down in black and white that I need a further embolization. Hopefully I will get a reply or my next step will be to seek legal advice.



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Hi John

So glad that you have decided to take further action on this matter. Have you also thought of having a word with the Pals Service at the hospital concerned they can also be helpful in finding things out for you. Really hope you get a speedy response to this matter as it has been going on for far too long. Best wishes and take care of yourself.

Janet x

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Hello John, Good Luck with your letter. It certainly should be answered, as a matter of interest if that fails to get a satisfactory response, it will pay you to go for the formal complaint to the Chief Execitive, they are obliged to take immediate action and find out the why's and wherefores :) As you know I did get results without having to resort to the law ( an expensive hobby :o ) Thinking of you

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