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Checking in.

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I’m grateful to be able to come her and peruse the posts and comments.   It’ll be four years in March since my SAH.  I STILL have headaches and a buzzing feeling in my head.  But I’m ok with that to be honest.   My husband is wonderful and seems to intuitively know when I’m not feeling great.   I worked for a medical doctor before retiring and we chatted recently.   After doing some research he found a study and told me that 16% of us will live with chronic headaches.   They come and go!   So I’m resigned to that but so very thankful to still be active!  To hike and jog a bit with the dogs and enjoy the outdoors is really good medicine.   I Hope each one here has a blessed year.

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Hello and many thanks for keeping on touch.


The years pass by quickly and we (survivors and carers ) learn more about ourselves and how we deal with life post SAH. Great to hear how supportive your husband has been. His life and focus has also undergone much change. 😊


Keep enjoying the outdoors.  A great way to bring positivity to a crazy world at the moment.


Well done almost four years on.



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