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Everything posted by ninja

  1. Hi Get that feeling frequently and I'm 2 1/2 years from my aneurysm. If I walk too far or do too much gardening or any physical activity I can feel dizzy and very tired. My only cure is sit or lie down and more often than not go to sleep so its nothing unusual and my neurologist is never surprised when I tell him so you are not on your own. My motto is "Do as your body tells you". Cheers John
  2. Hi All A couple of months ago I had an MRI scan which showed I had a spur off the original aneurysm. I then had an angiogram a couple of weeks ago as they wanted to know if it was a matter of just monitoring the spur or coiling it, I stayed in hospital overnight and was then told I would have the result at a later outpatients appointment. I had a letter this morning giving me an appoinment in September!!! Is this normal or can I read from this that it is not urgent and probably I won't need more coils or is it just pressure of work due to number of patients. Obviously no one can give me a definite answer but I was just wondering if anybody has had s similar experience it just seems a long time to wait to be told. Cheers John
  3. Hi All At last I have had my angiogram (last Thursday), I had been worried as they found a spur on my last MRI scan. On the Friday morning 5 doctors surrounded my bed and one said "Why did you have an angiogram?" and I told them to whch I was told I could go home and they will write to me to make an appointment for the result. They really fill you with confidence don't they. I suppose if they had found something serious I would still be lying on the ward bed The most difficult thing I found was lying on my back for 8 hours (my last angiogram was 6 hours) I am aching all over now. Also I can't wee lying down so had to have catheter fitted, my didn't my eyes water when they took it out, you really wanted to know that didn't you. Lovely weather we're having. My next instalment will be when I have my appointment whenever that might be. Hope you are all keeping well. Cheers John
  4. Hi there I had an MRI scan 4 months ago and they found that I had a spur growing from the original aneurysm. They told me they would be having a meeting the following day to see what was to be done and I should hear from them within a week to 3 months!!! To date I have received nothing and they had told me I would probably have another angiogram. We have contacted the hospital on numerous occasions just to be told I am on the waiting list, it is now 4 months. At the appointment following the MRI scan the neurologist told me they may have to do more coils or just monitor it and thats the information I have been left with. In fact my wife is ringing the hospital again as I am typing this as your message reminded us. As you will probably appreciate from the original misdiagnosis to the stress of this current worry is rather distressing and I am starting to lose faith. By the way my wife can't get hold of the neurologists secretary we shall keep trying!!! Cheers John
  5. Hi Thanks for replies I'm glad I'm not going bonkers. I do accept that I may have had a personality change but lately I have had to make a few important decisions which people have questioned yet at the end of the day they turned out to be right. I am still the old me albeit a bit battered and bruise inside and a little slower. Enjoy the rest of the weather. Cheers John
  6. Hi All I just feel like ranting a bit and getting this off my chest. Quite often if I am involved in a discussion with people and when I give my thoughts or opinions they tend to dismiss me as if to say "Well he has had a brain haemorrhage", I feel like exploding and telling them that my intelligence is as it was if not better. OK I am lucky to have survived and am in the minority but I am ****** well sane. Fortunately my neighbours consider me normal and entrust me to liase with the council and police on various matters. Frequently however I find if I am in a discussion whether it be in a pub, coffee shop or wherever people tend to drift away from me and talk amongst themselves. Please don't say I am imagining it because I'm not. I could go on but I feel better for that. Hope everyone is OK and enjoying the wonderful weather. Cheers John
  7. Hi All I must be unique my favourite music is blues and heavy rock and within a couple of months of coiling I went to Birmingham to a Gary Moore concert and if you haven't heard him he's LOUD but it had no effect on me, my only problem was leaving the venue amongst all the crowds as I felt panicky and really stressed out and yes my head felt like bursting. I go to as many concerts as I can and have no problem with my head, I even asked the neurologist if it was alright to go and he gave me the OK. Yes I still get headaches and bursting feeling but this is mainly always due to stress, over exertion and crowds but they are easing now I am two and half years post coiling. Cheers John
  8. Hi there I was 57 years when I had my SAH . Cheers John
  9. Hi Yes I am on tablets for high blood pressure and have been for years but recently because I have been anxious due to waiting for results re aneursym and other medical problems I have been prescribed propranalol to take when required. The problem does appear to come on if I take these, my GP did warn me that they would lower my BP, looks like I need to take my time when getting up. Thanks I feel better for knowing that this may be the problem. Cheers John
  10. Hi All Just wondering if anyone experiences dizzy spells if they get up quickly. I know its common for everyone to go a bit dizzy if they get up quickly but recently its got worse with me and I've got to stand still for a minute or so until my head gets back to normal then no problem, voices also become a bit echoey. I have had a change of medication so perhaps thats the cause or perhaps its one of those strange things we all seem to suffer. Cheers John
  11. Hi All Prior to my SAH I used to drink a lot, beer only. I used to go out at least 3 times a week and drink well over the recommended limit. Since my SAH I do not touch alcohol at all. The reason being that I did go out a couple of times and had 2 pints on a Saturday and I was ill till the following Thursday yes Thursday. I saw my GP who told me there is no problem in drinking moderately and suggested shandy. I tried that and was still bad. I left it for a few months and again had a couple of pints and for the following few days I felt absolutely knackered (can I say that) and my headaches returned. I have now decided to stick to soft drinks but still go out, not as much. Its no big sacrifice to chuck the alcohol if it makes you feel ill. The only problem I have is friends saying " Go on John one won't do you any harm " I now just ignore them. I do find that non alcoholic beer makes you pee more but there again so does coke so you can't win!!! Cheers John
  12. Hi Thanks everyone, saw my GP today and posed the question as to whether the coils would move from coughing and he told me it was more or less impossible. You've got to have faith in them so my mind is at rest now and the cough has eased so a pretty good day. Cheers John
  13. Hi All I have just got over a cold which involved nasty bouts of coughing and as many I coughed all night. What worries me is there any chance that it may move coils. Maybe some of you have had the same worry. My head feels OK but I'm scared stiff everytime I come into contact with someone with a cough or cold. I do suffer from arthritis and always get pain after coughing but obviously I'm worried about the coils moving. Anybody advise. I have got an appointment some time so I will be asking him. Cheers John
  14. Hi Laura Thanks for your reply I have had a chest bug for awhile perhaps it was that, it hasn't happened since so hopefully it was a one off. I was just a little concerned as the brain does some funny things post SAH. Cheers for now John
  15. Hi All Just wondering if anybody has experienced this. I am pretty good at the moment but last night I woke in the middle of the night as I thought I heard someone knocking our door but then realised I was listening to my own heartbeat amplified in my head, I thought it was a dream but on waking fully it was still prominent for quite a few seconds then totally eased off, I then went back to sleep. I then woke up as normal later with a slight headache and am now OK. I am just curious as to whether it was one of those strange things that happen post SAH. I do also have a spinal problem so it maybe related to that but as we all know the brain is one strange machine. I appear to be OK now and am in fact off to a 60th birthday party NOT MINE!!! Cheers John
  16. Sorry When I said those that make hospital become severley disabled I meant 20 to 30% not all. John
  17. Hi I said I would let you all know the result of my appointment after MRI scan. Apparently they have found a spur on the neck of the aneurysm thats what I think he said, think I'll take a recorder with me next time. The neurologist is having a meeting today and is discussing the result and I may have to have another angiogram and possibly recoiling. He also said they may do nothing so I'm not really much wiser just still worried. I am supposed to be called for no later than 3 months but he said it maybe couple of weeks. I queried the headaches and exhaustion and was told to avoid stress and basically do what my body tells me ie:- if I'm tired stop what I'm doing and rest and not overdo it. He also said I was very lucky as 50% of patients don't make it to hospital and those that do become severley disabled so at the end of the day I (We) are very lucky. Will keep you updated. Cheers John
  18. Hi You are definitely not on your own. I found that my so called friends started to distance themselves from me because although I looked normal I was unable to do the things I used to. I used to enjoy a beer but since my SAH I rarely go into a pub so they find me boring, also I find it difficult to walk far ( I also have arthritis ) and friends say to me that I should go and walk across the meadows nearby as it will do me good. I wish I could but if you tell them you can't all they do is laugh. It is very difficult but just remember your real friends will stick by you, you are better off without the others. I am constantly being called a miserable old b!!!!r because I can't do the things I used to but I just let it ride, they are the ignorant ones not you. Cheers John
  19. Hi Thanks both I'll let you all know next week and thanks Keith I'm just about to print off the information and settle down and go through it. I'm finding now that with the stress of waiting for results the headaches have come back together with the fatigue so hopefully when I know the results I can get back to normal. Cheers All John
  20. Hi Just a quick one I am due for MRI scan on Friday and then I am seeing consultant following week. Last year I was told that there was a small space which had not been filled with coils and they were going to wait for result of scan before making decision to add more coils. All I want to know is the procedure as risky as original coil embolization or more like the angiogram, please be honest I am a thick skinned old b!!!!r. Cheers John
  21. Hi I'm just 2 years post coiling for SAH and I have had long periods with no headaches or fatigue and then all of a sudden they return so you are definitely not on your own. At preseny my fatigue is back and also slight headaches so taking it easy. Cheers John
  22. Hi I have been in receipt of Incapacity Benefit for some time now having suffered a stroke in the nineties and now with the SAH, prostate cancer etc I'm still having to re-apply at intervals and it is very worrying. I appreciate they have to weed out malingerers but I'm sure from checks they should make with doctors etc they can tell the genuine ones. I have now also been awarded DLA as I now have arthritis of the neck and spine but again I have to reapply in 5 years. From enquiries I have made the re application is treated as if its your first and could be dealt with by a different person who may refuse it and then you have to appeal, do we need this extra worry? People in our position ie: SAH sufferers I would imagine need less stress not more. Cheers John
  23. Hi All I refer to an article in todays Daily Mail regarding Alana Campbell's experience of a ruptured brain aneurysm. From what I have read of other peoples experience on this site she is one lucky person as she states, "feels brilliant and completely back to my old self" after 3 years. During the three years she has also had extra coiling after 18 months. I wish her all the best for the future and I accept that we are all very lucky to be here but it does give me further hope after reading this article as I have not read of anybody else feeling brilliant and back to their old selves after such a trauma, are there anymore out there as this has really cheered me up or am I reading newspaper sensationalism. A belated Happy New Year to everyone and continue recovering. Cheers John
  24. Hi All I have had a Nintendo DS for about 3 weeks and it is very addictive. I have both Brain Trainings and find them helpful but can be tiring. Try the Scrabble game its great but how the heck do they get a full Scrabble Dictionary onto such a small chip plus the meaning of every word, I can't get my head round it. There are quite a few adult games ( no not that type at least I don't think so!!!), but the kids games are good too Merry Christmas to you all John
  25. Hi Karen Thanks for your reply. My diagnosis was embolisation of anterior communicating artery aneurysm, thats the official diagnosis that they told my wife. No doubt they may enlighten me further next month after my MRI scan as apparently "they missed a bit". Anyway have a Merry Christmas. Christmas holds a few bad memories for me as my problems started Christmas Eve two years ago when I had the famous "headache from Hell" but at least I'm here to tell the story. Cheers John
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