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Everything posted by Slim

  1. Hi Linda, Tricia def has it covered, I took my husband (I'm normally v independant) in with me too and I think it seems to be a normal practice. I had been really excited about my appointment thinking he would have a nice summary of, what happened what would happen next etc. I was also very emotional and starting crying in the appointment. Was fine before hand but again this is quite common apparently. I feel the Docs feel they had told my husband everything when it was happening and now there is nothing further to add. So I would def write your questions down because you can lose track. My GP however is invaluable and I have the consultants email so I've asked questions since and hes been great. I probably have had more info from this site. But enjoy your appointment, it is another stage ticked of the list. Aine xox
  2. Hi Annie Glad you got to see the dvd, Shame about your RV, My pals folk have one and they love it. Would be fantastic to see you over here, me a D toying with the idea of heading down as well its our wedding anniversary that week but we'll play it by ear and decide within the next week or two. Hope your RV is up and running soon. Aine x
  3. Hi thats great news. I def think, that very few of the professionals understand were we're at. I'm glad you're getting some good help. Aine x
  4. I took that long type this missed all posts in between. Fantastic that you are doing training. It is tough that you two are the pioneers so to speak but its great that you'll be able to help so many people. Aine
  5. Hi Andy,Heather Fair Play to you both, thank you for being so open. We have had no sexuality Issues as such. Although at Christmas my Mum had bought me quite a revealing top (accidently. She wanted to pin it and I wouldn't let her) I was chuffed with the male attention. Whereas before I would have told the guys to wind their necks in and been mortified. Now I'm more back to myself. Sorry this isn't anyway near with what you both are dealing with. Donald and I had a big relationship talk a few weeks ago, I feel that our main attraction for each other has always been primarily based on personality, and with the 'brain damage' session a couple of weeks ago I felt if I don't feel like 'me' anymore how can he still love me. (I have def became very crabid and Donald is the one I take it out on most. I was really placid/easy going before) With the Marriage vows I said well I don't feel that I'm the woman he married i would understand if he called it a day. Although this was heartbreaking to suggest. It was a talk we needed to have. Upshot, Donald feels its not as bad where hes at, yep he does notice changes and he was very wise, he stated that if people go through any sort of trauma, bereavement etc, it undoubtly changes their relationship but relationships are meant to change and grow. I sorry this ended up more of a ramble about me. I think communication is the key. How does Heather feel after such an event, do you have an emotional fallout? That must be extremely hard for her to cope with as well. But I think you are both dealing with this fantastically. I haven't had many experiences with brain trauma prior to this, I do know my temper is disinhibited so I can understand how that would affect other area's as well and possible because its about Sex other folk aren't feeling able to talk about it openly, and I think its great that you are because its bound to affect other folk. Good Luck with your Journey. Aine xox
  6. Slim


    Marfans isn't that double jointedness, I've just had a thought I think my great granda was double jointed. Must ask when I'm home.
  7. Hi Sarah I'm with Karen, I would go for it. I know there are know guarantees either way but I would feel more in control. I don't know if this helps but most of the folk with me in hospital and other people I've been chatting to all had more than one, I was seen as quite the freak of nature! Take Care, big hugs. Aine xox
  8. Hi Cindy Welcome to the site. I hope your surgery went well. We look forward to hearing from you. aine x
  9. Slim


    Hello Marian Welcome to the site great to hear from you. Hannah will be chuffed. Look forward to hearing more from you. The site is always quieter at the weekends and there will be more folk about next week. You keep up the good recovery. Aine xox
  10. Hi Linda, I would ask for help, I'm the same as you, I had bother reading a train timetable, I used to be a great scanner but now even when I scan these boards I miss loads. So I need to take my time. I really think we are lucky if we get a Prof that really understands how we are feeling and think it seems to be up to us to push them and tell them what we need. On the plus side my memory function and ability to deal with complex ish things seems to be getting better. Good Luck Aine x
  11. Hi Ya Moony Welcome to the site, great to hear from you. I think its fantastic that you have taken time to find us, especially when you have your exams etc happening.
  12. Hi Sarah, Just re read your post. Rambled abit in my last one. I find physio a fantastic help. On my first appointment I did wonder what on earth we would do as I have no real movement issues. I have slight loss of sensitivity on a couple of my fingers and balance issues when I'm tired. They have give me a couple of exercises that aren't too strenous and they just help to build up your core strength and will help with balance. This week I was learning a Tai Chi type move. The OT, I have mixed feelings about my OT is a lovely girl but I don't think she really understands or has experience of whats happening with me. And I have left a few times quite upset. However when I first met her she got me to fill in a fatigue chart. It all sounds so simple now. But I made a diary and was able to get the fatigue/insomnia abit under control e.g by setting an alarm and only sleeping an hour in the afternoon. My grip is quite poor although always was and she gave me a sheet of rubber (can't remember name) to help open jars its great. But basically I think any help is great and it gets me out of the house and I feel that they then haven't forgotten about me. Good luck and let us know how you get on. aine xox
  13. Yes I agree there is little After Care and even less understanding of what is happening. I do go to see an OT and a Physio I remember when they offered me in hospital to refer me to Horizons the rehabilitation centre. They thought I wasn't really a candidate but would refer me if I wanted and I'm glad I grabbed at it. like most of us I don't have any obvious physical symptoms and am def not an obvious candidate but it has help ease my isolation. My G.P is great though I see her every 2 months to renew my sick line and I feel she has maybe had some experience of people like us but she's very understanding and intuitive. I saw my consultant at 3months waiting now for my follow up scan it has been 7months. I remember really liking my consultant in hospital but was very disappointed after my 3month appointment I feel they are fantastic with the emergency medicine but def not great with the after care. Although I now have my consultants email address, I emailed him for the first time the other day and he got back v quickly.
  14. I was beginning to go grey in my early twenties. It was quite sprinkled through my hair. But its much worse now. I have a big white patch at my right ear, so hair dye now going a shade lighter to compensate, I've always fancied jet black but its not to be the case! The Grey hair is infectious, my husband had hardly any Grey and now has loads, my Mum's hair was Grey before my SAH now its a nice silvery shade! Re: thinning, I'm not sure, my husbands is no seriously I think its got a lot finer since the SAH. My hair growing around the bump in my head fine. I thought it was a bit lighter a the front but not sure. No one else has noticed. Did notice the grey though. Aine xox
  15. Slim


    Hi Molly Welcome to the Site. You've def had a rough time. How long has it been since your op? Look forward to hearing from you. The bad days do get less. Honestly. Aine xox
  16. Gosh I'm a ramber. Started off on Neuro P and ended up the main topic being brain damage. Spoke to G.P shes excellent very understanding. Upshot is yes there probably is, but not brain damage is the sense that us lay people think of it. Again they don't like the term damage think of it more as a bruise or insult etc. She explained probably more elloquently than I'm trying to replicate that even if some of the brain is damaged we have the ability to adapt and it doesn't mean that you will never get back to normal. It is much more positive to look at your own recovery rate. And as you guys pointed out people without brain trauma can damage their brain too e.g alcohol, she said Scans were taken research showed that many 65year olds had damaged area's in their brain and they functioned normally. Am still quite angry generally and again she says look at this positively its another phase of the healing process. Also She wouldn't necessarily refer to a Neuro P right away as its important to give the brain a chance to get started on the healing process! So again I should look at that positively to it doesn't mean I got worse that they're referring me but that I'm heading for the next stage. Thanks for the advice Aine
  17. I had a very heightened sense of smell for the first couple of months after SAH. I also loved coffee and went off the smell and Taste of it. Now have an exciting Latte occasionally but before I was the stronger the better. Aine
  18. Hello there Firefly. Welcome to the Site. Look forward to hearing from you. Aine xox
  19. Welcome to the Site, I look forward to hearing about your recovery, I too was sent home think most of us have been ( I'm a tattoo virgin)! Some of the best advice that I've got is not too focus on the cause, but basically drugs aren't the best thing regardless of your health. I was really worried about having another Anuerysm, My consultant is quite to the point. He said there's nothing you can do about it. But I'm fat and he basically said lose weight and you could help prevent a stroke. He wasn't as blunt as that. But he was right. I would concentrate on getting better and getting out to enjoy the summer! Tog go bog e Aine x
  20. Hello Jane Welcome to the Site. Funny you mention about ME i'm currently reading a self-help book on ME as its the nearest thing I've found to the SAH especially the Fatigue/Memory etc. I suppose its hard to separate which is which. I would probably just deal with the symtoms regardless of what the cause. I'll hunt out the name of that book for you. Look forward to hearing from you. Aine x
  21. Hello Jackie, Welcome to the site, yep I was also told I too young and it was rare etc for SAH I'm 31. I have since meet lots of people who know people our age that have had Haemorrages. Also misdiagnosed like most folk and my neck also seems to be my main problem area. Anyway glad to hear you are on the mend, This is a great site as I'm sure you wil discover. Keep up the good recovery. You'll be looking forward to this good weather and getting out on the bike again. Aine xox
  22. Slim


    Hello Cindy Welcome to the site. A lot of great folk here. Aine x
  23. Good Morning Louise. I do indeed mean a Psychologist. It would be great if you could ask Ronnie. I know this Phase will pass, seeing my GP on Wed, will take it from there. Aine x
  24. Hi Guys Yep sex was also an issue for us. I was extremely frightened about having an Orgasm thinking that I might burst another blood vessel. The first time was very emotional but confidence has definitely build with time. We are now 6months in and things definitely well on their way but not 100% back on track. Realistically sex is not a priority when I am trying to fight fatigue and conserve energy to get me through the day. Although its not a priority i think its an important part of any relationship. I think it always best to be open and honest and let your partner know how you are feeling. Great Thread. Thanks Aine
  25. Has any one else been referred to the Neuro P. Does anyone know what this involves and have you found it helpful? I was at my OT this week and she says she is referring me as they are more specialised. I took it quite negatively I was actually expecting her to tell me we were finished. I had been feeling great and basically back to normal! And now I'm being told 3months down the line that I need to see a specialist , they will help with my social skills etc. Rereading this is does seem quite trivial i should snap up the offer of any help. My OT is a lovely girl and she trys her best but she really doesn't have a clue about how I feel and how what she says impacts on me. I do know I can be challenging as I'm from a socialworky background but I've really lost my confidence and do suck up and reflect on what others say. The brain damage worry raises its head from time to time. In the hospital they said I was fine the brain has just aged 10 years! Now I'm obsessing about why my brain has aged. My best friend at home can always cheer me up. She says "no Aine you're not brain damaged you're brain has just aged because you're listening to that oul Country & Western Music!! ":lol: She has trendier taste in music than me. Anyway I've digressed quite alot there. Guess there are two Issues Anyone seen a Neuro P and anyone else worried or been told they have brain damage. Thanks Aine
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