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Everything posted by Slim

  1. Slim

    New Member

    hello there Welcome to the site. I haven't really anything to add, except its still very early days so just hang in there, my sleep pattern was very disturbed at the start, its now settling, There is a huge improvement in me 6months on. e.g my husband would go for a coffee and when he would come back I would be in a state thinking no one had visited me for days. I also believe I was quite hurtful, we do take it out on those we love. I tried Herbal Sleeping tablets and Sleep debt. It was in some insomnia site. As you know we suffer terribly from fatigue and sleeping during the day undoubtly has a knock on effect. So by just getting up 1/2 hour earlier and setting the alarm when I had a doze really helped. Also I Found when I Had energy I would do loads and then be in bed for 2 days after, the Doc says be strict go out 10mins every day even if you feel like more don't do it until you're leaving the house for a short time every day. Sounds simple but at the time I didn't have the sense to think and do that. Good Luck remember there definetly is a light at the end of this tunnel. Aine xox
  2. When You Want to Say Yes, But Your Body Says No: The Proven Mind-body Plan to Beat Chronic Fatigue and Stress-related Illness by Liz Tucker [Paperback] of: M.E.: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - A Practical Guide (Thorsons Health) by Anne MacIntyre [Paperback] of: My Year Off: Rediscovering Life After a Stroke by Robert McCrum [Paperback] Cut and Paste is a wonderful thing, I just got these of amazon. I'm really enjoying the second 2! First one is a bit tough going but looked the most user friendly. I had stayed away from books about Strokes but I like this one. The Guy is very inspiriational and quite matter of Fact. He now back working on some of the broadsheets as I literature reviewer I think. I think we are lucky ME was and still is badly misunderstood, I think at least we have a bit more info and websites like this so we know we aren't the only ones and aren't going of our heads. Take it Easy. Aine xox
  3. Hello Jane, Welcome to the site sorry to hear you had such an awful experience. But good for you onwards and upwards. The SAH is tough for all concerned I'm certainly glad it was me who had the SAH it sounds a strange thing to say but I don't know how I could have coped if it was him. Anyway. ME. The fatigue that we have does sound to be very similar to ME I have been reading a self help book relating to ME as I find it is the closest relation to my symptons so essentially I'm treating things as If i had ME. So maybe it doesn't matter if its the SAH or the ME you could just treat them the same. Don't know if this helps. My mum was diagnosed with ME approx 25 years ago, it was really tough at the start and then when she stopped trying to fight it and take vitamins etc she is amazingly better. look forward to hearing from you. Aine xox
  4. Has anyone noticed their spelling has got 'really bad' since the SAH and vocabulary I'm trying to remember a word that means 'really bad'! Anyway just another thing I noticed and my writring as got really bad was never that great but now is a scrawl my brother is left handed and dyslexic and my writing does look like his. Although I notice now if I proof it first I can pick up on it but there are lots or errors especially with things like there their and they're, and We're Where and were. Anyway just an observation Aine xox
  5. Hello to the twins. No I don't have jaw problems, its my neck that gets sore and needs support. Mine was also at the base of the skull. I wonder is it just an area of weakness. I hurt my neck when in six form. Explained to my G.P i had been doing HeadStands. He's a surly wee man. "Are you not a bit old to be doing that" Tog go bog e Aine
  6. Hi guys thanks for all the hugs and support. Don't worry , I do cry, get angry, frustrated but am not depressed, I just wanted a lift for the fatigue, a viagra for energy!! G.p sees a huge improvement apparently the last time I was quite repetitive and still a bit confused that was 2 months ago. We had a chat she also doesn't diagnose depression but thinks prozac may help the energy side of things, apparently they also prescribe it to help towards pain. Asked about the bleeding she didn't see any probs but will check it out with specialist. I have a packet here Donald asked if they were for him!! Bad husband!! Doc also asked how Donald was coping which was good because normally they get forgotten about. I'm going to do some more research and will wait till I get back from Ireland etc to try them. Doc also says hormones def have an effect especially on balance and tiredness so thats possibly why I Finding things tougher. Will let you know how things go. Aine xox Thanks again. This is such a great resource .
  7. Thanks Folks Glad of the feed back. I 100% know I'm not depressed, but you're right keith I have ran it passed other people and they also don't think but I can be emotional which I think is different. I just wanted something to give me energy. Sorry to hear about your Dad Sue. I'll run it past the Doc I def don't want to risk another bleed. Karen I'm getting on well with the ME books that discuss fatigue. Not finished yet but will let you know how I get on. Thanks for the advice aine xox Sorry pressed wrong button and didn't fancy typing the whole thing again.
  8. Just wanted your opions, I don't think I'm depressed I feel fatigued and occasionaly I have a cry and feel sorry for myself but I think thats normal enough after all we've been through. I am considering the anti-pressants I don't know how they work but if they were to give me more energy and help combat the fatigue I would be very tempted on the other hand I don't want to do more damage by rushing things e.g. I won't take pro plus etc. The Doc may not even give them to me. Although they all do seem quite keen to blame the emotions of SAH on Depression. Any thoughts appreciated. Aine
  9. Hi Sarah, Welcome to the site. How you getting on with the wedding planning? I will be married 2 years in Aug( I'm 31). 5months post SAH. At the time I was stressed but afterwards I really missed the whole wedding hype. Although friends have just got engaged and I'm getting a bit excitable again. I can't blame the SAH for my Grey hair it started in my early 20's But agree with you it def was a lot worse after the SAH. Keep up the good recovery and look forward to hearing about your plans. Aine
  10. Hi Theresa. Welcome to the gang. Look forward to hearing from you. Aine
  11. Have a good nite in Dublin And enjoy the Good Stuff if def tastes different in Dublin. Looking forward to you flying report. Slainte Aine
  12. Thats fantastic. Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy, look forward to hearing your updates. aine xox
  13. Hello there Big Al Welcome to the site. Aine
  14. Hello there Fantastic news. Yes your right miracles do happen. Thanks for letting us know. Aine
  15. Hi Sue Welcome to the site. I nearly 4months post SAH. I had a lot of Stuttering initially and real memory problems. I also thought I'd suffered mild brain damage and no one was telling me. Just on the 3 month mark a curtain lifted for me. my brain had been quite foggy and everything seemed much more coherent. I'm still very tired and taking painkillers but I feel a lot more like myself again. As the others say it still is very early days. So hang in there it does get better. Take it easy. Aine xox
  16. Thanks Scott, I just haven't got around to contacting DVLA apparently I don't have a shunt, I did think I had one til the consultant corrected me I have an "access device" Haven't a clue about it it just a wee plastic bump at the top of my head. Will let you know when I get definite info back. Ta Aine
  17. Slim


    Hello Jan Welcome to the site hope you are feeling better. Aine
  18. I was told 6months, I still haven't contacted DVLA as yet but my GP said 6months. I didn't have seizures but did have hydracephelus (probably not spelled right but fluid on the brain). Aine
  19. The ladies i work with like to call these their personal summers! I think its a great expression!
  20. I'm 3months post SAH When I first came round from the SAH I was very disinhibited in the sense that I would just say whatever I felt like, (told and nurse she was a right *****) (In my defence she was) I threw a tantrum in my GP Surgery, I would ask friends very personal questions, but especially if wasn't happy about something I would just say (its possibly the least stressed I've ever been in my life). I went through a real stage of swearing and stuttering I've stopped stuttering completely now. When I got out of hospital I found if difficult to adjust to being able to do things and the fact that emotionally I wasn't the same. I was very short tempered with my husband, I'm normally very placid. I went through a stage of just anything he did really irrated me. Then I had the crying phase this happened over and just after christmas. I would suddenly burst into floods of tears even if I didn't feel like crying, and I couldn't stop it until I had a good blub. Now I am at the stage were if its not real tears I can stop it. Don't get me wrong I think its good to cry and I used to love a good cry but these were tears in epic proportions! Now at the 3 month mark I'm starting to feel like me again, if I'm tired I'll maybe let by guard down abit and come out with something. But they do say its Good to Talk. Aine
  21. Before the SAH I used to be very warm blooded, and I remember in hospital I had to get a fan because the central heating was too hot. But in the last month I feel very cold. I know the outside temp is cold but this never bothered me before. Now I find that a few times during the day and when I go to bed, my feet, hands and nose are freezing! I've now turned into a hotwater bottle hugger!! Aine
  22. I completely went off coffee/lattes and I loved them before. Have only recently started having wine again but just a small glass. I couldn't bear the thought of it a christmas. Intially I found things very sweet e.g fruit juices etc and would just drink water and milk. I never really liked Tea before but now will have an odd cup of weak Tea.
  23. Hello Carol I had a very heightened sense of smell during the first couple of months. Not as much now I've just gone 3months post SAH. There are certain foods I've gone coffee like coffee, I used to love it before and now only since last week have had wine before I would easily have drank a bottle now 1 glass is plenty. aine
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