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Posts posted by jess

  1. Hi Donna it is probably your vision that is causing it however pop along to your drs and get them to check your ears cause I went to the drs because I kept hearing clicking noises and feeling dizzy ear infections thats what it was yet I wasn't in any pain with my ears but I kept getting them for a while after. Jess.xxx

  2. No Donna you are not ungrateful try going to inspiration on this board and reading a letter from your brain

    It is so very true it is doing everything to get you back to how you were but it needs your help. Donna I know how hard it is for you right now truly I do but you do need time to heal yes we all cried felt some days like there was no point in carrying on but there is a point you have a wonderful little boy.

    I expect you are feeling really down right now and you probably feel that we don't help much by saying it will get better but it does it really does and Donna when you get used to the new you, you will see it is still you just slightly different and you will love that person too.

    Right sorry to go on you would think I was writing a book :lol::roll: Speak soon and chin up it will get better. Jess.xxx

  3. Hi Libby have the clip that is my advice I would rather than being discharged and left with that in my head, I have had to clippings done sept 02 on rupture one jan 03 on aneurysm second one I was pregnant 2wks later with my first child who is now nearly 5 and I have a 9 month old. I am sitting my driving test next month and I work, I was well say a month and a half after first clip 2wks after second one everyone is different it is your choice but I would have the clip, Goodluck with whatever you decide to do. Jess.xxx

  4. Hi Donna I went back to work nearly 3 months after but I felt ready you must only go back when you feel ready. Not only that but I was pregnant and if I hadn't of gone back I would of lost my maternity pay lol. Seriously though only go back when you are ready. Jess.xxx

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