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Posts posted by jess

  1. Hi there Donna I can't remember wether you had clips or coils now, however I was told to wait at least one year before becoming pregnant as you all know I was pregnant within a couple of weeks after my second op. The time you have to wait has now been reduced to 6months however it may mean a c-section, however I wouldn't let that put me off having another child. I would personally go and speak with your doctor if you are considering another child, However I will be here to help with whatever questions you need help with.

    I beleive that we will onlty get pregnant when we are strong enough to carry a baby however I wouldn't follow that last piece. Jess.xxx


  2. Hi Donna I think I know what your saying does it feel like your brain is swelling and pushing on your skull I used to get that all the time the more anxious I got the worse it become like my ns said forget about it and it will go away do you know he was right at the time I thought you prat how insensitive is that, but looking back now I can see exactly what he meant worrying was making the dizzyness, headaches pressure everything worse because I was constantly thinking about it. Hope it gets better soon. Jess.xxx

  3. Hi Sara Welome to BTG. It is still very early days for you so I wouldn't worry to much. I was 23 when mine ruptured I have had two clips one on the one that went and one on the other b4 it had chance too. I have had two children since so see it will get easier. You are well on the way in your recovery being back at work. Welcome again. Jess.xxx

  4. Hi there Dawn I didn't have a choice with my first one has it had ruptured however the second one hadn't I still went in and had it operated on though as I don't think I could live with never knowing will today be the day it goes, sorry to scare you but if I was in your position I would certainly have the op. Goodluck with whatever you decide and keep us updated and welcome. Jess.xxx

  5. Hi there mine come on a while after aswell I was petrified the first time too still get it occasionally, but there are a few of us in here who get dizzy. If you are concerned get him to see his doctor. Jess.xxx I am sure he will be fine.

  6. Hi Leo I hope you get some sense out of someone soon the registrr who saw me was an idiot aswell he said right then we will see you next yr I said you won't and that was the last I saw of him did go back to show the neurosurgeon my baby though. Hope you get answers soon. Jess.xxx

  7. Hi there Cal well mine happened whilst I was walking down my moms street, the first few times I did it after I felt sick and panicky however now I don't really think about it, I will occasionally think oh thats where I collapsed but it doesn't scare me anymore. However I am not sure I would be able to go up a ladder if that s where mine had happened because Jim also had the added danger of falling tell Jim to tell his boss he will do it when he is good and ready he cannot be rushed. Jess.xxxx

    He will be able to do it again one day but like I say rushing him is no good it will make him worse.

  8. Hi Phil and welcome to BTG. Anytime you want to know something just ask, and yes there is still a chance your partner may get better and I am hoping she does aswell. You never know it takes along time for the brain to heal. Anyway welcome to the group. Jess.xxx

  9. Hi Tony I was in your chat room the other day but you weren't there oh and I failed my driving test but I have put straight back in for it, 4 minors and a serious I had gone into the right hand lane and put my left indicator on to get into the correct one . oh well never mind. Welcome speak soon. Jess.xxx

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