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Everything posted by rampmama

  1. So while trying to get an appointment witha nuerophsyochologist today I finally found out some details on my SAH. (Not that it means anything to me, but maybe some of you know.) My chart says, " Grade 1 SAH secondary to a right posterior communicating artery haemorrage." So now that I know the details, what the hell does this mean to me? Anyone witha a similar set of words know what can be expected. I read on Wikepedia that Grade 1 means I had a "Minimal headache". Holy I'd liked to meet the person that wrote that in a dark alley! Linda
  2. I was just about to start this thread to see if anyone else was feeling more angry than usual. I have three young children and I really feel like I don't like being near them anymore. I know that sounds very harsh. I of course love them but I am having a very hard time dealing with them. One is 7 and never stops talking. My middle boy has special needs and was a drain on me before my SAH. But now he is almost unbearable. My daughter is 1 and so far she is the easiest to handle. But she is still so little and easy going. I know this sounds terrible, but that is how I feel. Any ideas on how I can feel better about my children. Now that it is summer I am hiring a teenager to come over during the day and help. But it doesn't really help with my 4 year old because he hates change and I am the only one who can calm him. (He has autism and cerebral palsy.) I know this sounds so brutal but I thought this would be a good place to speak up. Anyone?
  3. So my docs office just called and they are pushing my appointment to Sept 10. I am disappointed.
  4. I had my appointment today and I was so glad the psychologist was in the room with me. When my Family doc started asking questions. I got very confused and didn't know how to answer or what he said. I saw the Psychologist nodding in the corner of my eye and he just told the GP to write the referal. I am so glad I had him there. If not, I don't think I could have explained why or what I wanted. I almost felt like I was being bullied. I am sure I wasn't but I was so confused by his questions. So anyhow, in threee weeks time, I should have a referal and start moving forward. I am excited to get this going. I just want to be my old self. It may not be possible but if I can get pretty close that would be great too. So for those that have done the testing, my psycholgist said it can be pretty demanding mentally. Given that I got all upset over a copule questions by my GP. Will I be stressed out at the neoro-psycholigist too? Linda
  5. Ok this might be a dumb questions, but are we allowed to soak in hot tubs or do they raise pressures too much? And what about Roller Coasters? I promised my 7 year old that I would take him on this year since he is finally old enough and tall enough.
  6. Hi 6 shooter, The worst part of my recovery was the pain and aches I had from being bed-ridden for 3 weeks. I am so sorry you are going through that now. I found it a great help to alternate between ice and hot packs. And when I finally was able to get moving, it was great to excersise a little bit. My muscles were so tight from doing nothing for so long. I am 2 1/2 months since my bleed and still have trouble with my aching body. One of the best inventions I discovered was a infaltable doughnut to sit on. I also found it confortable to put pillows under my belly (like 4 ) and then kind of watch tv and stuff on knees and elbows. You might try stretching too. Good luck and I wil pray for your pain to be taken away. It is very frustrating when you are young but like someone else said, it is good we are so young. It does make the recovery quicker. Linda
  7. How are you feeling?? Where is your Annie?? What are your complaints or symptoms?? I am feeling godd but tired. Confused most times when it counts but I am back at work. I run a home based business and I love what I do, so it is a treat when I have the energy. Where was my annie? I have no clue. All this was told when I was in the hospital, but I really don't understand what happened to me in the hospital. It was such a blur. Half the time, I couldn't find my own bed. When I have been back to the ER, they have said something about my annie being close to an optical something or other. I'll assume on my right side since that is where my hole is. I was a bleeding SAH so everything was very fast and traumatic. That is why I am looking forward to this appointment. Now that I am back I want to understand what happened to me and what kind of shape I was in. Linda
  8. I am scheduled for a 12 week follow up on June 11th. I have a ton of questions and a piece of my mind to give to my doc. But what questions did you find to ask your doc that were invalauble? Any tips to share? I am debating bringing my hubby so someone else can help with the answers. My memory stinks and I have a hard time understanding things. Linda
  9. Wow, Thank you for sharing your story. I am very gladeveryone agreed this topic should be here. I knew I wasn't the only person struggling with sexuality issues. Your story is very inspiring. I am so impressed by your commitment to Heather. God Bless you. It is not an easy role our spouses take on while we heal. Thank you for your honesty and I will keep you and Heather in my prayers. Let's keep this thread going. I am sure it has been of benefit to many in our group.
  10. I went to my family doctor and was put on Anti-depressants. He asked me to visit a psychologist and I did. And it was great. He doesn't think I am depressed. instead he is going to have an appointment with my family doc and me at the same time so i can be refered to a neuro psychologist! It turns out I can't understand what people are saying to me becasue I keep forgeting what they just said! I am feeling less stupid now and can't wait til my next appointment on the 31st.
  11. I am curious about how much help I need post bleed. I am 34 and my post SAH CT shows that I have had a stroke as a result of my clipping and coiling. When I was tested by the stroke team, they said they couldn't find any sign of me having a stroke. And I am blessed to have gotten off so lucky, but I am confused about things, I can't focus on or understand multi-part questions and I just feel more stupid than I did in the past. Even though all the professionals say I am fine, do I need to ask for help to improve these things? Or should I just accept my new self. Linda
  12. Tricia, I am so sorry to hear you are suffering like this. I agree with the fitball recomendation too. Lots of great excersises can be done on the ball and they will really work your muscles. And walking is a great way to loose weight too. Do you live near a Running Room store. They have a club that is free and meets for walks on Weds and Sunday. It is a gret way to meet new people too. I can understand how frustrated you are feeling with your new brain and body. I too used to be very active and into non-tradional sports and activities. (I assume you are similar since you are a fire fighter. Not a very traditional role for women.) But you need to keep your faith in yourself. You are different now. It is ok. Things may be harder but it is only somthing that makes your story even better. Look at the amazing progress we have made to get here. It's like my husband told me last night... "You are one tough chick. I knew you'd be ok." You're spirit may be stronger than your body so use it to your advantage. Remember, "If your mind can concieve it, your body can achieve it." Have you tried writing a personal mantra? Mine is "I am a positive and patient mom with a clean and clutter free house." The part that I am really working to achieve is the clean and clutter free part. How about..."I am a positive strong and fit woman with ..." One book that I have loved has been..."Excuse me your life is waiting" by Lynn Grabhorn. Skip the last chapter but it has been wonderful in my life. Much along thelines of "The Secret" but it can out several years ago. It might be worth a try. If nothing else it makes you feel very happy about yourself.
  13. So I was lucky enough to spend from 8:00am to 1:30 am at the hospital yesterday. I woke up with a mild headache and then lost vision on my left side! I of course went to emergency where they quickly started to monitorr me for a stroke. Happily, they did not find I was having a stroke but migraines. It turns out my vision change was due to Migraine Auras. But I was sent home without any information on what to do next. I am not even sure what medication I should take! Interestingly, they did a angio-CT and found that I did have stroke damage during my clipping procedure. It was a big surprise because I haven't really experienced any stroke symptoms except confusion. But all my limb weakness and tingling vanished once I wasout of the hospital aftr my bleed. I am so tired of hospitals and doctors, etc. Anyone else have migraines now that they didn't before?
  14. I live in Canada. I think my husband is just getting impatient. Last night after having sex he just said we need to get back on schedule. i.e. more sex. When I said I was scared cause I didn't want to die, which deep down, I know is not going to happen. He just laughed ans said that wouldn't happen. I know my annie is fixed and is not a worry, but I still have this fear. It's really not rational at all. Linda
  15. My annie was Mar 13/ 07 so I am only 33 days old. I ended up having my hubby drive me to emergency where I convinced people I was in pain. My doc informed me my bleed last only for a few seconds so I was lucky. I had a clip and a new haircut at 8:30 am on the 14th and an angio revealed my annie was still filling so they sent me for some coils in the 3 mm that was left on Mar 23. So for the most part I am still very young and tired. So does valium really help? And how? Are you able to have an orgasm or are you too groggy?
  16. I have really noticed that since my bleed, mmy hands and feet are freezing. I can't even let them touch myself they are so cold. Very odd.
  17. I knew I wasn't the only one with the fear. I feel better now. This is just such a huge concern for me. The other night during sex I catually decided that if there was one thing that kills me, Sex wouldn't be a bad way to go so I threw caution to the wind, but still having death in your mind is a bit of a mood killer. And yes my doc brought in a ton of students and asked how it all happened. How embarassing! But not as bad as when my mother-in-law asked. My hubby was horified! Oh well we are all adults here and so were my docs.
  18. I think this is probably a topic that lots of us have had some fear over post SAH. Or I could just be sticking my neck out. Anyhow, I don't want to bring this up to solicit anything that would be inappropriate on the site, but I think it is something that is worth mentioning here. So without details... How did everyone cope with this after the haemorrhage? I personally experienced a large amount of fear since my bleed was brought on during sex. I was terrified after I was released from the hospital. And the number of times I had to explain to the members of my hospital team. How embarassing! Even the cute paramedics that transferred me from one hospital to the other. Arrghh. I am blushing right now just thinking about the conversation. I just want to bring it up because I think it is an important part of relationships and recovery. And I can't be the only one feeling this way. Linda
  19. So everyone keeps telling me how lucky I am to be alive. And I am grateful for the extra time I have been granted, but I can't help but feel depressed. Anyone else feel the same way? I had an SAH on March 13 and went to the hospital right away because of the increddible pain in my head. The next morning I had a craniotomy and a clip, but it didn't quite work so I needed to have some coils put in before I could go home. I am now at home and so happy to be with my family and children, but I can't stop thinking about the experience and all the "what ifs". I am also terrified to have a glass of wine. My doc says I am fine but I am still scared. Will life ever feel normal and carefree again?
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