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Posts posted by Tina

  1. Hi Win , For some reason I don't know why I did not make the connection between you and your Daughter Bessie....Have just re read your Daughters thread here....wow you have come along way ! Been through so much.

    So glad you made it through !!

    Your warmth and support to others here and yes your singing ;) is a credit to you xx

    Love Tina xx

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  2. Hi :) a very warm welcome to BTG !

    When I move my neck around, it still makes lots of small crackling noises sort of inside my head. They were much louder the first few years after my surgery. Its almost a groinching crackling noise. It does not happen when still nor do I feel any pressure.

    I always put it down to my surgery which was the brain stem area.

    I also used to get sudden loud high pitched noises in my ears, so loud sometimes would make me jump !

    Hope you get some answers as sounds most uncomfortable.

    Take care.

  3. Hi Yvonne A very warm welcome to BTG :)

    My heart goes out to you, such a devastating and difficult time.

    There are carers here that are going through similar. Wishing you and Stuart all that is positive.

    You have come to the right place for support.

    Take care

  4. Lauren...its good you are having counselling. When you are having these scary thoughts try and think of something or a memory that makes you smile and feel good. It may be a start to help you to relax more.

    Have you tried Headway as suggested, as they have face to face support groups that may benefit you greatly? Just a thought.

    Take care xx

  5. Kate, you probably are still in shock. It's only been a few months and so much to cope with and take in.

    I agree with Penny, go and see your GP and tell them how you are feeling. There is usually a waiting list for counselling, so if you feel it will help get your name down. It's good to cry sometimes and let it all out. Take care, hugs to you xx

  6. Hi Pete, a very warm welcome to you :)

    All the symptoms you have mentioned can be very common long term effects after an SAH, but please get checked out by your GP.

    Many of us here have to learn to pace ourselves and know the warning signs of when to rest.

    On a good day, it is so easy to go mad and over do things and pay for it maybe for the next two days....very frustrating !

    You will find lots of helpful info and experiences on the forum.

    Look forward to hearing more from you.

  7. Hi :) a very warm welcome to BTG !

    Glad you have found the forum helpful.

    In answer to your questions, it really does vary, everyone is different.

    I know its very frustrating for you..... I used to get so frustrated I was not the person I used to be. Still do sometimes.

    As you say it is very early days for you in your recovery, just take things slowly, rest lots and pace yourself.

    There are others on here that have had children post SAH. I am sure they will respond when they can.

    Also Teachers that went back too soon. You have been through a huge life changing event, be kind to yourself :)

    Look forward to hearing more from you.

    Take care.

  8. Hi Lauren :) a very warm welcome to BTG.

    Sami is right, anxiety is very common. Many of us here have and are suffering from anxiety after a brain trauma.

    Like you I was scared to go anywhere on my own. I was never like this before. I actually opened my front door wide so I could see indoors and walked slowly to the end of my drive and back....I was so scared and shaky, but I did it. There was a letter box a little further up and after a few times of walking to the end of my drive and on my good days, I reached it :).

    As Sami says....small steps. Do you have a neighbour, family or friend that lives near by ? You could arrange to meet them half way, even if only 1 or 2 doors away. Have your mobile phone with you as back up. I also did this. It does get better. Just take your time. You will get there Lauren :) Take care.

  9. Hi Liz :)

    A very warm welcome to BTG...glad you found us :)

    Lots of good advice above for you and your Mum. It is very early days at 4 weeks, your Mum bless her will feel very tired and out of sorts. As the others have said plenty of water and lots of rest. If sickness continues please phone for advice or get her back to hospital. At first all I could eat was a few teaspoons of mash potato mixed with a tiny bit of salad cream....that's all I could keep down as was often sick.

    Wishing you both a Merry Christmas and very Healthy New Year!

    Take care both and Liz you remember to look after you too. xx

  10. Susan, you have been through so much, feeling so unwell and having so many things to deal with its not surprising you are feeling really sad and frustrated ! You should be very proud of how you have coped and are coping.

    I cant imagine how hard it must be for you.

    Just wondered if Keyhole surgery was an option for you to help mend your shoulder pain? My husband had this and was given a nerve block rather than anesthetic. .

    Susan I wish you and your family well for 2014. Sending big hugs and positive vibes your way xxx

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