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Everything posted by Tina

  1. What a nightmare for you Eddie. Keep chasing, good luck and hope you get some good news soon. Take care Tina
  2. Hi Jane Welcome to BTG. We cant offer you any medical advice or treatment but can offer you a wealth of information and support with your recovery. Please keep us updated with how you are doing. Take care Tina x
  3. Congratulations Michelle on your 10 year milestone Thank you for all your caring support, you have helped so many xx Take good care, keep in touch, Lots of love and hugs to you xx Love Tina xx
  4. Hi Eddie I would phone them and explain the situation. I would also get a name of the contact you speak to and send a duplicate of everything. Letters from Consultant, result of tests and anything else they ask you to send. I always sent mine signed for next day delivery, that way you know they have received information and can chase a few days later. It is very frustrating i know, but as said before, keep politely chasing after sending all information and always keep copies. Good luck and let us know how you get on. Take care Tina
  5. Hi Eddie Good luck for Monday, hope all goes well . As Super Mario has said above the DVLA are often very slow. I politely chased them up each week after the specified time given for a reply. Make sure you take copies of all documents that you send to them, just in case. Please let us know how you get on. Take care Tina
  6. Congraulations lovely lady on your 7 year SAH Anniversary So glad you survived and enjoying life and doing well Jean xx Thank you so much for all your caring helpful support you give to others, we love you too xx Hope you can celebrate with your gorgeous family. Here's to many more Anniversaries Take care Love Tina xx
  7. Hello Jjm welcome to BTG Where your husband had his test should be able to give you that information. Did you keep a copy of the results before sending to the DVLA? Things do take time to recover, in my case 2 years. I kept retaking the eye test. You have not mentioned the reasons or timing. I looked this up and hope this helps: What is the standard visual field for DVLA? You must have an uninterrupted horizontal visual field of at least 160 degrees with an extension of at least 70 degrees left and right and 30 degrees up and down. No defects should be present within a radius of the central 30 degrees. Driving eyesight rules - GOV.UK www.gov.uk https://www.gov.uk › driving-eyesight-rules What is the criteria for Esterman visual field pass? For a binocular Esterman field test to be considered as normal, there should be no more than 3 missed spots, of which not more than 2 shall be contiguous in the visual field defined horizontally by 60 degrees either side of the primary position and vertically by 20 degrees above the primary position and 30 degrees ... Please find links below that may help: https://web.behindthegray.net/topic/6865-reapplying-for-license-with-exceptional-circumstances-uk-only/ https://web.behindthegray.net/topic/10610-help-needed-re-criteria-to-reinstate-driving-licence-under-exceptional-circumstances/ https://web.behindthegray.net/topic/9789-getting-so-stressed/ Good luck, please let us know how you get on. Take care Tina
  8. Hi Catlaura I had to have lots of tests to check my vision. The DVLA wrote to the Consultant that had approved my tests were ok to drive after 2 years. I did not have to re take my driving test. The DVLA after lots of polite phone calls chasing, returned my licence. Good luck lets us know how you get on. Take care Tina xx
  9. Congratulations on your 12th year point mark Daff lovely to hear from you and that life is good Thank you for all your caring positive support over the years to many. You write so beautifully. Sending much love Tina xx
  10. I was told to let the DVLA know which i did. I would contact your GP and also gets letters from Specialists explaining your condition and that you are ok to drive and submit to your insurance company. Always keep copies of everything you send as things can and do get lost. We wish you well and please let us know how you get on. I do know from experience the DVLA take ages to reply and you do have to keep chasing them up. Good luck Tina P.S. please click on the links below, they may be helpful even though you have not given up your license. https://web.behindthegray.net/topic/6865-reapplying-for-license-with-exceptional-circumstances-uk-only/ https://web.behindthegray.net/topic/10610-help-needed-re-criteria-to-reinstate-driving-licence-under-exceptional-circumstances/ https://web.behindthegray.net/topic/9789-getting-so-stressed/
  11. Lynseylou i have also replied to your post in the Introduce yourself section. Christmas is always very stressful, plus coming up for a year it's going to be on your mind. It can all be very overwhelming. As Clare has said, please contact your Doctor, nurse, chemist, just for peace of mind. Try to pace yourself as much as possible. Maybe you could ask family or friends to help you a little as struggling and feeling so poorly ? Take good care Tina xx
  12. Hi Lynseylou A very warm welcome to BTG. So pleased they found the cause and hopefully the BP medication will keep it stable. Christmas is always stressful but in your case if worried please go and get checked by your GP or chemist, just for peace of mind. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy Healthy New Year Please keep us updated with how you are getting on. Take care Tina xx
  13. I used to take a Piriton antihistamine tablet before having my hair coloured, but If burning and sore now i would not suggest getting your hair coloured until this has eased. Maybe ask your GP, good luck and take care xx
  14. Thank you all so much for your lovely replies Christmas did not happen 16 years ago as was in hospital for over a month. I dont remember much, my lovely hubby and family have filled me in with alot of the details. I do remember that my Consultant Marios and all the Doctors and nurses were amazing. So grateful they saved my life after 7 hours craniotomy surgery. They told me i survived by a hair. So very blessed and lucky. I really do appreciate all the caring helpful support i received and still receive from my BTG family. Gave me so much comfort with my ongoing journey of recovery. Knowing that what i was going through was normal and things would get better. Thank you, forever grateful and to those we have lost along the way will always have a special place in my heart ❤️ Yasmin, Lizbeth, Win, Macca & Sarah ( Kempse) ❤️
  15. Today is my 16th year SAH Anni-versary ! Wow time sure does fly ! Feeling very blessed in everyway to still be here, so much i would have missed out on with my dear husband. My children getting married, my gorgeous grandchildren, they bring so much joy and happiness. Love them so much and so proud of them all xx Here's to many more anni-versaries 🥰 Thank you all, my BTG family, that have always helped me through when needed ❤️ means so very much xx Take care Love Tina xx
  16. Hi Johnnie, welcome back As Mario has suggested, i would get your hearing tested just in case it has got worse. My experience, only when i am tired or distracted, my husband will say something to me and i am aware he has said something but my brain doesn't compute. I have to say pardon, sorry, what did you say ? I had my hearing tested and i am fine. So in my case it is my brain. I am 61 so also getting older too which wont help ! I really hope you get some answers. Please let us know how you get on. Take care Tina xx
  17. Hi John lovely to hear from you. Congratulations on your 14th year Anni-versary ! Wishing you a long, happy and healthy retirement. Take care Tina xx
  18. Hi Esedlock Welcome back ! Only advice i can give is what works for me. Rest up the next day as best you can. I try and plan a quiet day after a busy one and it helps me a lot. Your body is telling you it needs to re charge. Everything in moderation, not always possible i know. I found over the years i have learnt my limits, still catches me out on occassions, but i do have to plan if i know a busy day or a late night. Two years is still early in your recovery, you will find out what works for you, trial and error Take good care Love Tina xx
  19. Colleen, congratulations on your 15 year anni- versary xx Thank you for all your postive helpful caring posts to others over the years Here's to the future indeed 🍷 Take care Love Tina xx
  20. Congratulations lovely Lousie ❤️ on your 24th year anniversary xx Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and journey. Also thank you for all your caring helpful support to me in my early days, it meant so much xx Here's to many more anniversaries Take care Love Tina xx
  21. Hi Mike That's great you now know what the problem is. Hope all goes well with MRI etc, wishing you well with your ongoing recovery. As Mario says, please let us know how you get on. Take care Tina xx
  22. Hi Jim a very warm welcome to BTG So glad you found us, as you say, you will find lots of very helpful information here and others that can relate to what you are going through. It is very early days in your recovery. I too had terrible head, neck and debilitating back pain. It did take a while but it did go away. Things will improve over time. Drink lots of water and dont push too hard to fast. Very frustrating when you are used to being very active. Wishing you well with your on going recovery and we look forward to hearing more from you and how you are doing as it will help many others going through a similar journey. Take care Tina
  23. Hi Tash A very warm welcome to BTG. Sorry to read you are finding it difficut to get support. Have you tried Headway if you live in the UK? They may be able to help. Please find below a link : https://web.behindthegray.net/index.php?/articles.html/useful-websites/useful-websites-r10/ I do hope you are doing ok ? You have not mentioned when this happened. Wishing you well. Take care Tina xx
  24. Hi Holly a very warm welcome to BTG As Clare has said, you really have been through it and you should be very proud of how far you have come in such a short time. It is very early days in your recovery. I also felt very frustrated i could not do what i did before. I had double vision and balance problems too. Still have balance problems and fatique. Have learnt to pace myself. I found using a walking stick really helped me, even though i felt everyone was looking at me, they weren't. I also wore sunglasess as was very sensitive to light. Felt like a right poser 🤣 😎 Joining BTG was the best thing i ever did. So many others here that had similar issues and helped me with their experiences. You will find lots of very helpful information on the Forum. One step at a time, your parents are right, just takes time. Sometimes i found i went one step forward and two steps back.Your body will let you know if pushing too hard, as you have found out If possible dont rush back to work and when you do, go back on a phased return and see how you cope. Please feel free to join in the daily banter in the Green Room, we are a friendly bunch and we understand the good and the bad days. Never say sorry for being a mopey moaner, we are here for you and totally get how you are feeling, sending hugs xx Dont be so hard on yourself xx Things will get better, just takes time and patience. Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care Love Tina xx
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