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Posts posted by Tina

  1. Hi Carly  :)
    A very warm welcome to BTG.
    Glad you found us but very sorry you are having to go through such a worrying time again.
    I had my ruptured aneurysm clipped at Atkinson Morley/St Georges Tooting back in 2007. Marios was the Consultant then. I cannot praise the hospital enough.
    It is normal to feel scared about your operation in July, but you are in the very best of hands. 
    Wishing you well for your op and for a speedy recovery. Know that whenever you need us we are here to help and support you and share our experiences  :) 
    Feel free to ask any questions and join in the daily banter in the Green Room.
    Its good you wrote down more than you thought you would....you are in the right place to share your feelings with others that can empathise with how you are feeling and what you are going through, good days & bad.

    Look forward to hearing more from you
    Take care
    Love Tina xx

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  2. Hi Alison I had something similar in my early part of recovery. It really scared me and i went into panic mode. 

    My husband took me straight to hospital where they gave me all the tests and a lumbar puncture. Not pleasant but the results came back all clear and I started to relax. I am sure for me, it was brought on by anxiety. So many weird aches, pains, creaks and feelings during recovery.


    Please go and get checked out for peace of mind if you are still extremely achy.

    Wishing you well,

    Take care and let us know how you are doing xx

  3. Hi Heather a very warm welcome to you and your daughter :)


    I can't imagine being able to cope at such a young age as your Daughter and also yourself as her Mum with such a huge life changing event, bless you both xx


    Its really good to read that you and your daughter are attending a support group monthly and that BTG has helped with your understanding. I also knew nothing of SAH before mine until my husband found this forum recommended by another survivor Yasmin. The warm friendly support here was an absolute Godsend to me and my family and as you say you don't feel so alone. A huge thank you to Karen Hyder for creating BTG. So many of us come out of hospital with little or no information on what to expect in recovery.


    Super Mario, Macca, Sarah, Daff and Sami have given some great advice. It is very hard for anyone to completely understand how an SAH survivor is feeling and what they are going through emotionally mentally and physically. Your whole world has been turned upside down and inside out ! Because you look ok on the outside everyone just expects you to be ok.


    Wishing you, your daughter and family well. Things will get better :)  as the others have said, it just takes time that cant be rushed. Keep doing what you are doing being there for her with love patience and support.


    Glad you found us and look forward to hearing more from you.

    Take care

    Tina xx

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  4. Hi Greg :) a very warm welcome to BTG.

    It is still very early days for you in your recovery, I know how frustrating it is when you go one step forward and two steps back. It's your body telling you to slow down. Rest, rest and more rest and drink plenty. Things will get better :)

    Some really good advice from Mandy, SarahLou and Win :)

    Glad you found us and look forward to hearing more from you.

    Take care


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  5. H Cat :)

    A very warm welcome to BTG , my heart goes out to you, such a very difficult time for you and your family.

    It is very very early days for your Mum, she will sleep a lot as that is how the brain mends after such a huge trauma. Just putting her thumbs up, concentrating etc will be exhausting. The fact your Mum knows her name and where she is, what has happened, remembers the past, recognises voices and faces is all very positive :)

    You will find lots of information and friendly support here. Feel free to post any questions you have and join in the banter in the green room.

    You are being very strong for your Mum, she must be very proud of you :) please remember to look after yourself and eat. We are always here for you, good days or bad ones.... you are not alone xx Wishing you, your Mum and family well.

    Take care and look forward to hearing more from you.

    Love Tina xx

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  6. Hi Gemma :)


    A very warm welcome to BTG :) really glad you have found some comfort here.

    You have been through so much, so young bless you.


    Some great responses with very wise words of advice.  

    Look forward to hearing more from you.


    Take care

    Tina xx

    • Like 2
  7. Hi Alison a very warm welcome to BTG :)

    Glad you found us.

    Not a nice way to celebrate your 40th Birthday bless you.

    It's very early days and all that you mention in your post I can relate to. It does get better :)

    Everyone is different in their recovery, your brain and body will recover in its own time. You have been through a major trauma so you will need to rest up a lot, drink plenty of water and just pace yourself. An SAH can affect you physically mentally and emotionally.

    Feel free to post any question you may have on the Forum and to join in the daily banter in the Green Room.

    You will find lots of friendly support here.

    Look forward to hearing more from you.

    Take care

    Tina xx

    • Like 3
  8. Hi Brenda :)


    A warm welcome to BTG.


    Like you, Super Mario & Misskdk, I had taste issues. I lived on about 2 small spoonfuls of mash potato with salad cream and cereal ( not at the same time lol )  in hospital and a drip.  Everything made me feel sick. Glad to say after a while things did improve. I completely went off chocolate too which was unheard of lol ;) I was hoping that taste would stay away but it came back !!


    Good luck & hope all goes well with the Dietician xx    

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  9. Hi Misskdk :)


    A very warm welcome to BTG...glad you found us!

    So young to have been through so much bless you.

    Well done on getting back to work so quickly....it is still very early days and you should be very proud of how well you are doing.


    When you think of what you have been through, its not surprising you can sense you are a very different person and been struggling to adjust to the new you. Your brain and body have had a major trauma ! 

    It does get better :) There are others here of your age that have recovered and gone on to have a family :)


    ''I found Behind the Gray while seeking answers regarding my recovery and the changes in my life, and my expectations have already been exceeded''


    That's wonderful news to read  and we have the lovely Karen Hyder to thank for creating & setting up this amazing Forum, that has helped so many, me included !  

    Wishing you well and look forward to hearing more from you. Feel free to post any questions you may have and join in the daily banter in the Green Room.


    Take care

    Tina xx

    • Like 5
  10. Tina, thank you so much for your response yes I am so glad I found this website it is so good to hear people are going through the same thing and you don't feel so isolated. even with family and friends it is nice to have others that I actually know what your feeling and your fears.I am glad that you are doing well, good to hear. Yes having my aneurysm rupture is a fear but I try not to worry to much I am praying alot. Does age play a big part in treatment's or the chance of rupture?


    Hi Debbie :)


    I believe the Neurosurgeons take everything into account before deciding which treatment, everyone is different.

    Some great responses from others here that know exactly how you are feeling.

    Sending lots of positive vibes your way.


    Wishing you well.

    Tina xx

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  11. Hi Debbie :)

    A very warm welcome to BTG!
    Glad you found us and the positive stories are helping with your anxiety. It is only natural to feel anxious and tearful. A huge shock for you when they found your aneurysm when you had your MRA, but a blessing they did.


    Wishing you well for your surgery scheduled for April 15th and its good to know your Neurosurgeons both agree on your treatment.  
    I had a ruptured berry aneurysm which was also basilar tip, brain stem. I was clipped and had 7 hours craniotomy surgery as mine was 3 mm, and told too small for coiling.

    You will find lots of helpful information on the Forum and also lots of friendly support.
    Well done on quitting smoking and hope your blood pressure will get under control very soon.

    Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing.


    Take care

    Tina xx


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  12. Hi Sharsky a very warm welcome to BTG :)

    I don't have a VP shunt but others on here do and will be able to share their experiences.

    Glad you found us.

    Wishing you and your Father well.

    Look forward to hearing more from you, take care.

    • Like 1
  13. Hi Sam :)

    A very warm welcome to BTG !

    Glad you found us...we are a very friendly supportive group.

    Look forward to hearing more from you and please feel free to join in the daily banter in The Green Room too.

    Take care

    Tina xx

    • Like 2
  14. Hi Paul if you want to change your name back to Paul Cummings, go to your profile at the top right hand side of the page. Click on your 'name'...next to log out......then click on 'My Settings' and on left hand side under 'Profile Setting's you will find 'Display Name'.....click on it and change your name back.... put in your password and save changes. Hope this helps :)

    • Like 1
  15. Hi Shane & Zanne :)

    A very warm welcome to BTG !
    How is Shane doing now, is he home from hospital yet?

    I had pain at the back of my neck after my bleed for quite some time, I had a ruptured brain stem aneurysm and was told it was the blood dispersing.

    Hopefully the links  posted under RCVS have been helpful to you both.


    Look forward to hearing more from you.

    • Like 1
  16. Hi Clare a very warm welcome to BTG :)


    I did not have a NASAH but the recovery from a bleed in the brain is very similar.

    You are still in the very early stages and fatigue is something that we all seem to suffer from, especially in the first 6/12 months when your brain is mending from a major trauma.


    The cotton wool feeling will get better :)  its learning to pace yourself, rest regularly and listen to your body. 

    Its very easy on a good day to overdo things and then pay for it big time the next day or two....we have all done it lol ;)


    I am sure others on here that suffered an NASAH will let you know about their recovery.

    Take care & look forward to hearing more from you.


    Tina xx

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