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New Member Emmi- US /New Jersey


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A month ago today 6/21/22, my husband woke up at 3:30am and went downstairs for a drink of water. He thought someone hit him in the head and when he turned to look for whoever hit him the world began to spin. He said he thought he was upside down, fell 4 times and passed out at the bottom of our stairs to the 2nd floor.


Somehow he woke up and dragged himself up to our bedroom and woke me. The last thing he said to me before becoming incoherent was "I'm sorry I'm not going to make it. Stroke". Miraculously, he did survive. He had a 9mm rupture of an Aneurysm in the menages behind the forehead/eyes causing an SAH.


He had emergency surgery the same day we brought him in to the ER and they put 11coils in his head. He has genetically high Blood Pressure which has always been a challenge so Dr's think this is what caused the aneurysm to rupture (200/113 that day).


He amazed everyone with his ability to talk, move and cognitive abilities. He is super bright, quick witted and energetic. Most would not detect that he's a beat off, but we do. He has double vision, wicked vertigo and fatigue right now, but after reviewing this site I'm hoping it's just part of the early stages of recovery.


The mental challenge is becoming harder as he wants to be better now, but we are so lucky he's still here with us. I'm just trying to take one day at a time. 

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Hi Emmi :) 


A very warm welcome to you and your husband. Thank you for sharing.


So glad you found us as you will find a wealth of information and many experiences of others to help with your husbands recovery. Like you, so many of us were discharged home without any information at all of how to cope or what to expect. So very scary for you both.


A month is so very early in your husbands recovery. I totally get how he is feeling re wanting to be better now. Like your husband i was very lucky to survive. I also had double vision, balance problems, severe fatigue and terrible short term memory.


My  life as i knew it had been turned completely upside down. I ran my own business and was very independent. I hated having to rely on my wonderful husband and best friend and my kids, parents to help me with everything.


All i can say from my experience to your husband is rest up when tired, dont push too hard too fast. Baby steps. Be kind to yourself, both of you. I know this will be said by many, but it really does make a difference if you listen to your body.


BTG was a Godsend to me. It helped me to understand how i was feeling was all part of my recovery and normal. Very hard to be patient when you are a doing person. Things will get better for your husband, just takes time and adjusting to the new you.


I am always a very positive upbeat person, but i did feel very frustrated in the early days and did feel down sometimes because i could not do things i used to. My Dr arranged for some counselling and it really helped to talk to someone away from family. I felt i had put my family through so much and kept a lot of how i was feeling to myself. If your husband continues to be a beat off, maybe its something you could consider.


As a carer its also very hard as you go through all your husband does. Make sure you take time out for yourself xx Hopefully in time your husband will be also be able to join BTG. We are a friendly caring family here :) 


We look forward to hearing more from you and how you are both doing.

Take care

Tina xx 

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Hi Emmi,


I can see you have gotten the same messages of hope and care I got when I arrived on this site.  It is a wonderful place for both the person having the brain bleed and also for those who love them and are trying to help them. 


I am one of those with the brain bleed.  I came home from rehab with an appointment card in my hand, a swirling head and uncooperative body and million throughts and questions.  My husband I think was stunned perhaps a bit paralyzed by it all.  It took both of us time to understand it all.


As Tina writes rest when you need to and be kind to yourself both of you.  The brain heals so slowly and the whole event is so overwhelming it takes time and patience.

I am 5 years out and feel good, still feeling some of the affects but happy and enjoying my life.  This site was a warm friend when I found it, helped me so much, still does.  


Took me about 6 months or so to begin looking for support, perhaps your husband will join when he is ready.  I did do counseling but again, I think I wait long to do these things.  It was so helpful for me and I continue to use things like mindfulness and visualization to keep me centered.  

Be well, thoughts are with you.




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  • 2 weeks later...



I can't thank you enough for all you do for us (the kids n me).

I'm so grateful you're as understanding as you are and suggested I check this place out. I'm willing to try or do anything to make the time we have as long as it can be. 


I want you to know that I'm trying not to direct my grumpiness or irritability toward you and I know I'm not always successful. I'm sorry for that. I don't mean it. 


I love you. 

Your loving husband,



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A very warm welcome to BTG Geoff :) 


So pleased you are up to checking BTG out. You will find a wealth of information and experiences to help you with your recovery. It was a Godsend to me, just to know how i was feeling was normal and all part of recovery. You are doing so well, its very early days for you.


Your hearfelt message to your lovely wife Emmi is so beautiful, i have tears in my eyes ❤️ 

We can all empathise with how you are feeling and what you are going through.


Please feel free to join in and ask anything that we may be able to help you with. We cant give medical advice but can share our experiences.


Wishing you well. We look forward to hearing more from you and Emmi.


Take care both

Tina xx

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Welcome Geoff,

Your message to your wife Emmi is heartwarming.  Getting through this type of experience is so difficult and those of us here understand and are here to support you and Emmi anyway we can.  

My thoughts are with you both.



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