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Heart feeling after NASAH

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I had a non aneurysmal sub arachnoid haemorrhage 5 weeks ago, all scans etc clear. Have had most of the symptoms people talk about. 


One thing I don't think I've seen anyone else talk about is feelings in the chest. 

If I walk a bit too fast or lift something relatively heavy or even just going upstairs, I can feel my chest pounding. Heart beat not really fast or anything but just feel it. It's hard to explain the feelings in the chest, just wondering is this a normal experience related to the SAH. 




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Hi Jim, Glad you are finding writings that confirm your SAH experience and trust you are being patient with your recovery. We are not able to give medical advice and as mentioned it is always best to check unknowns with your primary care physician or neurologist.


I might mention that anxiety can cause chest pain and in my experience this was a new challenge after my SAH stroke. Best to have your symptoms checked out. I also had balance problems and fatigue that increased on stairs or turning corners. Usually any exertion would increase my breathing. 


Best regards. Kathy

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Should be getting a GP appointment in the next week or so to ask for sure, Upon reflection the feelings in the chest are less than last week, not sure if I was imagining it to be worse than it is. Easily short of breath and a slight increase in heart beat after small effort probably best describes what I'm feeling right now, and it's definitely not as pronounced as a few days a go, so hopefully on the right track, just want to be sure I'm not not missing something else. 


Thanks alot for the replies

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