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scar pain after clipping

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I had quite a bit of scar pain but my scar is healed well & hardly visible, the last couple fo days my cheek/net to my ear feels very tender & when I yawn I get the same muscle pain I had immediately post op. It's 2 months today since my clipping & it just seems ood to get tenderness now?

Anyone had this happen even when things seem to ahve healed well externally?

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Hi Gill :)

Its still very early days for you....i still had alot of pain and twinges under my scar and the side of my face and ear and forehead for quite some months. I still get nerve pain now sometimes. I could not open my mouth wide at all for ages...its where they cut through the muscle and takes a good few months before normal again, or that was my experiance. It is all part of the mending process i am sure, but it is scary sometimes i know, if worrying you, i would go back to Consultant to get peace of mind. Take care Love Tina xx

Edited by Tina
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Thanks Tina, was beginning to think I was the only one clipped! It's odd realy cos my scar has been relatively pain free (apart from the jaw pain when yawning) excpe for the bit nearest my ear which has been lumpy ever since the staple was removed. It's more the fact that the tenderness is over my cheekbone but I guess that oould be due to nerve endings repairing? I will get it checked out though just to be on the safe side!.

I see my neruosurgeon on the 19th so I will mention it so him as well, it'll be on my list of things to ask!

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Hi Gill :) Glad you are taking a list of all you want to ask, as if you are like me you will forget :crazy: I have pain on my cheekbone too, they had to remove it and i have metal there and on the side of my head. I found it hot and cold sensitive. At your early stage it will more than likely be the mending of the nerves and muscle and tissues they cut through. Good luck on the 19th :biggrin: xx

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