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Doctor update

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I went to the doc today, He asked me how my summer was going, I like his bedside manner, he makes it very easy to talk about anything.

I asked him for a neuropsychological assessment. He sat down with a small smirk and said, who is asking for this. I told him I am, I want to discover all my strengths and weaknesses and learn to overcome weaknesses and develop my strengths. He smiled and said that is a very good idea. Now he has to find me one :-P

He also gave me the report of my CT scans. I will have to learn some new terms. Hopefully this will help me assess myself a certain amount.

We reviewed the reports and as many have said, although the lack of an aneurysm means there was no need for surgery, the lack of evidence to pinpoint the cause creates several unanswered questions. I honestly don't care what caused it as long as it wont happen again. I hope that the assessment will point out some areas to work on.

I am not sure if there is a charge for the assessment but at this point I don't care. It is time :-D

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I did both neuropsychological testing which took 4 days and I am now seeing a neuropsychologist for general rehab. support. I did the testing WAY to soon when I had lots of deficits and memory issues so it was very traumatic for me to go through and here the results. It was one more way I was confronted with "You are not yourself anymore." However, I then joined this online 'train your brain' thing and charted my progress over the months. I am still below my peers, but not by much anymore. I am currently working on my weaknesses which are by and large my weaknesses I always had with the addition to speed and certain types of memory. I'm glad I have the graph to refer to now as I was so far down that once the computer told me, 'I think you stepped away or are not trying, so we will not count this score.' I did try and I didn't step away! I was so mad at the time, but now I can see how far I've come.

I hope you discover more about things with the consult. I know now that the original testing didn't really matter in my life, but the supportive counseling by someone who knows about brain injury still is helping a lot.


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Great idea Carl!

After receiving my reports it was months before I was able to start figuring them out. Google was my friend! I found it so helpful when trying to understand the medical terminolgy. Knowing where my bleed was and where the blood pooled helped explain to me why I have deficits now. There are some really good images of the brain on the Internet too.

My neuropsych testing took a day and a half and I think 3 weeks for the results to be compiled. A 50 page report was put together. Again, very technical and difficult to read but the 1 hour debriefing session with the neuropsych explained it all.

Awareness and validation go a long way to helping me feel better about myself. Reading and hearing about what happened to me and why I have trouble with certain stuff just makes me think 'oh that's why it doesn't work!'.

Good luck Carl!

Sandi K.

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