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Question about flying

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What have you all been told by your doctors regarding flying on an airplane? I'm scheduled for a trip in a couple weeks and my doctor has not been returning my phone calls. I think it "should" be okay at 4 months post P-NASAH but getting nervous! I have a friend who is a pilot with a major airline and he said if I were his wife or sister he would say no way! The pressure in the cabin is too great. Thank buddy way to make me feel better! :lol:

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I am pmSAH too and the only issues I had was with feelings and fatigue. It was a lot of hardship to stand in lines, talk to TSA agents, hurry around etc. On the plane, I was so antsy and bored. I think I cried at some point too (I usually did back at that time). I had no additional physical issues, though.


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I went and it was hell! LOL I don't know if it was too soon or if I was going to be that sick any way. Apparently I contracted meningitis during my trip so who knows if the headache and general "feeling bad" that started in Disney was because of flying or because I was sick. The day after I got home I went to doctor with evil bad headache, stiff neck and fever. None of us were sure if it was another bleed or what, but then came the diagnosis. Ugh........:shocked: My primary care doctor and neurologist now officially hate each other. My primary doctor called my neurologist an idiot! In front of me! LOL!!!!

Guess now I really do need a new Neurologist! :lol:

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