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Coping with Hyper Sexuality and Sexual Disinhibition post SAH...

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Andy Howland joined Behind the Gray in its infancy in 2006 after his lovely wife Heather had a SAH. At the time of Heather's SAH, they also had a young son.


It was the first time that I learnt about hyper sexuality and sexual disinhibition post SAH... you have to remember that I was only one year post SAH myself, still recovering and didn't have a clue either with running a support group or knowing anything at all ....we were both on a steep learning curve... Andy much more than me .... I couldn't help him, apart from listen to him and to accept his comforting words and to start researching into Heather's condition .....to learn more.


Andy was of great comfort to me personally and to others on here and I realised that I was at the start of that journey in learning "all things SAH" .... brain injury .... it's fallout .... both physically and mentally.


Andy spoke about a subject that I hadn't heard of and was willing to talk honestly and frankly about Heather's condition and I wondered why there weren't more personal accounts ....perhaps it's because it's a taboo subject, too personal to say out aloud ...and a subject matter which certainly didn't have any publicity ... because it just wasn't spoken about.... until Andy came along....  :)


Andy was brave enough, loved his wife enough, to make a difference and to share his and Heather's personal journey and to get the help that Heather desparately needed .... You can find their story on BTG by clicking on the following page link: http://web.behindthegray.net/index.php?/page/articles.html/_/your-story/coping-with-hyper-sexuality-and-sexual-disinhib-r154


Over the years, both Andy and Heather have raised awareness of hyper sexuality and sexual disinhibition post brain injury in the media from magazine/newspaper articles to appearing on UK TV and with much credit to them both, they still continue to raise awareness.


They've both recently appeared in a documentary for ABC 20/20 and it's called My Strange Affliction.


To view this documentary, click on the following link: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/women-dominatrix-brain-trauma-gave-intense-sexual-desires/story?id=29595458


With thanks and much love to them both for continuing to raise awareness and for making such a difference ... xx

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