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Update on Mom

Guest kaj

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My mom had a CT/MRI/MRA done at five months. We just got the results back and she has no permanent brain damage from strokes. There were no black spots in her scan. Great News!!! However, the nurse continued to say that the doctor thought her ventricles were a little large and wanted us to look out for vomiting, balance issues, memory issues, and incontinence. Although she has not thrown up in 4 weeks, she has all of these issues. Now they are going to do a lumbar puncture to see if she has hydrocephalus. We are going to schedule this after her visit to the cardiologist regarding the massive heartattack that she had with her SAH. I should be happier, but now we have to wait and hear about her heart and then the lumbar puncture. Everyone was right when they said two steps forward and one step back. It is very true. So once again I find myself anxious to find out once again what will continue to happen with mom. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season. Enjoy your family and friends.

Best wishes,


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It is weird because part of me doesn't want her to have hydrocephalus because of the whole "shunt" thing. But there is the other part of me that is thinking, "Well maybe this will make her a lot better and we will get more of the old mom back" I don't know what to think. But I do know that I keep going back and forth. Tommorrow is the cardiologist appt. so maybe that will shed some light on the heart attack. Hope not to hear some bad news from this DR.



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Hi there

Kim that is really good news about your Mum's results.

Can I ask you what's wrong with the 'whole shunt thing'?

I have a shunt its that, that keeps me alive all I have is a scar you dont actually see anything yes I can feel it from time to time but thats good means its working.


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I have heard about some people having difficulites with their shunts and have had to have them fixed many times. One person I talked to had to have hers redone three times and then had a staff infection in her brain. I know that is a severe case but I don't want her to suffer anymore. On the other hand, if it makes her better then I want her to have it. No real good answer here. Time will let us know what she needs.

Thanks Louise

I am glad that you are doing well with your shunt and do not have any complications.

Thanks again,


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Hi Kim

I have had a shunt for 8 years now and no no real problems no problems at all, my brain produces to many vitimuns they also put a tube in my brain to help so I have a shunt and a tube.

I hope the right road is taken and things start to improve.

Take care


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From what I've seen and read from some of the posts on this website, that once a shunt has been fitted and the hydrocephalus dealt with, then there seems to be a massive improvement with recovery. I've also read that there can be problems with the operation of a shunt, as it is a mechanical device and may need replacing.

However, hydrocephalus can make you feel pretty poorly and if it were me, then I would definetly have the operation. There are risks with any procedure, but I would feel that the risk is worth it to have a better quality of life.... For me, personally, the benefits of having the shunt fitted would outweigh the risk as such.

Good luck....

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I am not going to deny her the shunt if she needs it. I just don't know what to hope for. Should I hope that she does not have hydrocephalus and still not know so much about her recovery. Or do I hope she has hydrocephalus because she might get a lot better. I dont' know which one is better.

Has anyone known someone who had a lumbar puncture????? What happened?? If it showed hydrocephalus, did the person improve right away??? Just wondering what to expect. I think I am too hopeful and expecting some kind of miracle. I hope I am not disappointed.

Mom will have this done on 1/7/08

Have a wonderful holiday everyone. make the best of it.


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