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Really Need Help URGENT!!

Guest waleed

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Guest waleed


I live in Pakistan and currently doing private practice in Dental Surgery.The problem i am facing rite now is that my father has recently been diagnosed to have SAH in the Right Post.Communicating Artery,And after doin the CT angiography of the Brain it has been found to be from a small aneurysm(well according to the radiologist,who i honestly dont trust,but anyways)...

On Dec.31st he fell down in the bathroom and lost unconciousness for a couple of mins,according to him he heard a "shun" type of voice in his head and then he just fell down,so i think its not traumatic SAH....

he remained at home till 3 days,we went to do tests etc during this period,he was concious and in good state,but complaining of headaches to neck stiffness most of the time,he was weak as well....but still no other symptoms...

Anyway here are the points to be noted:

1)He had a Bypass in 1988.

2)His carotids are stenosed since the last 10 years but he didnt tell anyone until we found out in dopplers tests just recently(90% left side and 79% right side carotid stenosed)

3)he is admitted now in hospital where is condition is much better now.

4)Today is DAY 6

5)Do Complain of mild headaches now and forth,but neck stiffness is gone.No nausea etc as well....

6)General Weakness still present,but he can manage to get up easily from bed and go to the bathroom without support

Now what shud be done?The neuro surgeon(hopefully he is a good one :() is sayin that the size of the aneurysm is small but the radiologist didnt mention how small it is in mm,so we need to do Cerebral Angiogram!!!

Now here is the big question,isnt that supposed to be dangerous?i mean considering all the factors i mentioned above(stenosed carotids)?What do u guyz think?Any complications?

And lastly this is really important,I do have the CT scans saved with me on my computer,is it possible that i can get them checked online somehow from here? i mean get 'em checked from some country where the neuro's are pretty good?i will pay money ofcourse....Plz help me on this,i really want to get the scans reevaluated from some really good Neurophysian or surgeon.....

Ps : What if its just a small ruptured aneurysm and we leave it alone,since his condition is kinda ok rite now,and only getting better as days are progressing?He is really scared of the Clipping Procedure since his carotids are stenosed so much,also he had bypass done in 1988,he is on medication though(for SAH that is).

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Hi there

I'm sure what stenosed carotid is. I've not heard of this condition before. I had a relatively small anuerysm that ruptured too in the same place as your fathers and mine was coiled via the cerebral angio. There is a danger in any procedure taken and you'll have to weigh up the chances of the aneurysm rupturing again versus the pro's of the clipping to prevent this.

As for getting the scans looked at by someone - I wouldn't know how you'd go about that. All I can suggest is that you look on the internet to see if there are facilities for this.

Sorry I couldn't have been more help.

Take care and stay positive.

Sami xx

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Guest waleed
Hi there

I'm sure what stenosed carotid is. I've not heard of this condition before. I had a relatively small anuerysm that ruptured too in the same place as your fathers and mine was coiled via the cerebral angio. There is a danger in any procedure taken and you'll have to weigh up the chances of the aneurysm rupturing again versus the pro's of the clipping to prevent this.

As for getting the scans looked at by someone - I wouldn't know how you'd go about that. All I can suggest is that you look on the internet to see if there are facilities for this.

Sorry I couldn't have been more help.

Take care and stay positive.

Sami xx

Hey thanks a lot for the help!.

Just wanted to know a few things..

1)what were ur initial symptoms?

2)how big in mm(millimeter) was ur aneurysm?

3)how much did u paid in overall for the coiling procedure and hospital fee etc in total?

4)where did u get this done from?(Country)


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Hi there

My symptoms were feeling a popping inside my head, paralysis down one side of my entire body, losing consciousness, a headache like I have never felt before and hospitalisation immediately. I was scanned at one hospital and then transferred to another for the operation. I live in the UK so all of my treatment has been available on the NHS.

Although most of my symptoms have disappeared I still suffer from headaches and my memory is no where near as good as it was.

Sorry I can't be of more help.

Sami xx

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Guest yasmin

Hi Waleed

sorry to hear about you father, the best Hospital I can recommend is called the Atkinson Morley Wing of St Georges Hospital this is in Tooting South London I think that they do take private patients.This is the telephone number 02087254189 they may be able to give you further advise.

My annirisiusm is also coiled but there was'nt an option to leave surgery as mine was ruptered so I was very ill, Symtoms much the same as the others.

Good Luck


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Hi there

Yes sorry to hear about your Dad.

I had to get surgery too there wasnt an option for me either, I got coiled which is sealed I have a shunt in my brain and a tube that drains fluid.

The hospital I was in is one of the leading neuro units in Scotland they were fab.

Hope all goes well


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