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Being useful...

Guest Samijoliz

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Guest Samijoliz

Hi all,

I'm a newbie. Thanks to the creators of this site, it's truly a blessing. Thanks to all of the welcoming folk over there across the pond as well. :wink:

Have any of you ever felt like, since your stroke, that you couldn't contribute as much to society anymore? Like you were worth less because you couldn't get out and do the things you used to do? Maybe it was a job you loved, or caring for your kids, or even going out with your friends...

I've felt like that over the past few months, and I'm looking for ways to stay involved. I kind of fear for my relationships of all kinds, because I'm homebound so much. I wonder if I'll ever find a romantic partner, me being so young and not always able to do much. It seems that here in the DC area, many of the youngsters are of that set that makes a lot of money and moves very fast through life. My friends are traveling and starting businesses...and I'm at home when I'm not at work. I just put school on hold for another eight weeks, hoping that I'll have the energy to do it. I've had to wait this long to go back, I want to keep my GPA where it is. Before college, I hadn't had an "A" average since the 1st grade.

Well, I'm happy today, because God has given me yet another way to be useful. I have been trying to get inovlved with a local juvenile detention center...they need tutors and mentors and stuff like that. Well, that can't wear me out too much...at least I hope not. My clearance paperwork just went through, so hopefully in a month or two I'll be able to help there.

I just hate feeling so useless sometimes...ya know?

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Well, I'm happy today, because God has given me yet another way to be useful. I have been trying to get inovlved with a local juvenile detention center...they need tutors and mentors and stuff like that. Well, that can't wear me out too much...at least I hope not. My clearance paperwork just went through, so hopefully in a month or two I'll be able to help there.

Hey there

Think that the above from what you wrote means that you're more than involved hun and are most definitely contributing.

Sami xxx

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Hi Samantha,

I just replied and then my PC crashed as I was posting.....so, I lost the lot! :mad:

Okay.....so I can't remember all that I said..... but basically, do what's good for you and not what other people expect of you ..... don't worry about what other people are obtaining around you ...... they haven't had to go through what you're experiencing right at this minute...... so, just remember how well you're doing ....

.. be happy with that and I'm sure that Mr. Right will come along .....

I've had more satisfaction from setting up this website, then I've ever had in paid employment ...... I don't take compliments easy, as Sami will tell you... as I didn't just set the site up for me .... I believe that it belongs to all of us that have suffered the same and the support and questions that we pose, give much comfort to others .... so we all help ....

You're doing pretty damned good in my books and it does get better...xx

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Hi Samantha

Karen's right - she's doesn't take compliments well - but she should!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If it wasn't for Karen setting up this website there would be a hell of a lot of lost people out there and the friendships forged on here that will last a life time would never have been formed. She's an angel in disguise - but she won't hear of it :lol:

Sami xxx

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I love a hug, as you know ..... I've had so much support and help myself from talking on these MB's and meeting you guy's and that's all I need .... I shall be keeping this website going for as long as I can ..... and if I couldn't, I'm sure that my kids or you guys would be able to continue with it. Blimey, this is sounding a bit maudlin (spelling?) now.... :lol: .. Hope that you know what I mean though....

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Guest Samijoliz

Hey Guys,

Thanks for the encouragement. It really helps. I wish I lived in England, so I could meet you guys. But I'm a huge English history freak, so one day I plan to come pay a visit. My younger brother also has family over there (he's my stepmom's son).

It was kind of a surprise when they called me from the detention home. It's been a rough week, and I just look forward to some sense of normalcy again. Thank you for encouraging me that it does get better. I've needed that this week.

*big hugs*


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It really does get better ... so keep the faith... :)

If you can get out and about and occupy your mind and your day ..... things will improve .... I really believe that mental health is pretty important after a SAH ..... so good luck with the detention center!

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