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New Member - Howard. Can you drive with quadrantopia?

Howard Roberts

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Hi everyone.  I had an optical lobe stroke 14months ago, the day after I had a ankle operation, just easy op key hole surgery  washing out the floating bits of bone . But this has cost me my job & my livelihood.


I am now aged 51, left school at 16 and went to work for a haulage company, at 17 I passed my car test, at 21 my HGV, so all my working life I've spent driving. All I do now is drive the armchair around the room with boredom with no experience in anything else, I am snookered.


After seeing my consultant he doesn't seen interested in the fact that's all I've ever done in my life is drive, he mentioned public transport is cheap but I live rurally. I spoke to Swansea about my situation and really got nowhere, it's like banging my head against a brick wall so any help or suggestions on how I can get my car license back would be appreciated 

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Hi there Howard


Glad that you found us.


Unfortunately there is no easy way or suggestion to help you get your licence back.  It all lays in the hand of your consultants and GP as to how capable they think you are of driving after your SAH.  I, luckily, haven't suffered any long term physical affects of the SAH but I had to surrender my licence and had to wait 3 months to get it back.  


It may be worth seeing your GP for advice on the subject -they may be able to give you an insight into how / if / when you'll be deemed fit to drive a car let alone and HGV.


Got everything crossed that things work out for you x

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Hi Howard a very warm welcome to BTG


I had to wait for over 2 years before i got the all clear for driving again because of my double blurry vision.

I was referred by my Neuro Consultant to Moorfields eye hospital at St Georges and had regular checks & tests. They have hospitals in many areas, some NHS some private.


Maybe as Sami has suggested you could see your GP, they may be able to refer you to an eye specialist if you have not been already. 


At 14 months you are still in the early stages of recovery.  Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing.

Feel free to join in the daily banter in the Green Room, we are a friendly bunch.


Wishing you well with your on going recovery.

Take care



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