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Did anyone experience nausea and vomiting?

Guest ElaineW

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Guest ElaineW

Hi all

My mum had a SAH 8 weeks ago and was discharged from hospital 5 days ago. The main problem she is experiencing is nausea and vomiting and as such she has been unable to keep tablets down. The doctor has called and given anti sickness tablets (Domperidone) but she is still getting the same problems (oddly first thing on a morning). Is this quite usual - would be interested to hear from anyone regarding this. She isn't particularly eating well (because of this feeling of sickness) so I don't know whether to keep ringing the doctor or what? Can anyone recommend something that worked for sickness?



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Hi Elaine

Sorry your Mum is feeling so sick, but i was exactly the same, i would go back to your Doctor and see if he can prescribe something else, if continues. To be honest i felt sick for a while after,and could not eat much at all. The hospital said it was brain trauma, it did get better for me about 2 months later and at 6 months, i dont feel sick, just have balance problems due to my eyes and ear, which hopefully in time will also get better. Just had a thought my Doctor gave me Domperidone suppository, not nice , but if your Mum cant keep tablets down like i couldnt, it may help.

Wishing both all the best, take care

Love Tinaxx

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I feel sick alot of the time i am nearly 3 months into my sah and have been finding all the feelings really hard i hated feeling sick before my sah so it feels worse now.... i take on board what tina says that it will get better its a horrible feeling but touch wood i have not been sick but feel sick alot xxxxxxxxxxxx

Lots of hugs to your mum

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Hi Elaine and Welcome

The sickness is as Tina has already said related to the brain injury and balance problems. I think most of us would agree that in the first few months it is quite common. Try to make sure that your mum drinks plenty of water I know how hard that can be if she is vomiting a lot but it is important that she keeps well hydrated.

Best wishes to you both of you.

Janet x

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Guest ElaineW

Thanks for your replies which have been reassuring to both mum and me and it really does make sense - why did I not think of that! I have told mum all about this site and feel the advice is better than anything your own GP could give. Mum has kept some lunch down today and more importantly her tablets. Take care all.

Elaine (and Maggie my mum) xbxxxx

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Pegbrzz

Hi Elaine,

I had nausea and vomiting for almost a year after my SH. It was so bad the docs couldn't control it with any medicine. I finally had to have a feeding tube inserted to get the nutrition I required. I know what your mother is going through and please tell her there will be an end to her nausea. Not sure when that will be since everyone is different. I also have 2 shunts so that might make a difference as to how long the nausea exists.

Take care,


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Guest ElaineW

Hi Peggy

I have tactfully told mum that this could be a problem for some time but she is at her wits end feeling like it 24 hours a day. We have tried so many ant-sickness tablets, none of which seem to work, have stopped all usual medication to see if that makes a difference, and she has had a normal endoscopy (as the Neuro surgeons decided it was not head trauma related). She has lost one and half stone and surviving on not a lot more than nutrition drinks. I was hoping for some miracle solution but hopes are dwindling. She is due to see the Cardiovascular Nurse in August so I don't know if she will be be able to come up with any suggestions. Mum's recovery has been practically nil since coming home as this nausea and vomiting has taken over. We both feel so desperate. If anyone else has experienced this my heart goes out to them.



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