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Not cleared to drive after over two years!


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 I have not been allowed to drive for two years now. I was told I could drive after six months past my cranioplasty. Then I was told on that very day that I  now had a subdural bleed due to blood thinners. After that bleed, I started having little seizures so I was told another six months of no driving. Then after 18 months of physical,  occupational and speech therapy I was told I needed vision therapy to drive. Now that I'm done with four or five months of Vision Therapy I am told that my reflexes are not fast enough for me to drive yet.i feel like a shutin! Going crazy! All the while finding rides to all these therapies! Anyone else have these issues? Sorry, my second vent for the day.

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Hi there


No, I'm afraid I don't, but take heart in the fact that they are thorough.  It's for your safety and the safety of others on the road.  Ask them if there are exercises you can do to improve your reflexes etc.  

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