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Book "My stroke of insight"

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Due to feeling I did not have enough information about what happened to me I have tried to learn about it.  The book "My Stroke of Insight" by Jill Bolte Taylor, Ph.D.  began as a bit of a difficult read for me as I read about 20 to 30 pages and then have to stop due to not comprehending anything beyond that.


This book however after captured me as I got into details of her stroke.  This lady is a brain scientist and you can watch her speaking on utube....I found it interesting and moving..  My opinion of course :)     Jean

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I agree Winb...I think for sure she saw what happened to her in a much different way than I viewed my own SAH.   I read the book before looking at a video, I always develop a picture of what the person looks like.  She did not meet my imagination haha...I enjoyed this book very much and even cried at one point.  My son who is a mental health therapist gave me the book he had read it for a class at some point.  

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