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spaced out

Guest suer

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Hi everyone! found it difficult getting logged on but I would like to ask a question. I had my clipping 2 year and one month ago only I feel quite vunerable in the evenings because My head feels quite spaced out covering the whole of my skull particulary at the back and the front areas. Im 46 working full time and just dont know if its my surgery causing these feelings or my age or work, has any one experienced anything similar if so would you please post comment

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Hi Sue

Welcome to BTG glad you managed to log in alright and thank-you for telling us a little bit about yourself. I also had a clipping procedure in Nov 2006 and have been on a learning curve ever since.

I suffer with Neurological pain in the left side of my head which is the side I had the bleed on and like yourself the pain can be felt from my forehead right down into the neck. I got prescribed a low dose of anti-depressant which helps with nerve pain.

I also found that due to fatigue and pain I cannot work full time hours as the more tired I am the worse it gets. Like yourself I will be 46 this year hope this :wink:

Look forward to hearing more from you.

Janet x

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Hi Sue :D A very warm welcome to BTG.... I too have been clipped 14 months ago......i also have this spaced out feeling and bad pains ....was mainly on the right side where the scar is and at the back of my head...but recently has been front of my head. My face and forehead are really painful as well...i think it is mending pains from the operation. Nerve pain is very painful...i found the painkillers they gave me for that just made me really sleepy...did not touch the pain. I get very tired as well...i am not yet back to work, i am also 46. Hope to hear from you again soon.

Take care

Love Tina xx

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