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Dvla delays in re-issuing license.


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Having recently gone through my 6 month post bleed "red letter day" in the calendar, I was hoping to celebrate by driving my wife to a planned celebration with friends. Unfortunately, although I sent of the appropriate forms and application, 8 weeks before the date my ban finished (24 Nov) 


There is still no sign of my license.  I have been ringing every few days for an update. but it is rather pointless as the medical application help centre, will not give me a timescale, even a ball park estimate. Apparently the application has been "with the doctors" since 14th Nov. 


Having had the all clear from my Neurologist in September, with no outstanding medical issues, I naively assumed my six month ban would be simply and speedily honoured. (My licence was taken away speedily and efficiently) 

Can anyone who has been through the DVLA system give me an idea of what to expect from them? I am sure that there are other posts covering this topic, but I can't find them. 


I feel lucky to be as well as I am, but for mild headaches and occasional bouts of tiredness, I am almost back to my old self. Living in Rural Mid Wales, without being able to drive is becoming a real limiting factor in my return to normal life. 


Sorry for the whinge. 



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Hey Bri. Sorry to hear of your DVLA traumas. It is not entirely surprising though! It took three weeks-ish for me to get my licence back after the information had been passed to the doctors. So long as they have the information they will eventually get to making a decision. They are not picking on you; it's just that they have to do this for many people and their workload is considerable. Also, it is a very serious decision to make to allow someone their licence back. I'm afraid, in this, and all cases with the DVLA, patience really is a virtue.


Keep phoning them fella. They are always happy to let you know what progress there is, if any but the people answering the phone don't necessarily have the ability to call the doctors to ask how they are getting on with a particular case.


Chin up. Hopefully you'll be fully mobile again before Christmas and you can give the Evo triangle a bit of a go! 😉

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Thanks Johnnie. 


I will try to be patient, as you suggest. It's coming up to three weeks since my application went to the medical panel for assessment. Fingers crossed that it re-appears soon. 


Regards Bri. 

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The saga continues.


Having just spoken to the DVLA medical department, hoping to be given some good news, as my application has been with the doctors panel, 3 weeks tomorrow. I have been told that a letter has been sent to Specsavers, asking them to arrange a field of vision test. The results of which will be sent back to the panel. I assume this will now add a number of weeks to the process.


I had an eye test a few weeks ago, to confirm that my sight is still 20/20.  I did explain to the lady I spoke to that my sight is good and that as per my legal duty I would inform them if I was aware of any issues that would make me unfit to drive. ( I am getting desperate to have ny license back). I even offered to go straight to specsavers to get a field of vision check done asap at my own expense, then fax the result to them. All to no avail.


I appear to be getting  drip fed info from them and would love to know if there are any likely "hiccups" on the way.

I would love to hear the experiences of anyone else who has had a  6 month medical ban after having an EVD or shunt fitted.










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The field of vision test (esterman test) at Specsavers seems, in this case, to be a formality Bri, unless you have experienced a loss of vision since your 'event'? It's quite a simple test and involves pressing a button when you see a light come up. You focus on the centre of the screen and it checks your periphery vision to see if there are any missing sections.


I had loss of vision after my stroke and it shows up on the test. If you have been shown to have 20 20 vision then it sounds like you'll be fine but please be aware that being able to see letters on a board does not mean you don't have loss of periphery vision. Having said that, I suspect you would know about such a loss already, if it had occurred. This is what makes me think they are jut trying to cover all bases.


Specsavers will get the results to the DVLA within a couple of days and if it is all clear then, hopefully, the DVLA should decide quickly. It is unlikely that Specsavers will give you the test results or even discuss them with you.


I am sure it will be fine. Good luck.

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Thanks again Johnnie. 


It is frustrating to have to wait for a pointless test, and no doubt at some cost to the DVLA. 

My Neurosurgeon did a quick test in her office at my final check up. All fine, thankfully. 


I have asked for a copy of her report, to confirm that this test is needed based on its contents. 

I know we have no choice but to let the wheels of bureaucracy   turn. But I feel that the system at DVLA is prehistoric, no emails or website access to update documents. 


I was told by a rather unhelpful chap there, when I asked for a likely time scale, that there are 3million medical licenses and I can't expect there to be 3million doctors to review each one. 

Rather daft and unhelpful answer. 


I will sit and wait, hopefully as you say, Specsavers will get onto it fairly quickly.  It is the snail pace, and unhelpful attitude of the DVLA that causes me heartburn. 


Thanks again for your straightforward, and no doubt, useful comments. 



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Hi Bri, Try and get hold of your neurosurgeons PA and ask if she / he can email a copy of report to you to then send to DVLA. Tbh if they have cleared you neurologically that’s all they are looking for. 


I had  an EVD and then later a Shunt...15 months no drivingafter being revoked !! Some of that down to DVLA and consultant delays but it took a letter from consultants finally get the yes from DVLA. I never had to take an eye test. 


but more recently had an over eager locum decide that a short bout of blurring which was full investigated by emergency ophthalmic consultant m full eye and vision test and no issues but he decided in his wisdom ( or lack of it) that it meant I couldn’t drive ( basically he was annoyed because I didn't agree with his assessment that I should have an LP, i pointed out Had he ever had one and that I’d had at least 10 so I would have to decline as hospital was happy )  but he informed DVLA anyway!


I was floored and very distressed, I actually paid to see a neurologist privately,cost me £100 ,  he tested me, reviewed my latest notes and sent report to DVLA confirming my fitness to drive and I was immediately told I could continue without it being revoked and they would confirm in writing.


Good luck. But yes patience is key, that And dogged pursuit of anyone who can influence ! 


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Hi Daffodil. 


Thanks for your response. Sounds like you were put through the mill. I will chase up my specialist for a copy of the report, just to see if there are any other possible issues that might arrive from the DVLA. 


Unless she has suggested there is a problem with my field if vision(which she checked in her office to her satisfaction) I don't understand why they are insisting on this extra test. It does seem that there is little actual, careful consideration made to an individuals situation. More of a general tendency to err on the side if caution. 


I will sit and wait for the DVLA to move at their glacial pace to the next chapter of this saga. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

A quick update. 


Having had the field of vision test last week. I rang the dvla yesterday for an update. I was told the usual, nothing to report. 

But when I checked on the dvla license check site today. 

Full driving licence as of today! 


It's been a long 7 months living in the middle of nowhere without a license. 

So anyone out there still waiting for their license.  Keep ringing, act immediately on any letter or requirement from them, and finally in their own glacial time you will get your license back. 




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