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Worried, don’t know what to expect for mum

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Hi there I’m hoping to get some insight into NASAH.


My mum called an ambulance yesterday morning at 830am, was confirmed to be a bleed on the brain. She was transferred to a specialist hospital to undergo more scans, which revealed NASAH-which is good news I hope?


Its very early on I know but I have no idea what to expect. Is it in her favour to pull through? Have they caught it at right time?


I called this evening to check how she is and she’s still in a lot of pain, and confused/drowsy etc. Is this to be expected?

When will she start to improve so I can talk to her? Or her symptoms to start going?


Thank you for reading, and thanks for any advice you can give.


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Hi Rebekah


A very scary and uncertain time for you. We can't give medical advice on the site but can tell you about our own experiences.


My bleed was a NASAH with the complication of Hydrocephalus. I was in hospital for 2 weeks and remember very little of that period. I was in pain quite a lot of the time with headaches but this was managed with painkillers. Hopefully as mum was seen early in hospital she will recover, as there does not appear to be an aneurysm no surgery should be required unless she develops Hydrocephalus and needs a drain as I did.


Have a good look through the posts in the Non-aneurysmal section of the site and read others experiences. However what you need to remember is that everyone is different and their stories vary. It will depend on how alert she is as to when you may be able to speak to her. My husband and family were with me all the time and say I was talking after a few days - however a lot of it was rubbish and I slept most of the time. I presume that due to Covid you are unable to visit? 


My friends husband had a NASAH in early April this year, she was unable to see him while in hospital but was able to skype call him - the hospital helped with this. He was able to communicate after a few days and has made a remarkable recovery with virtually no deficits, a very lucky man!


Feel free to personal message via the site me if you would like more help. Just keep strong, look after yourself and be prepared to give Mum lots of support when she comes home. Be thinking of you.


Clare xx

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Thank you so much for replying. I’m glad you are ok.


I think I did the worse thing and googled it, as I never even heard of it before and all I could see was the worst case scenarios.

And yes not being able to see her is making me anxious mess. I just want her back so I can look after her.

Is this classed as a stroke?


They aren’t operating, and sending her back to a closer hospital which is good.

i think I’m just being inpatient and wanting her well again ASAP.


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No worries Rebekah it's a stressful time.


Everyone googles but the advice we always gave our patients in the hospital I worked at was stick to NHS websites or those of charities associated with the diagnosis. 'Headway' and 'Brain and Spine' are good sources of info.


The fact they are sending her back to a closer hospital sounds like positive news. Yes a subarachnoid haemorrhage is classified as a stroke.


Take good care


Clare xx

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HI Rebekah,


So sorry to hear this has happened to your mum.  As Clare mentioned, we can't give medical advice.  There is a wealth of knowledge on here for you to review. 


Overall, a NASAH can have a variety of short and long term affects.  I had mine over 4 years ago.  Other than some headaches for a couple of years, and some memory loss, I am mostly back to my old self. 


Just as with Clare, I had an EV to release pressure.  I spent 10 days in the hospital and then returned home.  The good news is, though the cause of NASAH is unknown, statistics show that the likelihood of having another one is no greater than anyone else. 


There is some debate on whether a NASAH is a "stroke", and there is a whole thread you can read on if it you wish.  I send best wishes for you and your mum.



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Hi Rebekah,


I am so sorry to read about your mom...you are such a good daughter trying to reach out and understand what has happened...This is a wonderful support site.  I too had a SAH and it is so scary, my daughter and sons didn't know what it was and it was just waiting and praying for them. As I improved and they were able to communicate with the doctors they understood it better.   


My heartfelt prayers are with you and your mom....

xx Jean

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