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A Journey in Verse


Never thought I would see this day,
Never thought it would be this way,
Lying in hospital day after day,
Not knowing if recover I may,
Strong as an ox then weak as a kitten,
Down to the ground I’d been smitten,
Searching for answers but not much is written,
Five years on now since I was bitten.


Long days, still longer nights,
Never giving up on these daily fights,
Pick myself up, but my head is so light,
Yet the slightest movement took all of my might,
Every small thing proves such a strife,
Yet misunderstanding is unbearably rife,
Only BTG and my sister and wife,
Witnessed my struggle, my lash out for life.


Pre SAH, back then I was quicker,
Then came the headache and so I got sicker,
Thanks heavens above it wasn’t my ticker,
Only my brain, my very own clicker,
So came the fightback, onto recovery road I stepped,
A long winding way, along which I crept,
Thankfully now, I’m much more adept,
Helping others deal with precept.


Thank you my doctors,
Thank you my nurses,
Thank you to all for ridding my curses,
Hope it means something, my try at these verses.
Life is for living,
And now I am giving,
Thanks for belief,
And the untold relief,
For the return of my soul and dispatch of grief
And the chance to turn over another new leaf.


Bless you all BTG



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