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Everything posted by Vivien

  1. I suffered from depression quite a few years ago and had counselling and group therapy. I am sure that this has helped me post SAH to recognise my feelings more and to deal with them. I have had touches of anxiety over the past few months, mainly due to insomnia I think. I do find that my emotions seems to be all over the place, happy one minute, then sad, then angry, like a rollercoaster. I also seem to blurt things out, I think something and it pops out of my mouth before I realise
  2. Could the headache be caffeine withdrawal headache and that is why it gets better when you drink a strong coffee?
  3. I was not allowed to leave hospital until I was drinking 2 or 3 litres of water a day ( I can't remember which ) since being at home I always have a big glass of water handy and drink as much as I can. I do think it helps.
  4. Vivien

    my story

    Hello and welcome to this very helpful and friendly site. Great t shirt pic
  5. Vivien


    Hello and welcome
  6. I am / was a self employed bookkeeper for small businesses and also repaired computers. Nearly 9 months after my SAH I have not returned to work as I am unable to concentrate for long enough and don't trust myself not to make loads of mistakes in a job that needs accuracy
  7. I haven't had a similar experience, it would worry anyone I think. Hope all is well Vivien x
  8. It is 8 months since my SAH and I reckon I am about 60%
  9. Hello, I had an SAH in May 2007 and like you I did not take seriously what was happening to me, it was my GP who insisted I go to A & E Anyway, welcome!
  10. I also get less migraines but more headaches if that makes sense!
  11. I think you have summed things up well I struggle to reconcile how I was to how I am now, but I know that 7 months post SAH is still early days. I am finding new sides to myself and new interests and think that I am lucky to be alive
  12. I have been feeling dizzy a lot lately, firstly when I got a cold, it seemed to knock me for six! and now I am under a bit of stress ( A wayward daughter) I am feeling very dizzy, and more confused than usual. I don't seem able to process things in my mind like I used to, although seven months on I am definitely a lot better
  13. Sounds like this might be related to the SAH as you both seem to have similar problems Karen Mine was the left middle cerebral artery and diffused into the left Sylvian fissure, whatever that means! I did actually notice my eye felt 'weird' in hospital but didn't mention it to anybody I had an MRI a month ago and won't see the specialist until February, so assumed all must be well. Perhaps it will take time to feel better, I will ask in February unless it gets worse.
  14. Since my SAH just over six months ago my left eye has felt 'strange'. I have been to my doctor a few times and so far he has diagnosed dry eyes, and gave me drops, and a blood test has shown an allergy ( waiting to find out to what). I have also been for an eye test and that was fine. It is hard to describe how it feels but eye ache comes close it also seems worse in the morning when I wake up. Does / Did anyone else have anything similar after their SAH?
  15. I am in receipt of DLA, and have been for a few years now, due to me having a smashed knee and a neurological condition called dystonia ( yes rare like an SAH!) I remember filling out those forms, and yes do put down everything, I found it very depressing and got in quite a state about it as it somehow meant that I had finally admitted defeat and had to come to terms with being disabled. A doctor came to visit me and examine me and was very friendly and helpful. A while later I got a big cheque and was given DLA which upset me even more as it meant that it was Official! I am disabled. Now a few years on, I appreciate the help and am glad that I applied
  16. Hello, I agree with Louise, a good chat with your GP will maybe get you some help with what you are feeling. I think what you are feeling is quite common for us post SAH people, ( I am only 6 months post SAH ) the doctor who treated me at the hospital said it would take a long time both physically and emotionally to recover. Anyway Good Luck Vivien x
  17. Hello Welcome to the site, it is very helpful to those of us who have had an SAH Sorry, I have never heard of wrapping either, mine was coiled. Most of us seem to have memory problems as well
  18. Well it is 5 months since my SAH and I can finally see that I am making a bit of progress Last saturday I went out for dinner with my husband to my son's house to meet his future in-laws. I managed 3 hours until the voices became just noise and I was slipping into a horizontal position on the sofa! I enjoyed the evening very much. I still forget things, get confused and ( my big problem) can't sleep well but I am coping better and not so scared. Next Sunday is my first MRA scan so hopefully the results will be good I still visit this board most days and gain a lot of strength from you all. Thankyou PS. Blonidie I like the boots!
  19. Hello and welcome to this very helpful site
  20. I am having my 6 month check up at the end of October ( and even my addled brain knows it is only 5 months ) and I am having an MRI not an angiogram. So this seems to be the way they check things Aah seems you can only have it if your SAH has been coiled not clipped
  21. Thankyou all for the words of encouragement They are a great help to me because although I have a lot of family and friends who care for me ( my 78 year old Dad brings my lunch round every day!) I feel a bit lonely because it is so hard to explain how it is now. My husband is very supportive but tries to wrap me in cotton wool. Some days I can be positive and others the negatives overwhelm me. It is so good to be able to communicate here and know that others have made it through.
  22. When I left hospital a doctor said that it would take me a long time emotionally and physically to recover, I didn't take him seriously as I didn't feel too bad and now looking back four months on I think I was in a kind of daze, it was only after a month or two at home that I began to realise the seriousness of what had happened and the affect is has had on me. I get a lot of headaches, I can't remember things, I am easily overwhelmed by too many people, noise and a trip to the shops leaves my brain whizzing, and I have real trouble sleeping. I seem to need to lead a very quiet life or I start having anxiety attacks. I am now just beginning to accept that I have been deeply affected by the SAH and wonder how much I will recover and how long it will take.
  23. My eyesight is definitely worse since my SAH, I now use specs for the pc and reading gives me a headache! so I am off to see an optician soon. I also seem to have one eye worse than the other
  24. Thankyou for the welcome Karen, the site has been useful to me already, I have been a guest for a few weeks now. It has been really comforting to discover that the headaches, tiredness, sleeplessness, emotions and other weird things I have been feeling seem to be normal post SAH Well the lavender candle and classical music did not do the trick and I had another restless night and now have a cracking headache. So I would be very interested in a sleep cd
  25. Hello, I had an SAH nearly 3 months ago and have had the jumpy legs most nights ever since, and also broken sleep and lots of tossing and turning, yet I am very tired. My doc gave me valium which worked to some extent, but I don't want to get hooked so stopped. Tonight I am going to try a lavender candle and soothing classical music
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