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Everything posted by Vivien

  1. Hello Debbie It is understandable to be anxious considering all that has/is happening in your life at the moment. I think that you are doing really well and the feelings you have are normal, is there anyone you can talk to about things? My husband does not really talk about my SAH but I know that he is probably more concerned about my health than I am. This board is great because you can express yourself to people who do understand how you are feeling all too well My son got married last year and it was great, a very happy day, so enjoy it Take Care Vivien x
  2. Yes I have seen a neuropsychologist ( please excuse spelling) and yes it does help I use a diary and post its Timer sounds like a good idea, I have a lot of burnt offerings and keep telling my family that charcoal is good for them
  3. Hello Carol and welcome to this very helpful site, you are definitely not alone I can only echo what the others have said, a month after my SAH I phoned my GP to ask why I couldn't clean the kitchen worktop without feeling dizzy and numb on one side, he said 'get back to bed and rest more!' In some ways I feel the same person but in other ways I am not, and it is learning to accept things as they are now that I found the hardest. Two years on I still get tired, confused and frustrated but things are getting better Vivien x
  4. Hi Paul, welcome to you and Michele Vivien x
  5. Hope all goes well for you and your husband today, my thoughts are with you. As the person who had the SAH ( 2 years ago) I did not realise how upsetting and worrying it was for my family and friends as I really didn't know what was going on and treated the whole thing as kind of a big joke, strange how the brain is affected! I actually spoke to my son about this recently and tried to reassure him that I am OK, I think that my family still worry about my health, and I tend not to talk about how I feel in case I worry them more. Anyway, your husband is in the best place and hopefully will be sorted soon Vivien x
  6. Sorry to hear that you are getting panic attacks Donna, they really are horrid. I think if you accept them for what they are and not try to fight it, they are not quite so scary. I went to my brother's 50th birthday party yesterday, and since my SAH I seem to get overexcited and then cannot calm back down again. I had a great time but then when I got home my brain seemed to be whizzing, was still awake at 3am and felt like my head was going to explode with all the thoughts whizzing round! I tried my meditation and it didn't work! eventually fell asleep at around 4 am and woke up at 6.30 with a splitting headache. It will take me a couple of days to wind back down, just from going to a party, it is so frustrating. Anyway, all sorts of scary thoughts go through my head in the middle of the night and I just say to myself " Thankyou mind for that thought" and then think about something else, because that is all that they are, thoughts that are just passing through my head. Hope this might help Vivien x
  7. Hello John The uncertainty must be very worrying, and all the messing around they are doing as well! You are definitely more patient than I would be. Hope you get some answers next week Vivien x
  8. Hi Mollie, sorry to hear about your problems with the DLA, just make sure you tell them how you are when it is at its worst. Hope you get justice at the tribunal. I agree with Janet, Headway are very helpful. I am just over 2 years after my SAH and have quite a bad memory as well. Good Luck Vivien x
  9. Hi Sandie and Welcome I was told, like you that it would be a long recovery and like you I didn't believe them as I thought that I was fine:) I think it took about 6 months just for it to sink in! Vivien x
  10. Hello Debbie and welcome to this very helpful site Vivien x
  11. Great News wishing you and Sharon all the best Vivien
  12. Before my SAH two years ago I was self employed doing accounts for small businesses and also had an interest in computing and built my own pc. It has taken me a long time to accept that I cannot do this type of work anymore, my memory is shocking and my concentration is pretty poor. I am now trying to think of something that I can do, as I would like to contribute something, and am thinking of some sort of voluntary work to see how I cope back in the world of work However something that did happen is that I see the world differently, I notice the colours of the trees, the beauty of the things around me, so have taken up photography. I am slowly learning about shutter speeds and depth of field and also have a record of family events, so that I can look at them and remember. I now have people asking me to take photographs for them and last year took the photographs at my son's wedding and some of mine were better than the professional pics! So even if you can't go back to your original job you might find something else even better Vivien
  13. Hi Adam and welcome to BTG Vivien
  14. I was coiled not clipped, but I remember when I first came out of hospital trying to wipe the kitchen counter and not being able to do it! I phoned my GP who told me to go back to bed and rest! I think you just have to accept that it is very early in your recovery and not feel guilty about others looking after you Vivien x
  15. Great to hear of the progress, enjoy your holiday Vivien x
  16. Yes, I have had counselling and it definitely helps Vivien x
  17. Was this story written by the brothers Grimm? I would be furious by now, Paul's suggestions sound good to me. I hope it gets sorted for you soon Vivien x
  18. I wake up a lot of mornings with a headache, I have discovered that if I read at night I will wake up with a headache the next morning, although my eyes have been tested and are fine. I think it is the concentration required that gives me the headache, I also get one if I am tired and find a days rest doing absolutely nothing eases them I nearly always have a dull headache not a sharp one, but sometimes it is so bad I have to stay in bed. I was told by a couple of doctors that having an SAH makes one more prone to headaches. Vivien
  19. Hello Michelle and Welcome to BTG Thankyou for telling your story, I echo what the others have said, it is early days in your recovery and it does get better. Vivien x
  20. My SAH was the left middle cerebral artery ( I found the paperwork ) My physical problems are mainly tiredness, headaches and tinnitus and a shocking memory. The headaches and tiredness have improved with time ( mine was 2 years ago) still got tinnitus and bad memory
  21. It is heartbreaking to read your posts, I hope you and Sharon get the help you need. Vivien x
  22. Congratulations on your first year, and I echo what the others have said, I noticed a big improvement in my second year Vivien x
  23. Hi Tisha, that is great news Vivien
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