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good side and affected side

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hi all :-D

my affected side is my left side, my right side has started to feel weak, achey and tired. i have quite a few aches and pains especially in my right arm, shoulder and hand. i was thinking maybe because its had to work extra hard for the last 6months and still has to work harder now, maybe its all caused by that??

i was wondering if anybody else has felt the same?? xx

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Hi :-D Not sure....could be....but i would go and see your Doctor if you are at all worried. I felt weak all over ...even though it was my right side effected. Felt that way for quite some months. All takes time to recover. Still get tired now and i am 22 months on. You take care xx

Love Tina xx

Edited by Tina
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i've been to docs i've got a blood test weds morn, checking blood count, bone profile, vit d and urea and something! he said it could be numerous things, my calcium vit d levels could be low or it could all be down to the anxiety. i will let you no. hopefully if anything it will be something minor. xx

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi all just an update on blood tests.

they have all come back ok, got a follow up appointment on monday but gp thinks that symptoms are mainly down to anxiety. i will beat this thing!! i have been referred to a psychotherapist so hopefully it wont take long and it will help.

kelly xx

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Hi i also have this problem from time to time if i walk far or use my left side a lot my right side complains, i also have had calcium problems which cause severe tiredness, and i take calcachew tabs for that and is often known as HPTH a blood test will confirm this. paulg

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