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Good news at last

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Hi everyone

Just had some good news about my cancer, apparently I can live with it as long as its monitored and shouldn't cause a problem for about 12 years so all I want now is the result of my angiogram on my brain regarding the coiling and then I can put my life back on track again. Still got the problem with my friends since I said I would not go to London, they still haven't contacted me, makes me feel some sort of pariah. Anyway there's plenty more fish in the sea and the weather isn't too bad so off out to spend some money.

Hope you're all keeping well and you're keeping you're New Years Resolutions.


John :D

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Hi John

Oh that's such good new so pleased to hear it.

And those are the kind of friends you can do without in my book, yes weathers a lot better here too so I'm feeling a bit better today than yesterday.

Take care and again great news....


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Hi John,

Nice to hear from you and I'm pleased that you've had some good news.

Good luck with the angio results!

Sorry to hear about the lack of support from your friends still. If you've tried all avenues to put things right with them, then may be it's time to move on.

Keep well,

Love K x

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Howdy Ninja!

Hey, you ABSOLUTELY did the right thing by cancelling London. You are listening to your body. Good for you! Sometimes it's so hard to educate DOLTS! Your friends need to wake up or just leave you alone.

I read an old entry from Articles recently about Andy when he was at Disneyland and coincidentally met an expert on SAH... the man referred him to a website of his writings on the subject which I looked up. There were several things about recovery that I found helpful. The expert said that recovery symptoms can continue in the SAH victim for 6 months to 6 years. That was the first time that I'd heard anything about 6 years. When I was released from the hospital they told me 6 months to a year, and I was frustrated at my one year anniversary that I wasn't "well". Knowing that it can take a lot longer has made me feel a lot better and I am much more patient with the process. I'll find that website and make a thread about it so others can read it too. Then maybe you should send it to your friends. AND by the way, the studies were done on non aneurysm SAH's so you get all the more understanding from all of us about your recovery issues. Karen, if you have that site on a list and want to do the posting, that's fine too.

And regarding the prostate thing... if I may be so bold... can you tell me your age? Jack is 62 and very worried about an upcoming checkup on his numbers. Your good news should be a comfort to him. Thanks!


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Howdy Ninja!

Hey, you ABSOLUTELY did the right thing by cancelling London. You are listening to your body. Good for you! Sometimes it's so hard to educate DOLTS! Your friends need to wake up or just leave you alone.

I read an old entry from Articles recently about Andy when he was at Disneyland and coincidentally met an expert on SAH... the man referred him to a website of his writings on the subject which I looked up. There were several things about recovery that I found helpful. The expert said that recovery symptoms can continue in the SAH victim for 6 months to 6 years. That was the first time that I'd heard anything about 6 years. When I was released from the hospital they told me 6 months to a year, and I was frustrated at my one year anniversary that I wasn't "well". Knowing that it can take a lot longer has made me feel a lot better and I am much more patient with the process. I'll find that website and make a thread about it so others can read it too. Then maybe you should send it to your friends. AND by the way, the studies were done on non aneurysm SAH's so you get all the more understanding from all of us about your recovery issues. Karen, if you have that site on a list and want to do the posting, that's fine too.

And regarding the prostate thing... if I may be so bold... can you tell me your age? Jack is 62 and very worried about an upcoming checkup on his numbers. Your good news should be a comfort to him. Thanks!


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Hi Annie

No problem I'm 58 years, don't worry too much many men have it and out live it. Without dwelling on the subject on this site perhaps you may want to check out http://www.prostate-cancer.org.uk.

Hope everything goes alright, Iwas going to rant on a bit more but the boss (wife) has just rung so must pick her up. I don't know what I would have done if they had stopped me driving its a godsend.



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