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Dis-inhibition/mood changes

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I'm 3months post SAH When I first came round from the SAH I was very disinhibited in the sense that I would just say whatever I felt like, (told and nurse she was a right *****) (In my defence she was) I threw a tantrum in my GP Surgery, I would ask friends very personal questions, but especially if wasn't happy about something I would just say (its possibly the least stressed I've ever been in my life). I went through a real stage of swearing and stuttering I've stopped stuttering completely now.

When I got out of hospital I found if difficult to adjust to being able to do things and the fact that emotionally I wasn't the same. I was very short tempered with my husband, I'm normally very placid. I went through a stage of just anything he did really irrated me. Then I had the crying phase this happened over and just after christmas. I would suddenly burst into floods of tears even if I didn't feel like crying, and I couldn't stop it until I had a good blub. Now I am at the stage were if its not real tears I can stop it. Don't get me wrong I think its good to cry and I used to love a good cry but these were tears in epic proportions!

Now at the 3 month mark I'm starting to feel like me again, if I'm tired I'll maybe let by guard down abit and come out with something. But they do say its Good to Talk.


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Oh been there!!!!

Everybody must have thought me a right old :twisted: & my temper was so short I would get really :evil: mad all the time.

Thankfully this passed totally in about 6 months. I think the saying is now that I dont suffer fools lightly (I think).

I did lots of things that were totally out of charector for me I cringe at them now but at the same time I laugh at it too.


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Hey there

I'm probably less uptight than I used to be. I know no one is going to die if pots aren't put stright into the dishwasher or a cup is left in the front room overnight. I used to be a control freak basically. Everything had its place and should be put back in it. Now if Siobhan sumps her schoolbag on the kitchen floor I just ask her where it lives and she puts it away.

I don't feel that I get as stressed but I am definitely more emotional. I'll cry rather than shout and tend to shoot from the hip more now than before - although I am tactful.

I'm more aware of my emotions than I used to be and not so scared of them anymore.

Sami xxx

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Once again, I think Sami and I must be clones; I also find I feel more balanced about things that used to bug me (eg, the pots can go to hell) and to take more real pleasure in the miracle of every day. I was always a bit emotional but this has exacerbated it. Saw the movie "Bobby" about the assassination of Robert Kennedy. There is a speech at the end about tolerance in society that left me in tears. So I guess I responsd to things more spontaneously.

Thanks, though, Sami for expressing it better....

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Sometimes it can get annoying to hear about what I would of done "before" or how I would react in any given situation. To be honest I don't like the sound of the person that everyone seems to think I was prior to my SAH, and to be even more honest I don't think that person actually exsists at all! I know that having gone through what we've gone through can change us, and yes I am aware of the possible "personality" issues that it can cause BUT I think that sometimes is just an easy out for people to hang another thing on the SAH "hook". People like to have these "hooks" as it can be easier to blame something rather than to try and resolve an issue that confronts them. Yes I have changed, but that has a hell of a lot to do with my lifestyle now as opposed to then and I don't even want to go anywhere near the psy of going through the whole "near death" stuff. Yes we've changed, but then again everything else has but I still feel that I am the same person as before but with a different perspective.

Rant over.........


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Hey there

Yep with you on that one. The difference is that I can remember exactly how I use to be before this but knowing where my anni was pressing it could have been down to its location. Now its in effect dead and shrivelled the pressure has probably somewhat decreased and I'm different.

I wouldn't say I have a different personality but like you say, we say things differently now. We don't sweat the small stuff cos, lets face it, we've all seen the bigger pciture.

Things don't scare me so much now and I'm much more likely to speak my mind but I do still thinks about the consequences of my actions first.


Sami xxx

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