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Counsellor/Hospital appointment

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Hi All

Just thought I'd let you know that I have an appointment with a Nurse Practitioner in Mental Health on Wednesday 4th October at 3pm. This appointment has come through quicker than my follow up appointment from the hospital. How long did you guys have to wait before you got your first follow up out patient appointments? I know that I am to have 3 more scans in the next 18 months to make sure that the coils haven't settled too much but I have no ida when or where!!!

Hope everyone is OK - not heard from you for a while Andy P since you sent me all that fab information.

Anyway am off now so I'll catch up soon

Take care

Love Sami xxxx :P

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Hi Sami,

That's really good news and pretty quick! I'm still waiting for an appointment to come through for Neuro Rehab for some physio etc............I saw the Neuro Consultant on Aug 7th...but nothing as of yet. I have a feeling that they've completely forgotten about me! Anyway, back to the Doc on Friday and I shall have a word with him.

Are you having an Angio to check your coils?......I had my angio check up at 12 months post SAH and I'm not due for a MRA until the beginning of 2007. I think that they usually carry out the MRA at 18 months post SAH. I expect that every hospital is slightly different, but I got to the Southampton Neuro Centre.

Anyway, hope all is well with you. I'm a little tired today and everything has been a bit of an effort....hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

Take care,

Love Karen x :D

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I've been told that they'll scan me to check the coils but I have no idea as I've not heard anything. Not sure I want an Angio to check them - I'm pretty sure they said they'd check via a scan. They said 6 months, 12 months and then 18 months.

Make sure you get plenty of rest today if you're feeling tired Karen. I had a lovely relaxing bath again last night and Lavender oil burning in the bedroom for about half an hour before bedtime. I had a very goods night sleep last night and woke up feeling pretty 'normal' - only a slight cotton wool feeling around the ears - no headache as yet but I'm sure it will come. I've got to make sure I drink at least two litres of water again today which I did yesterday and it helped loads.

Catch you later if you're feeling up to it Karen.

Hya to everyone else on here - you OK Andy P?

Love Sami xxxx

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Good morning to you too!

I don't blame you for not wanting another angio.....I was really worried when I had to have mine.....but luckily they agreed to give me a light sedative! The angio was fine....but didn't enjoy the "burning" sensation behind my eye! If I had to have another one, I would definetly ask for a sedative again......I'm such a baby!!

Yep, still feeling tired today....I had quite a good nights sleep as well.....still, sometimes it doesn't seem to make a lot of difference. I sort of know how the day's going to pan out as soon as I open my eyes.

Anyway, one more day until I see the Doc...just hope that I get some joy from him!

Andy P messaged me last night.....he's been having some physio to help relieve the headaches.....so think that he's feeling a bit stiff and achey. If you're reading this Andy, hope that you're having a better day.

Your bath sounded lovely and a really good idea to use the Lavendar oil before sleeping............I love scented candles and I often use the Yankee potpourri wax tarts that you can melt in an oil burner...............some of the smells are delicious........they even do a chocolate one that smells just like the real thing! :D

Just about to catch up with my ironing mountain........how can kids use so many clothes? My washing basket is always full..........I catch up then, wham.....it's full up and the lid won't even close. I'm not sure how I used to manage working, have a social life and do the housework!

Anyway, must motivate myself! Hope that your day is a good one!

Probably speak to you later.....

Love Karen x

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I know what you mean about how you feel when you wake tends to set the rest of your day but I try not to wake thinking about how i feel more about how much longer I have in bed and what the weather is like today. So far so good today - infact with the absence of a headache still, I feel normal. Paul has just said that the vibe he's getting from me is a good one as I feel positive and am glowing at the moment.

I recevied a few self help books/leaflets through the post today so am going to have a read through those in a little while.

I'm gearing myself up for the weekend and hoping that I can hold onto the positive feelings that I have now. I'm supposed to be going out for a couple of hours with friends on Saturday night to celebrate my step daughters 18th birthday - it'll give me something to aim for and look forward to.

Glad that Andy is OK and hopefully will feel well enough to be back chatting soon.

And a tip for the ironing - let the kids that are old enough iron their own!!!

Take care and don't do too much :wink:

Sami xxxx

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Hi Sami,

It's good not to wake up with a headache..........fingers crossed that you will have a head free day. Just hope that you don't get one reading all thise leaflets!

Thanks for the ironing tip! :lol: You are so right! Only just finished.....but still haven't got through it all.....but had enough of it.........it's such a boring job!

Anyway, going to get some lunch......this afternoon is going to be even more exciting.............hoovering! (Whooohoo!!)....can't wait.....what's happened to my life!!!! :roll:

K x

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:lol: What's happened to our lives indeed!! Still head free and drinking plenty of water - the down side being that I am literally up every five minutes on the loo - so keeping the headaches at bay and keeping fit too!!!

Have fun with that hoover - and you go steady now - don't want you getting too excited at the prospect of housework!!! :wink:

Take care and speak soon

Sami xxcx

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Drinking water certainly seems to help the headaches.....but yes, you do seem to spend much of the day in the loo......I'm still drinking the Isotonic sports drinks...they do seem to help with the energy...it says on the bottle that they provide more effective re-hydration than water......it's probably just a marketing ploy though!! At least water is cheaper!!

Still haven't got around to hoovering....I've been putting it off and been doing the internet banking for the next month.....my daughter will be home from school in a minute, so I'm going to have to get a wriggle on!

Anyway, going now to have some fun hoovering up all the Daddy long legs that seem to have taken residence in our house.............is there a plague of them this year, there's stacks of them......normally the dog is quite partial to eating the odd spider....so was hoping that he might of helped me out......but no, they obviously don't taste good!

See you later,

K x :D

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Yeah somethig to do with the lack of wasps is the reason for the daddylong legs plague.

Still so far so good today - have had the odd stabbing pain but nothing like I normally do. I drink the Isotonic drinks too - Tesco do a lovely version but yeah water is certainly cheaper when you're having to drink 2 litres a day of non caffeine liquid - if it was coffee I had to drink I'd be laughing. I've cut down to about two or three cups a day whereas before I'd be having about 5 or 6 a day.

Anyway am going for a well earned rest as I've not had one yet today and don't want to tempt fate!!

Catch you later - have fun with the hoover!!!

Take care

Sami xxx

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Hi you two-I have been struggling with very bad headaches-not sure why which is why i went to a physio a few days ago-I have been under a lot of stress for various reasons...my wife thought they could be tension type??The physio said it would be worse for a while..Phew..not half..yesterday was really bad!!

I got in the sports injury place sat down next to a woman..."are you Andrew Peryer?"

"I could be"

"should I know you???"

"I am Lyn, I worked with your mum 25 years ago"

..phew..she looked a lot older..hence i didn't recognise her!!..Small world!

Anyway..to the physio.."I see you had an SAH...My husband died of brain damage in an RTA 6 years ago..he was 40"

turns out my wife remembered him on ITU!!!!

It really is a small world.

I won't rabbit on..just hope things ease up a bit!

I have another appointment on tuesday..but I need to eliminate what is going on.

Best wishes to you both

Andy P


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Hi Andy,

I really hope that you start to feel better in the next couple of days....have you had your blood pressure checked out?.....re: headaches etc.

Anyway. as you can probably see by my posts.............I'm feeling really bored............but oh so tired!!.......back to see the Doc in the morning...could really do with a pick me up.....think that my brain cells need something to do. Any suggestions? Fed up with cleaning etc.....which probably shows that I'm feeling better! But can't even find the inspiration to pick up my hobbies etc.......which I have loads.

Is this depression? I'm not quite sure what the term means.....but all the stuff that I used to do, sometimes seems of little insignificance. I need some inspiration I suppose........I feel that the half intelligent side of me, seems to have faded away.......Oh dear! this is sounding a bit sad...but I'm not.....just need something to motivate me.....sometimes, I get so annoyed with myself!!!!

Anyway, just hope that the Doc can wave his magic wand!!

Take care all....hope that tomorrow is a good day for us all!!

Love K x :)

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My goodness, hugs to all of you. This must be the month for headaches all around. Do try the Simply Saline, everyone. Hope it helps some. Karen, I have things in my ironing basket from over a year ago. I dont even know half of what's in there. And chocolate scented candles??!!! how cruel! I'd rather eat it.



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Hi All

Sorry to hear that the headaches have gotten bad again Andy, hope you can get them sorted soon.

As far as ironing is concerned - my husband does it cos I can't stand it. I do the house work (ie hoovering, polishing, tidying, washing, drying) and Paul does the ironing and the cooking.

I'm having a good day today and I do believe that it has a lot to do with the amounts of water I'm drinking as well as waking up thinking about something other than how I'm gonna feel today!!!

Hope everyone's day improves. You at the Docs today Karen? If so, let us know how it went.

Speak later

Sami xxx

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Just got back from the Docs. Well, he's a lovely man and always listens and takes in what I say.......which is always a good start!

He says that the tinnitus in my left ear and the pressure feeling is the brain damage caused by the SAH....which is affecting my balance and causing a multitude of other problems. At least I know that it's all connected.........it's great isn't it........talk about damaged goods......one dodgy ear and one dodgy eye!! (he he!!)

He's told me to chase up the Brain Injury Centre at Poole Hospital for my follow up physio...........I've been waiting about a month and a half for the appointment, but nothing's come through. They are meant to be re-training my brain to cope with the balance problem and then hopefully I will start to see some improvement.

Anyway, I will add to this later......but my Husband wants to go out now!!

K x

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Back home again......The Doc's given me a prescription for some tabs to help the dizziness in the short term....but I'm only meant to take them when it's really rough and I can't cope....as he said that the brain won't start to re-learn.....but it's good to have something just in case......especially when I'm out!

I'm having to have some more blood tests for cholesterol, anaemia and thyroid. He said that he could see I was fairly low this time, but isn't too happy about giving me anti deps at the minute, due to the seizure aspect. He sent me away with a Depression/Anxiety ticksheet and just told me to select an honest answer and send it back to him. In one sense I'm fairly happy not to have anti-deps, as the thought of having seizures again and not being able to drive, would probably lower my mood even more.

I'm really glad to know that my ear problem, dizziness..walking..eyesight etc. has now been linked together and finally acknowledged...............rather than it being put down to anxiety.......as I've sometimes thought that I'm going nuts!

So, it's been a good day and I finally feel as though I'm getting somewhere, which is a relief in itself and has improved my mood considerably!

Anyway, will come back later, but need to do some work...

Love to all :D

K x

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Wow, you folks all have better follow up than was ever offered to me. You raise a question for me, Karen. As far as anti deps... I've been on Zoloft for maybe 20 years. I have asked again and again about any health risks for me, and they shrug it off. They even kept the meds going during my hospital stay. What can you tell me about what you've heard in this regard???


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Hi Annie,

I think that a lot of the good Docs over here, prefer you to take the counselling/physio route whenever possible. In my case, because I had seizures during my SAH, there's sort of a 2 year waiting period......where you could develop epilepsy. If I go down the road of taking anti-deps, there's a higher risk......because one of the side effects is seizures. So it's quite a risk for me to take them and I will battle on, as I don't really want to take something that cures one thing, but gives me something else to tackle.

However, the Doc did say that if I felt so depressed that I needed chemical intervention, then they would obviously put that need first.

The main reason I feel depressed, is because of the physical symptoms that I'm still plagued with.....so they're hoping to be able to tackle the problem with physio etc. I know that it's going to be a long haul and probably a very uncomfortable one.

I don't know too much at all about anti-deps......but I think the Doc wasn't so much concerned that I had a SAH, but more about the side effects of possibly having a seizure, which would mean that I would lose my driving licence if I did. Just not willing to lose anymore of the little independence that I have.

Love K x :D

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Hi Karen

Glad to know that your Doc has helped and has gone someway to easing your conscience.

Was it the anti-deps that caused your seizures last time? I'm determined not to have to go down the anti-dep route as I don't want to rely on anything but me to get me better and then I've heard so many things about side effects and things.

My burning question is did we all suffer from head aches before the SAH? On the day of mine I woke with a headache and it lasted all day - I put it down to lack of coffee as I got headaches if I didn't have a coffee in the morning.

Anyway turned out to be wrong didn't it :roll: !!!!!

Take care

Sami xxx

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Hi Sami,

No, I've never taken anti-deps. My seizures were caused I'm presuming, because of the damage that was happening to my brain, during the bleed. I suppose that once you've had seizures, you're more prone to getting them again and developing epilepsy. Which is my biggest dread. I was also incontinent when I had them and I was mortified to find that out......To lose total control of your body is awful.......I really feel for anybody that has to live with epilepsy and they have my greatest admiration.

If I felt that bad that I needed to take anti-deps....then there's no doubt that I probably would.......but I would have to feel that life wasn't worth living and I haven't reached that stage, thank goodness. There's just too much at stake.

Yep, I always suffered from headaches and classic migraine pre SAH..since my teenage years. Before this SAH, I had a headache for at least 6 days...........if my memory serves me well! My warning bleed was completely different.......funny feeling in head and then bang!

Anyway, must go and do some dinner.......but feeling so much better for seeing the Doc......hope that all is well with you.....

Love K x :D

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Hi Karen

I didn't have any seizures during or since and it is one of the things that terrifies me too. I feel the same about the anti-deps - its a last resort. When I'm having days like I have had this week then I doubt I'll ever need them but then on the days that I feel so low and down theres no way out I'd be prepared to take anything to feel better. I'm all for the counselling first too though. I'd rather vent my spleen on someone qualified to handle it and advise me what to do about it.

Grey rainy days like today don't really help matters though when you're trying to keep yourself upbeat. As I haven't suffered any physical side affects apart from headaches, its hard for me to understand why I get depressed and anxious some days to the point where all I want to do is cry, scream and lash out. Paul is thinking of getting me a punch bag to put in the garage for when I have days like that so I can get rid of the frustration and anger. I can see why people turn to alcohol and drugs to cope with situations they can't get help with too. I know I feel more relaxed and less anxious when I've had a couple of drinks :D.

Glad the Doc has made you feel better though, set you up for a good weekend. I'm determined that I am not going to let this weekend be ruled by depression so I'm trying my upmost to stay upbeat and just tell myself that yes, I had an operation and the headaches are a side affect and will wear off soon.

Having a DVD and Pizza night with my daughter and step daughter tonight so lord only knows what I'm going to end up watching!!!

Have a good weekend everyone, I'll try and pop in over the course but I don't normally get the chance.

Love to one and all

Sami xxxxx

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Hi Sami,

Yes, you're right with your feelings about the anti-deps and side effects....I had so many side effects from the anti seizure drugs, which I'm led to believe have fairly similar effects on the brain....that I will try to avoid them.......but I will never say, never...... after waying up the pro's and con's...at the minute it's not the right time.

I'm not joking.........but I wish that I had also bought a punch bag.. the amount of times in the past where I could have given something a good kicking in pure frustration are numerous.......personally, I think that if you have somewhere to put one....do it!!! I wish that I had :lol: I think that it would be pure therapy in itself, you need to be able to release your emotions. Yep, I still like my glass or two of wine...........it's the only thing that makes me relaxed.........I shouldn't, I know..........but what's worse for you, the wine or the "prescribed drugs"................none of it does you any good, we all know that. I still want to be able to live a life that I can enjoy......I would rather have quality than quantity, that's for sure.

Hope that tonight goes well....is it a chick flick? Lauren has some friends over tonight...........in the summerhouse.....so just hope that they keep the noise down and don't give the neighbours any problems! Still, rather have them here, than wandering the streets.......it's only 7.20and it's nearly pitch black!! Not looking forward to the long dark nights!

Anyway, must go and hope that your weekend is much better than the last couple...keep your chin up, you're doing really well!

PS: Get Paul to go down to Argos and pick up that punch bag!!!!

Love K x :D

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Hi Karen

Well, I watched The Wild on Friday night (animated thing about a lion!) and we had pizza and ice cream (not together!!). It was lovely and I even resisted having a couple of drinks cos I didn't really feel like it.

This weekend has been the best since I was discharged from hospital after be re-admitted in Nottingham. I woke up Saturday morning and felt completely different to how I had done the previous weekends. So far so good today - slight headache at the back, but the water/fluid drinking really is helping.

I went out into the city centre on Saturday night with a couple of friends, my step-daughters and their friends to celebrate my step-daughter's 19th and managed to stay out until 12.30 when Paul came to pick us up. Sunday I felt headachey but no more than normal after a night out. Sunday we went to watch the second half of a football match that the team Paul manage's were playing and then into the pub for a couple of drinks. I went to bed for a couple of hours in the afternoon and had a bath and a massage before bed. So all in all the best weekend yet.

Today I feel fine so this will be a week without a really bad day. Perhaps I can finally accept what has happened, accept that I can't change it and deal with the ups and downs a bit more.

I feel that I'm lucky in so much as I haven't lost anything to the SAH. Physically I'm recovered and the only side affects are headaches and tiredness, I have gained though - I'm now closer to my dad than I have ever been (always been close to my mum), I have fallen in love with my husband all over and vice versa, I have realised how much I really do mean to my friends and I have learnt that my daughter is a very strong, independent, individual, amazing young lady at the age of nine.

Speak later

Sami xxx

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Hi Sami,

Really glad that your weekend was a good one and long may it continue!

My weekend was a good one, fairly quiet, but nice.

I'm still lazing in bed ........ going through another spell of not being able to get off to sleep ...... it's like torture, last night it took me until at least 3 am....as by 2.30am I stopped looking at the clock, as I might have thrown something at it!

Jumpy restless legs all night, topped up with a bit of cramp in my toes.... lovely!! I often wonder whether I've got too much brain activity going on, when I get like this, as even when I do get off to sleep, I keep waking up with a start.

Anyway, going to go and have a shower .....

Speak to you later, if I'm not in the land of nod......

Love K x

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I sometimes get that - I'm laying there just dozing off and my legs will suddenly jump of their own accord and I sometimes feel a heavy pressure in my knees - I had all of this before the SAH - but its still annoying.

Paul and I decided to swap sides of the bed as i keep slinging my right leg out of the bed and hitting the wooden frame so I have bruises up the back of one leg. I don't like sleeping nearest the door and thats what swapping sides meant - but you know? I had lovely nights sleep and even had a normal dream for once!!! Paul said he had a really good nights sleep too without the mouthpiece he has to wear for snoring too - and he didn't wake me up once!!! I know where I'm sleeping tonight!!

Have a nice lazy day today sweetie.

Catch you later when you've returned from nod :D

Sami xxx

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Hi Sami,

Haven't visited "land of Nod" yet!!....but I would imagine that I will have to later on. Had a lovely bath.....couldn't face standing up in the shower! so feeling better.

Just popped out to the supermarket for a few bits......and had my shower as I got out of the car...........the weather down here is awful......it's stormy and really heavy rain. It's the worse weather that I've driven in for years.

The tabs that the Doc gave me for my dizziness, don't appear to work. I will give them another go when I next go out.....but a bit dissappointed that they don't seem to have any effect. I know that my dizziness is always made worse by lack of sleep, so I will have to try them once I've

caught up and feeling brighter.

I'm glad that they will be testing my thyroid ...... as it does make me wonder whether it's a bit under active...........my hair is also getting a lot thinner and quite a bit is still falling out..........I know that they say you can lose a bit at the coiling site.....but I wouldn't have thought that it would continue to come out. Perhaps I could sell my body to medical science? :lol:

Why do all Husbands seem to have a snoring problem? When I was younger, I could never understand older couples having separate bedrooms......boy, I can now! It's a regular topic of conversation between me and my friends and all of their partners are just the same. Eric just doesn't snore........he also puffs or blows air like he's blowing up a balloon.........drives me nuts! Glad that you are sleeping better for swapping sides.....it's weird isn't, that it can make such a difference as to how you sleep.

Anyway, must go and do some housework............On Mondays. my house always looks as though it's been ransacked after the weekend......glad to get everybody back to school and work. Eric is off to Gibraltar tomorrow for a few days........he's troubleshooting some problem on a marine engine....so it will just be me and the kids.

Will speak to you later,

Love K x

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