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Hello, Jane here.


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I had an SAH followed by vasospasms and a shunt in January this year. I seemed to progress really well after the stunt and was expecting to keep improving at the same rate. I now realise that's not how it works! I've found it reassuring reading about the experiences others have had. Looking forward to chatting on here.

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I was approx 1 year in dreamland then shunt was fitted and it was if I'd woken up from a bad dream....cannot remember all and cannot

say what was real and what wasn't....but I look back and think " Win you and brain are so clever"...lol

lt's a hard slog Jane but you must never give up....sing and smile...it is good for memory ..singing xx

When down come on here give vent ..it helps and we are all in the same boat xx

Wish you all the Best on your recovery and welcome to BTG

Be Well

WinB143 x

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Welcome Patsy~

It is a long hard struggle but I look at it as we are all - not just us SAH'ers but many folks have some kind of issue to deal with- fair or unfair it is how you handle it & such is life. I think I am lucky as I am alive with some short term memory loss and minor issues compared to some (as annoying that is a for a type A personality). I think I was blessed somedays in to being force to slow down.

It has amazed us all that we have no handbook or information what to expect after a SAH. I thought I would be back to work in a few weeks then they said 3 months at the earliest - it ended up 5 months. Now at at 11 months I just had to change my hours to an easier schedule. I say don't push yourself it does you no good. Balance you life ~ I had a 2 hour eye appt today and the rest of day off of work but the exam was exhausting so I did not do much of anything all day. AND that is just ok to do nothing. I am blessed with a good husband that understands, good friends and family but this place is my glue.

Good luck. mary

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Welcome Jane and Patsy!

Jane, it's taken me several months to realize that my journey to wellness was going to take longer than I expected and only recently have I figured out that I really have no control over how long it takes. The brain does as it needs to and that's that! To help it along we can nourish it with lots of water, good healthy food, rest, and positive thoughts.

Sandi K. Xoxox

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Sandi, Your forced "retirement" has done you wonders. Your new name sahll (shall- LOL) be "Zendi". You are proof positive that it takes as long as it takes and forcing it does not do you any good. Well maybe it does as if it gets you to realize you are not superwoman or man. :)

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