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New to this NASAH club - Maria

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Hi to all

Like most people here sent home from the safety of the hospital with no information and told nothing. I think I had my SAH following a gym session (treadmill with earplugs watching TV) so not marathon training. Felt a ping pins and needles and didn't feel well but couldn't say why went home and carried on for a week with sleeping problems due to headaches but again not that bad took a couple of pills and still went to work. Thursday (April 5th 2012) went shopping for Easter holidays and I suddenly felt unwell thought I may faint, fortunately I was with my daughter who said I "looked odd" we left the shopping and by the time I got to the car couldn't walk lost the use of my right side. By the time I got home (10 mins) everything was fine but had a a terrific headache took a couple of paracetamols and my daughter took me to GP who said it was probably TIA but as it was Bank Holiday weekend nothing she could do take aspirin and go home. Friday morning same thing happened again but weakness lasting longer so went to A/E and after a couple of hours was given more aspirin and told to go home and attend out-patients TIA clinic on Tuesday morning. After happening twice more on the Friday went back again to A/E. Because I could managed all pushing, pulling, smiling frowning tests they were baffled, but fortunately I had my "paralysis episode" while in cubicle and was able to show doctor what was happening. I was sent to stoke unit (Good Friday at midnight I was only patient not handcuffed!) as my paralysis was coming permanent. Early Saturday a consultant arranged MRI, CT and Angio CT and angiogram to neuro unit to lie flat on my back for 5 days and discounting brain tumour, Wednesday morning 6 am a doctor came and said I had a NASAH, it had stopped bleeding itself. As they had thought perhaps a tumour I was given dexamethasone which gave my ability to walk and use my right side back again. There was no treatment and as beds are urgently needed on neuro wards and was transferred to gynae ward and told to just lie down, when I came round to asking questions the nurses being gynae had no answers for me. Discharged home 2 days later with no follow up and no explaination. Having stopped the dexamethasone my right sided weakness returned.

My GP had no idea what to do or be able to answer my questions. Over the long weeks I have gained my balance and use of right side back, headaches are getting fewer, sleeping is still a problem, my head felt like I was sleeping on a brick have bought several different pillows, driven my family mad trying to find the perfect pillow. Been back in as I thought I was having another, but turned out to be a severe migraine with numbness and weakness. Did see a neuro doc that time and as i said it was 14 long weeks for me and why was I struggling with balance, tiredness and stupid speech when tired. She said its "only 14 weeks". She suggested I look into support groups as they have a better understanding.

Once again thank you all and wish everyone a speedy and full recovery.


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I was initially told that I would be 'Fine' in a week. I am almost at my 1year date now and still have issues. What happened to you was real and it has lasting effects that ease with time. I hope you'll find the support you need on this site with all of us. Let us know what questions you have and you'll get answers as best we can.



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Hello Maria and a warm welcome to BTG.

Well, that exhausted me just reading the sequence of events that you went through - but glad you found this site which certainly helps when we leave hospital with no advice or information about what to expect during recovery. It's good to hear your balance and the right side weakness have improved for you - and that reading the experiences of others has helped too.

Wishing you all the best in your continued recovery,


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Hi Maria I'm Cath I had a sah due to a berry aneurism nov 11 , I've been coiled and was in icu and high dependency was discharged in dec . I'm back in work on a phased return ? Glad you ve found us everyone here is very friendly and full of good advice . It's a long road as I was once told its a marathon not a sprint , take care nice to chat to you x

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Maria and Shelly,

I was typing up a nice welcome note when the tornado sirens went off and I lost it when I unlugged the computer and went to the basement! So WELCOME! I am glad you both found this place, it is MY GLUE. My place I come to read to feel normal. I am impressed the Dr. said to find a support group as mine seem to not want to acknowledge there is any problem from the bleeds. I swear it is like they want to make us crazy.

I am almost at a year - next month and left the hospital thinking in a few weeks I would be back to work, only to find out that the artery dissection would take 3 months to heal. WOW was I out of touch! I did not make it back for 5 months and jsut recently cut my hours back. I am trying to do my own mental therapy!!! Reading, writing, thinking, you all know the basics! I will meet again with the phycologist (SP??) next week to go over my testing I had done-maybe he will be more reasonable believing me I had BRAIN TRAUMA. LOL.

I cannot say how dissapointed I am in our medical community. At least here in the USA, how out of touch they are. It boggles my mind. Since I have been on BTG I know see such a difference in the after care and information at least you are able to google. They may well released me to a deserted island and let me recover there!

There are so many kind and understanding people on here that truly feel your pain & frustraion. So helpful and giving- I mean I really cannot imagine how mentally physched SP??) out I woud be if I had not known this was normal. The only Dr. to tell me it was normal was my GP , too bad I can never get in with him. My neurosurgeon was understanding but the 2 neurologist I have seen - wow...... I wonder if a neurologist has ever had a SAH????? HUM????

Take care & once again welcome. Hiya cathmat, Kris and Sarah ( superwoman).


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Hi Cath

Lovely to hear from you. How is the phased return going. I am off work until October and then trying to go back maybe a couple of hours a day - again getting tips from here like taking travelling time into account. I work for the NHS and I have had support from my HR department.

I am enjoying watching the olympics and today the sun is shining!!!

Take care Maria x


Thank you for taking the time to write especially during a tornado!!! What a time to have had - hopefully you get the appointment and help you deserve.

I know how lucky I m to be here and if I am left with balance issues and headaches then I am very lucky. As my doctor has not had a patient with SAH and I go in with my list of questions I think she panics - since finding BTG I am educating her! The only follow-up appointment I had was last Monday at the Parkinson's Clinic! I questioned this app twice but was told I should attend. After having obs done and lots of questions the Consultant said I was at the wrong clinic and would refer on to neuros - mainly for my continued headaches and balance problems he didn't think this should be happening - now if I had not found the BTG I would have been so worried that maybe the symptoms not normal - but I came away maddened that I did not need to attend but knowing that my symptoms are normal!

Take care and hope goes well

Maria x

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