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Forward, then backward

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Does anyone find that they have occasional feelings that things in some areas of functioning are going into reverse? Not in a major way, but I am finding that I am 10 times more forgetful lately and that wasn't something I noticed immediately after the SAH (of course, I could have been every bit as forgetful but just forgot to observe it!). Sometimes I feel as though I am sliding backwards (loss of focus, feeling of disjointedness) and other times, just fine and feeling 1000%. Maybe this is normal "for now" or rather, "for SAH"?


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Hey Twinni

Nope, you're not on your own. I feel like that too. One day I feel that I'm fine and everything works and then the next day I'm so tired and my brain won't work that I feel like I did when I was in hospital. It's actually quite comforting that I'm not on my own feeling that way.

Sami xxx

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Hi Joan and Sami,

feel very much the same as you two on this one. Glad i'm not the only one!

Some days feel fine, then others I feel that I just don't function right at all and never seem to get anything done.

Seem to have lost my motivation too.

Felt fine when I got up this morning till not long ago but now seem to have come to a standstill

Love Suexx

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Hey Sue

Thanks for the text last night - sorry I replied so late - we were at Paul's Dad's on the bike so I didn't hear the phone.

Lack of motivation is something I am suffering from too. We were saying the other day that before my SAH the Agency ran like clockwork - I knew what artworks were in,when they had to be out and which ones were already sent - my clock is a little bit warped now. I can't muster the enthusiasm to set my mind to anything to kkep track. I'm thinking of taking a week off and getting someone in to help.

Sami xxx

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I amalso really glad to hear I am not alone. Lately my memory seems to have gone walkabout along with the inner "engine". Fortunately the Apple system has these post-it notes that I now use to write down things I have to do as soon as they cross my brain pan, rather than -- as before -- filing them away and getting to them later. They have, however, no quick fixes on the motivation front. Maybe this will just have to be one of those things you have to work with. Jxx

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