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Hi All

Just wondering if anyone experiences dizzy spells if they get up quickly. I know its common for everyone to go a bit dizzy if they get up quickly but recently its got worse with me and I've got to stand still for a minute or so until my head gets back to normal then no problem, voices also become a bit echoey. I have had a change of medication so perhaps thats the cause or perhaps its one of those strange things we all seem to suffer.



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Hi John

That's normally caused by low blood pressure when getting up quickly and is called postural hypotension (as opposed to hypertension and is quite common, especially if you are on medication for high blood pressure. You just have to wait for the BP to build up. You say that your doc has changed your medication; is that for high BP?



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Yes I am on tablets for high blood pressure and have been for years but recently because I have been anxious due to waiting for results re aneursym and other medical problems I have been prescribed propranalol to take when required. The problem does appear to come on if I take these, my GP did warn me that they would lower my BP, looks like I need to take my time when getting up. Thanks I feel better for knowing that this may be the problem.



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Hi I too have been told that my "dizzyness" is down to the great catch all "panic attacks". Strange how its always there, even in non stressed situations! What does thou is just to get by yourself or with the one person you trust (My wife Sarah) and breathe it through. They are fewer and farther between but that doesn't make the "OMG I'm having another one!!!!" any less scary. In fact I'm just bottoming out on one now. Getting the kids out of the way so they don't worry or panic is getting harder tho.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi John

I get the dizzy episodes too, especially when I first get up in the mornings. Have learnt to get up slowly and sit on the bed for a few minutes before actually standing up, that seems to help.

I know before the SAH I always had very low blood pressure: 90 over 60 - now it seems to be 120 over 90-ish so perhaps its something to do with the increase in my blood pressure?

Love 'n hugs

Lesley xxx

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