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If You Can't Get To An Appointment?

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My partner and I slpit up about 2 months ago. I have struggled like I've never known before. I have to get to another city for my next scan for monitring another aneurysm I have. He used to take me. I haven't got a clue. What do I do? I know I cant drive there and I don't know how to get there otherwise. Any tips? Love Nita x

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Hi Nita,

I can well imagine that you've had a difficult time..... :cry:

Have you got any family or friends that you could ask to take you or somebody that would accompany you? I must admit, that I know I would struggle if I didn't have Eric to take me. I think that our local GP surgery is able to assist with hospital patient transportation, mind you, I'm not too sure how far they would go in mileage terms, as I think that it's run by volunteers and I would imagine that you would have to meet certain criteria.....but,it might be worth asking the question at your own surgery.

It might be worth having a look at the following website re: hospital travel schemes..... http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/MoneyTaxAnd ... G_10018959

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Guest pam

Hi Nita

Patient Transport, should be able to help, I have used it before. Your GP's surgery will be able to help you with this.


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Hi Nita,

Yes must say I would be in the same situation if Simon couldn't chaffeur me for some reason.

When I have been at QE in Birmingham, I have seen patient ambulances from Coventry so I would say that there is a transport service. If you ring the secretary at the hospital, they should be able to help.

Good luck



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