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Encouraging Thoughts & a useful book

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My Headway OT lent me a book that I thought it was worth sharing with folks.


The aptly titled: " Head injury: a practical guide" written by Trevor Powell (Speechmark Editions/Headway)


I'm only about half way through it, and though not specifically about SAH  or stroke (but traumatic BI) it is an interesting read about brain injuries especially for those new to this all. Easy to read, and definitely for the non specialist. Would be helpful for both those caring for those with a brain injury or the person themselves.


And in there, there was the following that I thought I would share. The last point I particularly found relevant to me:




1. A person who is severely impaired never knows their inner source of strength until they are treated like a real person


2. Nothing equals the power of love. It's the only source of magic there is.


3. People who had have a brain injury do not want hand-outs, but hand ups.


4.Think positively about the gains made since your stroke, rather than comparing with how things used to be before it


5. What do you dream about? You can do anything, but you may have to do it differently.


Sorry some of that is a little a soppy but some of the points I find for me are helpful at times to keep in mind,


Cheers for now



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  • 3 weeks later...

Soppy or not Greg each point is very valid. Every day I get my husband to say (practice speech) something, usually inspirational and your number two is the quote I will give him tomorrow but your number five is the one I will inspire him with.  Thank you for posting them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since finding this site in 2010 I have come on leaps and bounds.


Knowing we are not alone is great and I remember chatting to some old members as in GG,  not in age !!  and they could laugh, and that helped me so much.


We are not alone and if it takes good times with bad to get us there.  We are  lucky we survived all what our head went through xx


Keep positive as Greg says  xxxxx


Good to have reminders,  it is like a kick up the bot for us xxxx

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