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I started the menopause when I had my stroke-don't know whether they are interlinked. because of the this my GP will not put me on any form of HRT. I had been taking citropalm to help with the night sweats but it did'nt help.

I can cope (barely) with the other symptoms of the menopause but the sweats were driving me mad and making me feel dirty :(

My sister-in-law , a breast cancer specialist, recommended i take SAGE in tablet form. She had done a study with her patients and found that it helped.

Well I can can concur! You have to take it for a while- 3 weeks - before you see the effects , and coupled with the banning of coffee , I am now sweat free!! :lol:

I only have a hot flush if I treat myself to a decaff- but its worth it :lol:

Its worth a go anyway- you have nothing to lose!

Hope this is of some help

Lynn xxxxx

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Lynn, I'll have a look at sage ....

I've had the most awful sweaty armpits, v. embarrassing ...... yep, I know it's not a nice subject, but it's not something that I used to suffer with, so putting it down to the menopause or the start ..... but, my kids recommended me a roll on deodorant called Driclor, as they sufferered during early teenage years .... it's now available without prescription and you should hopefully find it in your local chemist .... I only needed to use it for about three days and it made a huge difference .... you use it with your normal deodorant ..... ladies, just don't shave under your arms before you use it! It costs just over a fiver, but it's well worth it and will last you a quite a while..

On a cautionary note, would members please check that they're able to take any of these supplements ..... please always consult your GP before taking any supplements that may interact with your existing medication.

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Hi All

I'm like you Karen have noticed my armpits are more sweaty but because of the partial Hysterectomy don't know if I'm going through the menopause my last blood test was in June 06 before SAH. Really must ask my G.P for another blood test to see if I am going through it yet might explain a few things. Its just so easy to blame most problems on SAH these days.

Janet x

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Guest suse

Being an SAH survivor has its frustrating times of course; the roller-coaster ride of peri-menopause is no exception. Since starting this 'fun' time of life I've learned what supplements work best for me. It's getting 'normal' to see me carrying a fan around the house. My internal thermostat has been messed-up by the stroke, and the RT nostril of my nose runs whenever I perspire, (RT side facial paralysis and eye surgery make THAT a real bother!) adding hot flashes to the mix has been interesting. (I won't even start on the mood swings!!! :roll: )

suse ((((hug))))

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