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UK government consultation on Blue badges

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The government are looking to possibly extend the blue badges parking scheme to those with hidden  disabilities which may include those with brain injuries , fatigue, cognitive or memory challenges . 


If you want to be part of consultation you can find our more and how to give views https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/blue-badge-disabled-parking-scheme-eligibility-review/blue-badge-scheme-consultation-on-eligibility


Would you use a blue badge? I wonder if I would welcome it somedays when I’m too tired to park anywhere or know that a day out means adding travel to walk and park at the end of it so may mean I choose not to go, but then again I wouldn’t want to take  a space from someone who is less physically able as I can walk even if I need stick some days. Just figure everywhere would need to double spaces!! 

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That report is not totally correct, it says that blue badge holders can park free in carparks. In our area all the badge does is allow you to park in a wider space but we still have to pay. Same at our hospital, there is a designated carpark with wider spaces but the same fees apply as to the other carparks.

I do agree that the scheme should be extended but the number of blue badge parking spaces will have to be increased, something I can't see happening.

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I have a blue badge and yes still have to pay.


Daff I'm like you I feel I'm taking the space but as we know not every day is the same and sometimes I'm greatful to be only a short walk away and not miles back to our car.


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