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oprah shows what happens to brain during/after stroke

Guest kdenardo

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Guest kdenardo

I am not usually an Oprah fan, but thought I would share with you something a friend told me. On Tuesday 10/21 (I know we are all over the world, bare with me I'm doing good to remember MY day and time :lol: ) Oprah has a doctor discussing what happens to your brain during and after a stroke. I obviously haven't watched it yet, it's only Monday here :D , but wanted to share with my friends here in case you were interested.

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Guest kdenardo

I apologize, I am in the United States(midwest) and just assume everyone gets Oprah, this show is about a brain scientist that has a stroke and discusses her journey. I know that you can go to oprah.com and download the discussion, it is very interesting.

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Thought that it might be Jan. Still haven't watched it yet, but will do so....

Apparently Jill's book is also v.good .... I'm in contact with Anya, a BTG member and she's been reading it and has also recommended it, so might ask for it as a xmas pressie .... not sure whether I've put it onto the book club forum .... but will try to remember to have a look and include it.

Thanks for that. xx

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