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final year university project

Guest adyrob

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Hello everyone, my name is Adrian Robinson, I am a 3rd year (mature) student studying medical product design at the University of Hull. My reason for this post is to bring to your attention a survey I have compiled that, when completed, would help me in choosing a product to design during my final year of study.

My father- in- law suffered a huge bleed in 2002 which left him with right- sided weakness. For many long days and nights myself, wife, kids and mother- in- law visited twice a day to keep him company, and also to push and harrie anybody necessary to get him the help he needed.

It is through seeing him go through all of this that gives me impetus to design for those who have had strokes, or who through other unfortunate reasons need aids around the kitchen, or the house in general to do everyday things.

Please take a look at the survey. All that is required is to follow the link, answer the questions, and, well, the rest is up to me to sort! It is totally anonymous but would help me massively in moving on my project.

A side note to this is that I should have done this at least a month ago. However, my mother- in- law was diagnosed with lung cancer in July, and was admitted to a haematology ward at the beginning of October through being very ill after her chemo. When we thought she was pulling through, she suffered multiple small infarctions to the brain, resulting in a massive stroke. We had no option but to agree to the consultants opinion that no more could be done, and she passed away in my wifes arms in the local hospice October 11th. She was a huge supporter of me going to university, again through illness of my own resulting in having to take time off from work. And here i am, trying to fulfill one of her wishes, that of me graduating next year.

Sorry this is a long post, but I feel you needed to know the reason behind my pursuit of this project. Please find the time to fill out the survey, it really is very short!!!

http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=Y ... yRpw_3d_3d

The link is above,

Thank you very much, Adrian.

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Can I just add, I think the link may have been incomplete earlier. I have rectified that now, so feel free to visit the survey and have a go!

Thank you, Adrian.

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HI adrian,

Just thought i would add this it probably may not help but here goes. I am ambidextrous and used to find peeling veg etc a nuisance but more so now cos my preferred had is my left for that job and after my sah and stroke i do find this a lot more difficult :roll:

Anyway good luck with project.

Michelle C

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