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Anger -I don't like me

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It's now 7 weeks since my SAH and I have had good advice from my previous post but I don't like me at the moment.


Yes fatigue, headaches, weepy  forgetful and no energy but this monster of a person who emerges with anger is awful and comes from nowhere.


I think it emerges at its worst if I am having a conversation and quite rightly someone speaks and I forget what I was saying so I get cross for being  interrupted.


Also I get angry with my wonderful hubby for almost nothing when he is doing his best and today when lovely son popped in to see me I shouted at him for nothing and can't remember now what for.


They are very understanding but I hate why this anger comes and it's  not who I am.   Carolyn


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Hello Carolyn ..... as you read the many threads within the BTG forums a constant theme is that there rarely is a quick recovery, and adjusting to dealing with the trauma of your bleed can pose some very real challenges to you and those close to you.


You will constantly get advice from our members that even after six months to a year it is early days in your attempts to re-adjust your life.  For you, 7 weeks is so early in your recovery journey and as mentioned in your earlier thread replies ... you are just finding out some of these challenges.


Although this is easier said than done ....  please be aware that SAH can have marked changes to your emotions and it is not unusual. to be weepy and disturbed because you are displaying traits that are so contrary to the `real` you. 


When you show frustration and low self control with those you love, talk with them and share your fears .... this will help them understand what to expect as they also try and adapt to your `behavior`. .... believe me they want to help.  They too are confused and wondering what the future holds.


Often these do improve with time.  Dealing with them as they happen is the challenge for you and your family.

Many members of BTG share your concerns and have `been there`.  Their experiences are here to help you .... and you too will look back and share with others how you coped with such difficult changes in your life.


Take care ... and never give up.




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