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first vist to neurosurgeon

Guest Blossomuk

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Guest Blossomuk

Hi Everyone,

I haven't posted on here for a bit, jhope you are all well. Ive just been trying to get back to normal after my SAH, nearly 5months now but I feel much better, I still get very tired if I over do things and have the odd twinge in my head. (not so much a headache, more of a burning sensation) still not back to work yet though and finding it very boring!

Just thought I would pop in and ask for a lil bit of advice, I go to see my Neurosurgeon for the first time since my SAH, had MRI scan & that came back as a non Anni but a grade 3 bleed ! what should I be expecting when I go? what kind of questions should I be asking? do they give you pictures of the MRI scan?

Any advise would be great.

Thank you

Jac x

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Hi Jac,

Glad that you're feeling better and it's so good isn't it, to get a bit of normality back .... hope that you go from strength to strength! :)

Re: Copies of scan ...... different hospitals, seem to have different procedures .... most of us seem to have had to pay for a CD of the scan .... mine was £25, but included all of my scans, even the coiling procedure etc. I would ask them if they will give you a freebie, but don't be surprised if they make you pay!

I think that we've been asked in the past about questions to ask the NS .... I'm sure that Keith has posted on this subject a few times before. I will see if I can pull them up for you.

I have never seen my Neuro Consultant/Surgeon and would love to have the opportunity, so yes, you need to make the most of it and ask away! Do you have any ideas of what you would like to ask? I think in the early months, the main question for many of us is, is it likely to happen again and seeking reassurance and some facts.

My advice to you, would be, don't be worried/embarrassed about asking anything that you need reassurance about ...... grab the opportunity and ask away...

Will go and see if I can pull up the other posts for you...

Good luck Jac and wishing you the very best.... K x

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Well done Keith! ..... I've just been searching your posts and didn't find it.... :oops:

Jac, hopefully some of the other guys will be able to make suggestions, especially those that have experienced a non-aneurysmal bleed.....


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Hi Jac,

I had to pay for my disc of scans too, it was £25. Keith- apologies I forgot to send them for the BTG scan album. Will remember to send them so you can work out the medical program they are in!

Jac- grab your opportunity, I just agreed with what the consultant said and now realise that if i'd pursued it a bit further I may have a better answer for my headaches

Love and hugs


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Hi Jac

The first time I seen my after surgery didn't get a chance to ask many questions. Have since seen a few of his Registras and had most of my questions answered.

Laura you and me both on the headache front but I've been told its neurological pain and there is no explainable reason why some people do and some people don't suffer from it.

Janet x

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Jan- yeah I got told the same sort of thing from my doctor and he said it would probably last for life now because it hasn't got any better. My neurologist just said 'I have no explanation, you were coiled successfully- I really don't know why you are getting such pain, have you tried paracetamol!'

Love and hugs



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Guest Blossomuk

Thanks to Everyone, especially to Karen & Kieth. I have written all the questions down that I want to ask, could be in there a long time lol . but if tomorrow is the only chance i will get to see Mr Nath then Im going to ask everything I want to, had some sad news on Thursday, a very good friend who helped me through emotionally after my SAH, was found dead last Sunday he was only 36, he had had a bleed to his Brain through trauma in 2005, I gonna realy miss him, this event has really made me more determined to find out as much as I can and do as much as I can and appreciate every single day. I hope I can get my scan pictures, will let you all know how I get on tomorrow thank you all for you're support

love to you all

Jac xxx

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Good luck for tomorrow Jac .... and make sure that you ask everything that you need to know. Hope that you will let us know how you get on..... :)

So sorry to hear about the sad loss of your friend .... I think that a SAH makes you realise, that you need to make the most of every minute .... sometimes, I need to be reminded of that, especially when the going gets tough and when I start to feel a bit sorry for myself .... so, it's a good reminder...

Take care Jac and hope all goes well for you...

Love Karen x

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