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Everything posted by KelBel

  1. Hi Mike I keep a daily diary now - to note down any aches, pains and things i have done, to remind me and to look back on. I also make notes for myself about things I want or need to do, or things I have thought of; however I have been lucky that my memory has been really good considering what has happened. I am quite amazed at how good my memory has been. Do you have a small notebook you can keep on you, in your pocket? Pre SAH I used to use post it notes inside my purse to remind me of things I needed to buy if I thought about it at work and didn't have my shopping list with me. I hope others have some good ideas for you to use Kel x
  2. Buenos Dias Luisa That is as far as my spanish extends... and your english is fabulous - it makes me feel very lazy that I have not learnt to speak and write another language fluently! Welcome to the site! I have not had any specific sight problems following my SAH, although I have been using my glasses a lot more than I used to...for reading, and sometimes when watching tv. I only had a slight prescription and my glasses were for pc use and reading. I will get my eyes tested again soon. I do hope your sight continues to improve, and you are able to get some counselling to help with your depression - I have found counselling really helpful in just two hour-long sessions so far. Take care Kelley x
  3. Thanks Debbie and Mel I feel better about the meeting now. I just didn't really know what to propose, as my doctor just said 'yeah go back to work, but do a phased return'... I will let you know how I get on... Thanks again Kel x
  4. Hi all I have now arranged a meeting with my line manager and HR representative(s) for next Tuesday (23rd Feb); to discuss my return to work a week on Monday....eek I do feel I need to get back to some sort of normality; and am going to move back to my flat over the weekend, and then I need to ease myself back into work before I go on SSP! (Which will not even cover my rent - and altho I realise my health should come first, I do live alone and don't have anyone to share the bills with!) I am so unsure about what hours to do and for how many weeks? Any thoughts/ideas would be most welcome. My normal working day would be 9:00 till 5:15, and I am thinking of attempting 10 till 2 for week one, then 10 till 3 in week 2, and then review it and see how I am doing at that point? I also have a week’s holiday to take before the end of March (carried over from last year), so am thinking of having a day off each week...so I can do a 4 day week then have a 3 day weekend to recover. As this will also help ease me back in – if they are agreeable to that of course… Kel x
  5. Hi Michelle I have been on tablets for high BP for about 6 or 7 months now. I did have borderline-high BP readings for years, and then last year one of my doctors put me on tablets. The 3rd different tablet is the one I am back on now following the nimodipine after my op. The day I was eventually diagnosed with SAH my BP wa 210/108, which is the highest it has ever been as far as I am aware. It was back at 135/78 last thursday, so fingers crossed it is stabilising again now. My doctor today said I only need get it checked every 3 months for now, and if still ok then every 6mths Rgds Kelley x
  6. Hi Laanka I have just read through all the posts on this thread and wow-what a decision to have to make, and then you have been set back a week too. I do hope it goes ahead for you next week. I am not surprised your mood is all over the place. You made your mind up and you just want it to happen now. Good luck, and I look forward to hearing from you after your op. Kel x
  7. Hi Diane and Mark, Glad it went well yesterday. I suffered headaches and neck pain for weeks, which I do now think was more anxiety through not knowing what was going on, more than it being attributed to the SAH itself. I do hope Marks' headaches start easing soon Take care Kel x
  8. Hi Debra I am very much like Sami; I have no specific problems with speech but occassionally when I'm tired I do struggle to find the right word, and it feels like my mind has gone blank searching for that particular word. On a couple of occassions I have struggled to speak clearly when i have been really tired, as my tongue feels like it has got a bit tied up! Also when typing I miss words out, so I always try to re-read my messages before posting. I am sure with practice you will keep getting better and better, and like Karen said; if you keep writing messages on here (as and when you can) you will always be able to look back on your old posts and see just how well you are doing. Take care and try not to be too hard on yourself. Kel x
  9. Hi Mike, That is amazing that you have been able to get back to your own place and back to work so quickly! Well done, just take care that you do not over-do it (difficult to know until you have overdone it though!) That is shocking that someone said that the hospital may have been humouring you!?!?! Some people say the strangest things though, and half the time it is because they don't engage their own brain first, or haven't a clue what to say! I am 37 and had my SAH in December last year. I can certainly understand the feelings you have been experiencing with regards to "will I find a partner, will I have children, will I be able to do things that I should be able to do"...I think it is only natural to have these fears after such a traumatic event. It must be hard for you (and others) not having an aneurysm to pin the cause of the SAH on, although even with an aneurysm you are left wondering why the aneurysm occurred, and what may have contributed to it. We always question why and what if, it is natural to want to know the answers. Good news: I was told at my follow-up appointment last week, that "I am young and can now enjoy a normal life again, although it can take up to 2 yrs to fully recover", so I am sure that as you are so much younger than me, you will be able to turn your life around and enjoy the rest of your life to the full; taking care not to over-do it initially of course Take care Kel x
  10. Hi Diane Best wishes for Mark's angiogram today. I do hope they can put both your mind's at ease, and locate the cause of Mark's continuing discomfort and sickness. It certainly could be the medication, as all medication can cause numerous side effects. Although it is always better to be safe and get any headaches and nausea fully checked though. I am glad they have booked in an angiogram to get this thoroughly checked for you both. Good luck, and I hope Mark gets no further discomfort from this angiogram Take care Kel x
  11. Thank you for all your messages of support, plus tips for future recovery. I have just got in from a 3 hour stint at our local A&E... I had a blood test yesterday afternoon, and had a call this evening from my GP to go to A&E as soon as poss; cos my D-Dimer blood test was too high?... so back in a bed, wired up to ECG, BP, etc etc... Then had a chest x-ray - and I have a chest infection; no wonder I feel so tired and have been a little bit breathless now and again today...so got anti-biotics for 5 days, and because the blood test has the high reading this could indicate a blood clot so had to have anti-coagulant stomach injection! And have to go back Sat (today!) and Sunday to have more injections (and they sting!)...until they can do an ultrasound on my leg next week! This is one hell of an experience... 3 hospitals in as many months... CT scans, x-rays, lumbar puncture, drugs, injections... MRi coming up soon... what next I wonder???... Maybe I will be off work a little longer... oh well, at least I am being taken seriously now, and am getting checked out properly; I just hope that nothing else is wrong now. It would be quite nice to just continue recovery from SAH without any further medical issues! Kel x
  12. Hi all I had my first follow-up appointment at my operating hospital on Wednesday 10th Feb, and it was emotional to say the least. I was getting in a state just trying to get dressed and ready in the morning. I had trouble doing my hair (I had my SAH whilst doing my hair for a works do...so have trouble quite often when I do my hair now), then I just kept crying... The journey to the hospital wasn't too bad. It was as busy as I thought it would be going into London. It took about an hour and we got parked easy enough outside the hospital too. Walking into the hospital didn't feel strange (as I was taken in there on a bed by ambulance and was taken back to my local hospital in a wheelchair by ambulance van). We then had to go to the 1st floor to the Outpatients department, and I recalled being on the 1st floor when I was taken down to the Vascular Unit for my op. I checked in and we went to get a drink in the cafe. I couldn't stop getting tearful. I think, because I had been planning for so many weeks now, and had made so many notes re. Post-op feelings, pains, numbness etc, and written lists of questions to ask; that my anxiety was spilling out in tears. My mum and I went through to the waiting area and I was called in on time. I asked my questions and the Dr answered as best she could, phoning someone else in Neurology at one point to check a question. She said I look really well, and am doing really well. I have been really lucky and the op was a success, and I am able-bodied. She couldn't believe how thorough I was; going through all my notes and questions, and making notes and ticking off questions as I asked them! (Well, I just wouldn't remember it all). I mentioned that I am due back to work on Monday next week (15th Feb) - and she said that is not a problem, you are fine... There is no reason you cannot live life normally now. (It is 8 weeks today since my op) The aneurysm was 100% occluded (packed in with coils) and I am ok now... Neurologically I might be ok, but psychologically I think I need a little more time... She said my headaches and neck pain are NOT related to the aneurysm...??? - does this sound right??? :confused: Apparently it may all be anxiety related… I am going to have an MRi scan; as I mentioned a few tingling and numbness episodes I have had; and she felt it best to get me checked and put my mind at rest (I think she could tell from my bloodshot eyes and pale blotchy face that I was in need of reassurance!). And I have had some heavy feeling in my right thigh too (when I was on my period more so, and that is the leg the catheter was inserted into for the angiogram - although I have not had any pain or tenderness from the puncture site; and I have literally no scar there either). I have been getting calf pain and a heavy feeling in my left leg, so I need to see my GP to check for (worst case) blood clot. I visited my GP yesterday 11th Feb, and he has signed me off work for another 2 wks, as I explained I do not feel ready for work just yet. I need time to prepare myself mentally for that now. I have only just had a lot of anxiety lifted so would like time to actually rest properly now, and get myself together for returning to work!! I also went to another local hospital this afternoon to have a blood test that can rule out a blood clot without having [another] scan! I am feeling a lot better now that I have had some questions answered, even though not all answers sounded right to me. Kel x
  13. Hi Neil Congrats on your 1st anni-versary! It is very inspiring to know you have acheived so much in your first year! Both with job changes and getting married! How wonderful. Best wishes for a wonderful future together Kelley x
  14. Hi Karen I have this book on order, to be delivered any time soon! Can't wait to read it. Kel x
  15. Hello Momo Welcome to the site. I look forward to hearing more from you as soon as you are able to. Take care Kelley
  16. Hi Norma It is just 7wks today since my op and I have suffered with light both before the SAH and more so after; and noise is a problem too - too many different noises at once, or sudden or loud noise makes me jumpy. I have had to put sunglasses on during the day when being driven in the car, or walking the dog. I find too much of a contrast is worse for me - i would rather have all lights on rather than tv on and just one light or no light, as the contrast of dark and bright light is too much. It has got a little bit better over the last couple of weeks though. In the first few weeks after I was discharged I slept with 3 or 4 pillow propping me up a little as I found I got a headache whilst trying to get to sleep and upon waking in the morning - i think due to leaning back on my head too much. I still haven't got myself a v-pillow yet, but have read on here that they are really good! Must make a note for myself to get one! I hope it starts easing for you soon take care Kel xx
  17. Hi Karen I was 37 when I had my SAH 11th Dec 2009 (following a massive nosebleed 7th Dec...) Misdiagnosed as a 'virus' 13th Dec 2009 Diagnosed as possible bleed 15th Dec 2009 and 1 aneurysm located in the right posterior communicating artery, measuring 13mm x 13mm x 8mm Bleed located 16th Dec 2009 Coiled 18th Dec 2009 I smoked for 19years but gave up 3 years ago on the 8th Jan. I was a heavy smoker for many years, smoking about 30-a-day. I have no children. I was on blood pressure medication for about 4-5 mths pre-SAH and had suffered borderline high blood pressure for many years prior to that. I had suffered migraines for 7 years pre-SAH and regular nosebleeds for at least a year pre-SAH. (Both parents also suffered migraines when they were younger). I never met my dads mum as she died in her 50's after suffering a massive brain haemorrhage and collapsing in Slough High Street. I have suffered only one large nosebleed since the op; which happened the day before I was discharged from my local hospital (not the operating hospital). I had experienced the worst night of my life and I think the stress of that, coupled with the fact my medication was 6hrs late, caused it. I have not had a nosebleed since I was discharged from hospital 24th Dec 09. Yet I was told that the nosebleeds were not related. I beg to differ. Kelley x
  18. Hi Norma, Welcome to the site. It is so helpful to speak to others who know what you have been through. I also worried about being alone, and about every twinge, pain, numbness, tingling etc... and you can read through others stories and posts on here, or post your own questions for all to answer or even send someone a private message to someone if you don't feel ready to share your query with everyone. My SAH was only 6 wks ago and I had my op 5 wks ago so I am still in early recovery stage. It was good that you and your partner reacted quickly and called an ambulance, to be diagnosed and rushed through for your op so quickly. I am not sure what to think about work at the moment... I was due back today! I saw my doctor last week and he gave me a further 3 weeks off, to incorporate my follow-up appointment I have arranged at the operating hospital. I have so many questions written already... I bought myself a diary a few weeks ago, to note down any strange sensations, pain, numbness, etc, so that I can raise any issues with the consultant. I hope you are having a restful day Take care Kelley x
  19. Hi Geraldine, I also suffered my SAH in Dec '09 so am still in early stages of recovery at the moment. Hope to speak soon, take care Kelley x
  20. Hi Sarah, Yes my nephew was a little bit too much for me, bless him. But we both had a little sleep and then it wasn't so bad! I would definitely be getting annoyed with tennage back-chat!! lol Surgical stockings! - eugh, they cut into my legs and I ended up with little blisters on the back of my left knee where they were so tight! But admittedly they did cover up the hairy legs!! lol Oh god, the noise thing does last a long time then!? I find I am getting a little bit stressed if the tv is on or music is playing AND someone is trying to talk to me at the same time! I feel I can only concentrate on one thing only. I cannot imagine what it will be like when I go back to work, with all the phones ringing and people talking etc....I work in an open-plan office, with about 60 people on our floor of the building!!!... eek. Admittedly it is not the noisiest floor, but it can get noisy at times. I am going to pop into work this Thursday at 4pm to catch up with a few people on my floor, and am then going out for a curry night with a few colleagues after they finish! ;o) I can't wait to see everyone - but I am a little anxious about how emotional I may be, as it will be the first time I have seen a lot of them since the night of our xmas do and my SAH!... Hope you have a better day at work today? And did you get in on time??... ;o) Take care Kelley x
  21. Hi John, My SAH and aneurysm coiling was only in Dec 09 (4 wks ago yesterday) so I am also early on in recovery, but I did not have to have a shunt. I can empathise with the fact that every twinge, tingling, headache, neck ache, numbness, chest pain, etc .... feels strange and quite worrying! Although I did not have a shunt my head does feel 'tender and sensitive', especially when I am tired and also after I have slept. I believe it is the brain healing itself post-op. Each day is different. I can feel really good some days and then wake feeling really down other days. I do manage to lift myself out of the down times though with the help of friends and this site. Although I have not posted many items on here, I do read a lot of the tips and stories and gain help and guidance, and an insight to what I can expect over the coming weeks and months. Like you I feel glad that I am alive, and I have not suffered too much post-op side effects and I know I am having to take each day as it comes now. You take care and speak soon Kelley x
  22. Hi Sarah Wow, what a story! There is just so much misdiagnosis!... I totally agree with the "I remember feeling relieved that at last someone had found the cause of that horrendous headache and that I wasn't inventing it!" That is exactly how I felt! I was misdiagnosed a few times before eventually being sent for a CT scan and the subsequent finding of an aneurysm and coiling op. Initially when I saw a few doctors who told me I had a virus and should rest and take paracetamol, I started to think... maybe I am being a little over-dramatic about this continuous headache....but I just could not understand how a virus could make my head hurt so much yet not appear to affect the rest of my body. It just didn't make any sense to me... I recall a lot of what happened to me, but I do not recall them explaining too much about the op, although they did say that there a 5% chance of stroke during the op but 95% chance of stroke without the op, so the odds seemed to indicate the op was the best way forward! Crikey - You have been through so much since your SAH, you are such a strong person! You should be proud!! I don't quite know how you coped with 3 children (2 thirds of which are at the nice teenager stage!?), husband, redundancies, car going wrong etc etc... I feel really tired today because of one young nephew who is so full of beans!!; I am still living at my parents house for the moment, and my mum is looking after my nephews overnight tonight. My youngest nephew is 2 and a half and made me feel tired within 30mins of arrival!! lol bless him, he is into everything....he wanted a game on my laptop, then he wanted to play a game on my mobile, then he's watching CBeebies on the laptop...then playing with cars, farmyard, footballs etc round the front room... I am lucky that i don't have children of my own to look after as I don't quite know how I would do it! You keep getting better, and I hope you have a healthy, happy and stress-less 2010!! (I would say stress-free but you have too many little people and a hubby to look after, so that would just be plain silly! ;oD ) Take care Kelley
  23. Hi Adam, I suffered nose bleeds for a year prior to my SAH, and always from the right nostril. I went to my GP and was told that maybe I needed it cauterised. I also had a massive nosebleed whilst in Germany on the monday before the SAH on the Friday...it lasted at least 20minutes and I had pressure in my head then, but as I had suffered for a year with them, sometimes 2 or 3 a week but some weeks none at all....very random and not always when I had blown my nose either... I did say about it to the dr's consultants etc in the hospital but they didn't really advise whether it was anything to do with the aneurysm or the SAH?.... I would agree that you should get it checked out though. Let us know what the Dr says about it. Unless you have a contact at the operating hospital who could advise? I think I might mention again about all my nosebleeds when I finally get a follow-up appointment with the consultant at my operating hospital!... Take care Kel x
  24. Hi Paul, Debbie & Celia, Thanks for the welcome. Hi Sarah, Well I am glad you have posted a message on my story! It will be good to read yours, when you feel ready to try to post it again. I can't believe the paramedic said you would probably have better things to do on a saturday!! (I wrote my story in Word first then copied and pasted it over, as I thought it would be good for spell-check and to make changes when re-reading it through) Welcome to you too! Hi Louise, I am sure I will be ok with the remembering…in time! I tend to remember things about 4 hours after I needed to! Lol… I can have a laugh about it though...and it is not much worse than I was before the SAH!...so not too much harm done! lol Take care all Kelley
  25. Hi Louise, I must be lucky enough that it did not affect my memory too much. I do find I am struggling to think of the right words for things or people, more so than before the SAH! Even if an object is right in front of me I might not recall the name for it initially! It is a little frustrating but I understand this is just a slight side-effect which is not going to impact my life massively. Most of the time I am ok. Hi Cal, Again I think I must be lucky, as the initial self-diagnosis of pulled neck muscle and subsequent mis-diagnosis from the doctors could have caused goodness knows what complications...but I am alive & kicking and doing well thus far. Am hoping to go to Florida in late June for a nice break and to visit family out there for the first time ever! Cheers Kelley x
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