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Everything posted by JayKay

  1. Aw quine, I'm sorry you are feeling low I saw my neuropsychologist today and one of the things she asked me when I mentioned not wanting to seem a burden/invalid etc, was, did I fear my partner would leave? I said I have no idea, but she said it happens a lot It didn't sound so depressing when she said it, but I guess it might help to know you are not alone in your break up.... I would urge you to ask again for the counselling: it is really helping me even though I didn't feel I needed it. It is really easy for people around us to think we are all better so what's the problem? We know however that it's not as simple as that, I don't think even GPs know really. As for getting back to work, are you signing on? I was contacted by the Pathways to Work team at my Job Centre and the lady I spoke to was very helpful - she mentioned the Shaw Trust are working with them and they help disabled people get into work. You might not be "disabled" as per the perceived idea of a disability but you aren't fully over it are you? Anyway, ask them if they can help. Take care !
  2. Hola Luisa! I'm afraid I have no helpful advice (still early days for me, not working but no probs with my eyes any more), but I wanted to say hi and take care!
  3. Hi there! I'm afraid I'm no help as I had clipping, but I just wanted to say hello and I'm sure someone else will come on with good advice. I have heard of settling, so it seems pretty par for the course. Good luck
  4. ... for the geeks out there, this article is interesting! It's from the BBC Ouch! blog...
  5. My sister in law sent me this article today. I think we can all relate....! (it's called the truth about recovering from a brain injury).
  6. Bless her! I would talk to my GP and ask what support there is available. When my daughter was in secondary school she had appointments with Connexions to talk about her dad and it was really helpful; I don't know if they do that for younger kids though. I know there is all kinds of help available to help with bereavement - well they might not have lost their dad, but they've seen some scary stuff haven't they? I do hope you find an answer. HUGS!
  7. Hello Angela - glad you posted at last. See, it wasn't so bad eh? Look forward to hearing from you more. Take care!
  8. Hello Zoe - hope that rehab works wonders for Richard
  9. Hi Willow! Very early days for you to be on the computer - well done Welcome to BTG and look forward to hearing your story soon.
  10. I can sympathise with the mood swings I didn't notice at first, but more recently it's really beginning to bother me. I can't help it, but it's really upsetting me. It's reassuring to know others suffer from it too.
  11. Gosh, what a lot of research you've done! I'll take a look at those later. Take care!
  12. Fantastic news! I still can't imaging going back to work I feel fine, but as soon as I do something little it wears me out.... So he's doing amazingly well!
  13. Hi Georgina and welcome I'm only 4 months on, so the fatigue etc is still very present in my life. I can NOT imagine how you looked after your little ones after your SAH!! Ask away - we've all been there!
  14. Gosh what a lot has happened to you guys! Welcome to BTG - everyone here is so lovely and they all understand what you've been through. I said this to someone else, but I'll repeat it here: my hospital referred me to the neuro rehab place and I see the Psychologist about once a week. She hasn't even begun to test my cognitive function: first we are going through how I feel about what happened. If you haven't been referred as part of your package, maybe you could ask your GP? I find it very helpful to answer all my questions. Take care!
  15. I think you are right there, Midge. In the Stroke Unit I saw people who were terribly badly affected, and it made me realise "there but for the grace of God" and all that....! Hope you get an answer about the hair loss.
  16. Congratulations! Not sure about the hot head though!! I, too, think you've done amazingly well to go back to work already. I'm 4 months post annie and I get the heebie jeebies just thinking about going back to work It's funny though: at first I was sure I'd be back there within weeks, but the more I do the more I realise I just can't do all that any more. At least not for the moment. I do do a bit of admin work for my lovely Consultant (private rather than NHS; I just take phone messages and pull notes for one clinic a week). It keeps my brain ticking over and on the ESA you can do "permitted work" for a few hours each weak - it used to be called "therapeutic work" which I think is a better term for it. Have a great party!!
  17. Looks good! I am in touch with Different Strokes but the closest meeting to me is miles away. When I'm ready, they said they'd help me set up a local group in Watford
  18. Gosh, you have a lot on your plate. Thank goodness your 4 yr old is ok!! Hope Richard gets his place. Good luck
  19. This is interesting because I was very aware after my SAH that I wasn't remembering any dreams any more. Or wasn't dreaming - who knows?! However, after about three months they came back again and I now have quite vivid dreams again....
  20. Well done! Hope you feel you can come back and post soon
  21. I've tried to formulate several replies to this, but none of them sounded right! Wishing your friend all the best in weighing up the pros and cons. Hope she can find some comfort here.
  22. Hi bubbles! Don't worry, take your time. We understand Just glad you found us.
  23. Hi Kylie and welcome! I'm glad you found us Thank you for sharing your story. It's good that you have so few after effects but I know how hard it is when you appear fine but somuch has changed. I know I'm much more emotional and get irritated very easily! Take care and look forward to "chatting" some more.
  24. Not wanting to hijack the thread, but wanted to respond to Kel: I didn't think I needed neuro counselling either.... until I started it!! I am finding it very helpful indeed because at first I thought oh I'm fine, I survived this, so I'll be ok. But now I've started I realise I have been in denial about how serious it was etc. It's really good Hi Katie (another one here who can't remember if I welcomed you already!). Hope you continue to get the help you need! Take care.
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