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Everything posted by Janet

  1. Hi Sharon Congratulations on the job . Also glad the new tablets are helping your Mum. Janet x
  2. Hi Prue So glad you've had a good day today it must be really encouraging that the Nurse thinks you're doing so well. Just remember to take it easy and rest when you can. The double vision is horrible mine took quite a few months to get better and if I get too tired it still gets blurry even now. Janet x
  3. Hi Nyx Welcome to BTG sorry to hear about your Mum. It is very early days for her yet stay strong and as positive as you can. Your Mum will need all your love and support in the coming weeks and months. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Janet x
  4. Hi Beth Glad the Angiogram went well really hope you don't have to wait to long for the procedure. Rest up and take it easy. Janet x
  5. Hi Lauren Glad you feel better for getting everything of your chest so to speak. With regard to BTG meets the next one is a Xmas meet at Karen's House details are on the Green Room Forum. Laura is also having a 30th Birthday Party in March in Coventry details on Social events Forum. I don't think there are anymore planned yet for next year but just keep an eye on the message boards as I'm certain there will be more planned in the New Year. Janet x
  6. Hi Cal I only work 5 hours a day and still get very tired although I try not to sleep during the day if I can. My legs also get very heavy if I get overtired and I'm nearly 2 years post SAH. So glad his G.P has arranged a further scan and an appointment with the Neuro hopefully they'll be able to answer more of your questions. Love to you both. Janet x
  7. Hi Karen What fabulous news so pleased to hear that you're mum is doing so well and kept her sense of humour. Janet x
  8. Hi Kelly I know exactly how you feel with regard to spending money on things you neither want or need. In the first 6 months after my SAH I too had a terrible compulsion to just buy for the sake of buying. Your husband is right to take your card away for the time being. I found that I had to remove all my cards from my purse altogether and have since cut up quite a few as I still don't 100% trust myself with them. I also try not to go into town unless I really need to buy something which also removes the urge to binge buy. I never had a problem with with this sort of behaviour prior to my SAH so can only imagine that it has been triggered by the SAH but it is getting easier to resist as time goes by. Janet x
  9. Hi Lauren It must have been really hard for you at a time when a lot of us had the love and support of our families you were on your own and trying to care for your mother as well. You come across as a person who has had to rush your recovery with being on your own. With regards to the depression it may be an idea for you to get your G.P to refer you for Counselling as it will give you a chance to talk through your SAH and all the events which have happened since. With regards to your sister I suppose she is one of the people who should be able to fill in some of the blanks for you but if you have spent a large part of your youth helping your Mum to bring her up it maybe that its too painful for her to talk about. My only other suggestion would be to try and get to one of the meets we have as it really is rewarding meeting and speaking in person to other SAHers and does help a lot emotionally as well. Thinking of you and sending some big hugs hope you reach a solution that is right for you. Janet x
  10. Hi Dee Welcome to BTG your story sounds a little bit like my own except I went into my local hospital and spent almost a week there before my SAH was diagnosed and treated. You are still very early on in your recovery so remember to be kind to yourself and get plenty of rest and fluids. Look forward to hearing more from you. Janet x
  11. Hi Prudence Welcome to BTG gosh you are very early on in your recovery. I had a third nerve palsy in my left eye and my eyelid was closed completely for about 7 weeks after my SAH. When the lid did open the vision was blurred,distorted and double for a couple of months after that. I must say I was extremely lucky to recover my vision as I had been advised that I wouldn't. I now only get blurriness when tired and double vision if I turn too sharply. I think you sound at the moment as if you are doing really well just remember to get plenty of rest as well. Take care look forward to hearing more from you soon. Janet x
  12. Hi Shiree Yep do seem to get quite a few of them. The most annoying one is when I get a tic by my left eye but it is normally when I'm very tired. Janet x
  13. Hi Everyone I have had a lot of neck pain post SAH and just put it down to after-effects. I had also suffered with a slight numbness in my left hand mainly on waking, this week however the numbnesshas spread up my arm with a tingling sensation making it really uncomfortable especially so at work. Whilst at the Doctors yesterday I mentioned it and said I thought it was a side effect of my medication as it does state can cause numbness and tingling sensations. The Doctor assured me it wasn't the medication or it would have started straight away. She completed all the reflex tests and diagnosed Arthritis in my neck due to wear and tear but probably aggravated by the SAH. I just wondered if anyone else has also been disgnosed with Arthritis in the neck since having their SAH. Janet x
  14. Janet

    New here!

    Hi Claire I felt the same in the first few months just thinking about doing things made me feel tired think I was also slightly obsessive as well. Once I started to feel a little better I became quite compulsive for a few months and started buying all kinds of clothes, shoes gadgets that I had no use for at all. Lots of things I did return but still coming across carrier bags with clothes in and labels still attached. I found it hard to stop and the only real way around it was not to go into town unless its for something specific also took all my credit cards out of my purse which helps too. I satisfy my compulsion by window shopping on the internet will fill a basket full of things then just click off the site without going through the checkout. Seems to get rid of the craving because most of the buzz comes from choosing the items not necessarily paying for them. Janet x
  15. Hi Shiree/Caroline I think it is natural to worry and I still do worry at times even now especially when my head pain is really bad. I find it worse when my head is bad at night and I'm on my own when it takes me a bit longer to rationalise it and put it back into context. Janet x
  16. Hi Kelly No need to feel ashamed brilliant news that you now have your license back happy motoring when you get around to it. Janet x
  17. Hi Karen Just had a look it is Jill Bolte think that Lindi posted once before as have seen it previously but well worth a watch for anyone who hasn't already seen it as it is very interesting. Janet x
  18. Janet

    New here!

    Hi Claire Welcome to BTG hope you find it as useful as I always have, there is a wealth of information and advice on the different forums well worth a slow read through. Look forward to hearing more from you. Janet x
  19. Hi Phil Just found a link to non-anuerysm SAH for you to read into. http://www.behindthegray.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=76 Janet x
  20. Hi Phil A very warm welcome to our virtual community. We do have a few members who have had the same as yourself with no cause found for their SAH. The peculiar sensations you got are another sign of overdoing it as well as the more usual ones of fatigue and tiredness. Almost two years down the line and I still get very weird sensations more so when I have overdone things. Eight weeks down the line is very early days and as the others have already said it does take time for the brain to recover so be kind to yourself and take plenty of rests as well as drinking plenty of fluids. Look forward to hearing more from you. Janet x
  21. Hi Nurianna Glad the appointment went well and that you managed to get the answers to all the questions you asked. Janet x
  22. Hi Caroline Like Karen I'm struggling to lose weight not gain it so can't offer any advice. Janet x
  23. Hi Nikki I returned to work at about 7 months post SAH and gradually increased my hours to 30 then in August this year realised that it was too much for me and had to reduce down again. I found that when I worked more hours it was taking me all weekend to recover so I didn't feel that I had any real time to myself. Janet x
  24. Hi Nikki I still have good and bad times and the bad times are generally when I have overdone things. Its so tempting when things are going well to forget to listen to your body but boy does it let you know bigtime that you've overdone it. Janet x
  25. Janet

    Hello, all

    Hi Beth Welcome and good luck with the Angiogram hope all goes well for you. Look forward to hearing more from you. Janet x
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