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Everything posted by Janet

  1. Hi Angie Welcome to our family I'm certain that you will find all the help and support you need on this wonderful sight. You sound as if you have made a good recovery but please remember to listen to your body and rest plenty. Look forward to hearing a lot more from you. Janet x
  2. Hi Zoe A warm welcome to BTG I'm certain that you will find the site a useful place to visit we all offer help, support and friendship to each other its been a godsend to me during my recovery. I don't know anything about Tersons but had a third nerve palsy in my left eye thankfully I proved the Opthalmics wrong and have recovered the majority of my sight in my left eye, Look forward to hearing more from you. Janet x
  3. Hi Terry A warm welcome to BTG you will find plenty of support and frienship here. Look forward to hearing more from you. Janet x
  4. Hi Jan Welcome to BTG sounds like you've had a tough year. I think most of us have had too change our outlook on life and you're right its much too short to let things wind us up. Look forward to hearing more from you. Janet x
  5. Janet

    I m helpless

    Hi Kaantay Welcome to the site as some of the others have already said we cannot offer medical advice. So sorry to hear about your mother stay strong it is very early days yet really hoping that things will improve. Janet x
  6. Well done Laura and Simon and I imagine it was very stressful and quite emotional. Here's hoping that it gets shown as well. Janet x
  7. Janet


    Hi Phil What fantastic news and just about the best first words you could hope to hear. Well done Sharon. Love and best wishes to both of you. Janet x
  8. I haven't suffered with distorted taste but find that I now eat a lot of foods I never would have before my SAH such as chillies and stronger spicier curries. Karen my sense of smell seems to have heightened forever thinking that I smell gas in the house. Janet x
  9. I didn't sleep very well for the first few months as I suffered with extreme anxiety which made it hard to get to sleep. I also used to get a horrible jolting sensation just as I started to drift off. I sleep pretty well now but like Sami I haven't really had any dreams at all since the SAH or not that I can remember. Janet x
  10. Hi Karen I was 43 when I had mine and was clipped. Mine was the opposite side to yours. Janet x
  11. Hi Vaughan Welcome to BTG look forward to hearing more from you. Janet x
  12. Janet


    Hi Sharon Brilliant news about your mum getting the sort of place she needs. Hope you had a fabulous holiday in Oz. Janet x
  13. Hi Joanne Welcome to BTG hope you find it as useful as I always have. I agree with Karen and Keith you do need to discuss everything with your G.P and don't let work or there O/H force you back before you feel ready. I hope your G.P manages to get the Neuro Centre to bring forward the follow up appointment fr you. Look forward to hearing more from you. Janet x
  14. Hi Donna I too have have problems with loosing weight post SAH. I'm also short for my weight but found the pills I was on before Xmas were responsible for some of the gain. Gyms can be good but are very expensive. I used to enjoy the one I went to before it closed down it had special weight adjusted machines and only took 30 minutes. Unfortunately there isn't anything else like it in this area and I can't use conventional gym equipment as I have oesteo-arthritis in both hips. Myra and the others are right its finding a type of exercise that is right for you and doesn't use up too much energy. I bought a pilates rower basically 2 foot straps attached to thick elastic with handles and it comes with a DVD showing the diffeent exercises. The bonus is they only cost about £12 and take about 45 mins for the whole workout. Janet x
  15. Hi John Happy Annie-versary to you too.
  16. Happy 3rd Annie-versary Lucie. Enjoy tomorrow whatever you're doing. Janet x
  17. Hi Me too Sami definitely sticking with the nicotine can't stand tomatoes or Aubergines Janet x
  18. Hi Komodo A warm welcome to BTG its nice to hear that you feel well enough to be going back to work. Just remember to take things slowly at first it can quite tiring the first few months back. Look forward to hearing more from you and let us know how you get on at work. Janet x
  19. Hi Debbie A warm welcome to the site look forward to hearing more from you soon. Janet x
  20. Hi Scott You can definitely count me in as well like a fair few of the others I also was discharged with no information whatsoever. So would really love to help in anyway that I can. BTW seen one of the Neuro-Registrars who was present during my surgery and was telling him about this site and what a lifesafer it has been to me in my recovery. He took the web address and promised to visit the site seemed very interested in it so hopefully it may be passed onto to other survivors. Janet x
  21. Hi Anne I also tend to take longer to recover when I catch colds or get chest infections. I think Karen is right its the dreaded fatigue that seems to make everythig take longer to clear up. Scott hope you feel better soon. Janet x
  22. Hi Donna I also still suffer with lots of aches and pains like you in the back of my head and neck. I also find that if I stand still for too long it does still affect my balance. I must look strange at the bus stop hopping from foot to foot but it doesn't affect me as much if I'm moving. You have come a long way in the last 9 months and being back at work can make you more tired which makes all the aches and pains seem worse at times. Give yourself a pat on the back you're doing great especially as you have an adorable little boy to look after as well. Janet x
  23. Hi Lauren So glad you had such a lovely holiday. Its a shame that your Mum is not so good but dementia often starts slowly then speeds up. At least you had a nice Christmas together and you're right to let her carers and G.P give the rest of the family any advice they need. Hope you get the car sorted out soon and that you don't let others put you back on a guilt trip you have nothing to feel guilty about. Wishing you a happier and healthier 2009. Janet x
  24. Hi Nurianna I had a clipping done and had my hair dyed after about 3 months. I now have it done regularly every couple of months. The only thing I can't have is bleach washes and that is only because the smell makes me feel sick now it didn't used to. I can also sympathise with the weight gain/flab I think a lot of us ladies on here have difficulty with our weight and as you say it certainly isn't over-eating. It is most likely the fact that we can't exercise properly due to what our bodies have been through. Make that appointment and get your hair done it will make you feel a lot better. Janet x
  25. Hi Graham I've been told that it depends on the type of clip and the material its made from. I think that the Titanium ones are ok as they're not as magnetic as some of the older ones. Janet x
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